Chapter 57

Qui-Gon had arrived at Olympus Station and had started searching for where Yrena was at.

But she was nowhere to be found on the station. He searched for hours before he just decided to ask the other force user who was with her.

He knew that from the report's and the gossip of people around the station that she was the Director of the station which was surprising to him that the Director of such a powerful station was a Force User.

Perhaps she used to be part of the Jedi Order or maybe she was somebody from the Galactic Empire who turned against the Emperor.

Whatever it was Qui-Gon hoped to speak with her. And the only way to do that was to go to the Administration part of the Station where all of the admin stuff happens.

Thing's like meeting's between powerful people, OSF Headquarters, and the Director's office was located here.

Once Qui-Gon got off of the Elevator to the Admin part of the station he had seen a sign that said Appointment's with a bunch of desks under the sign.

So he approached one of the desks causing the worker to look up. "How may I help you sir my name is Kyle Lor part of the administration staff and in charge scheduling appointment's to meet with the Director may I get your Name and Profession so that i can see whether or not you are able to schedule an appointment" Said the Kyle as he begin typing on his Computer.

"My name is Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn of the Jedi High Council" Responded Qui-Gon

Kyle didn't look up from his computer upon hearing this since he has seen many powerful people come and go so at this point seeing a Jedi is not surprising.

"Okay Master Jedi your approved for an appointment now may I know what's the reason for your appointment" Asked Kyle

Before Qui-Gon could answer a woman had called out to Kyle.

"Kyle I've just received order's from the Director to let him in no appointment needed" This was the Manager of the Administration staff Ema.

"Yes Ma'am I will let him up immediately" Said Kyle before turning back to Qui-Gon

"Well Master Jedi it seems that the Director want's to speak with you so you can take that Elevator to the top floor and the Director will be waiting on you" Said Kyle

"Thank you for the Help" Said Qui-Gon as he walked towards the elevator.

Once inside he pressed the button for the top floor. The Elevator doors closed as it began to move upwards.

It took less than a minute before he arrived at the top floor.

The Elevator doors opened and he saw a desk in front of him with a woman sitting at the desk. He also seen on both sides of the Elevator doors two armed guards.

The Woman upon seeing him had stood up and walked over "Jedi Master Qui-Gon if you would please follow me and I will lead you to the Director of the station now" Said the Assistant

"Lead the way" Said Qui-Gon as he followed the woman to a room that was behind the desk just further away.

The Assistant opened the door as she announced "Ma'am Jedi Master Qui-Gon has arrived just as requested"

"Wonderful you may leave now" Responded Aina as she stood up and pointed to the chair across from her.

"Please Master Jedi come sit down so that we can talk" Said Aina

Qui-Gon walked to the seat and sat down "This is a wonderful station that you have here and is massive, and well managed"

"Yes we must keep it that way or else chaos will consume the station and lives could be lost because of something that could be prevented" Responded Aina

"But I know that the station is not the reason why you are here" Said Aina as she continued "First my name is Aina the Director of the station and the one your looking for is my Sister Yrena correct"

Qui-Gon was surprised that she knew the exact reason why he was here. And even more surprised to learn that both her and Yrena were sister's.

"Yes but how did you know that" Asked Qui-Gon

"I figured this would happen once the video of that fight got out and I predicted what movement's both you and the Empire would make after that incident" Responded Aina

"Then I hope that we can both come to some terms to get the information that I am looking for" Asked Qui-Gon

"Yes the information that you are looking for is right here" Said Aina as she put a Hologram recording device on the table which contained the information about the Inquisitor's and the Emperor.

"And what do you want in exchange for this information" Asked Qui-Gon

Aina smiled at this statement "I want nothing. I intend to remain neutral in this conflict" Said Aina

Qui-Gon couldn't sense that anything was wrong but still he was quite unsure of this situation "So you want nothing in exchange for this valuable information that the Empire would destroy this station over" Asked Qui-Gon

"Exactly, But be warned that this evidence will result in a Conflict whether or not you want it to or not. So just be prepared for the repercussions of what will happen" Said Aina

"And what are these Repercussions that you speak of" Asked Qui-Gon

"The Jedi will not sit idly by while the Empire train's force user's in the dark side but more than that once you see the information on that holo recorder the Jedi High Council will be forced to take action" Said Aina

Qui-Gon was about to ask another question when Aina stopped him "Im sorry Master Jedi but will not tell you anything more just know that all the information you need is on that device. Present it to the Jedi High Council and then whatever happens after that one can only imagine" Said Aina

Qui-Gon didn't try to press the issue any further since he was more intrigued to find out what kind of information is on this device.

"Very well I won't ask anymore question's" Said Qui-Gon as he stood up. "The Jedi High Council thanks you for helping us in this matter myself included. If there is anything that the Director of the Olympus Station needs help in you can always come to Coruscant and the Jedi High Council will repay it's debt to you" Said Qui-Gon as he left the room.

He walked past the Assistant who thanked him for coming and wished him a good day.

He returned the gesture and took the elevator back down to the Admin offices.

Once their he returned to his Jed Fighter and proceeded back to Coruscant.

Meanwhile on the planet of Taris the Capital of the Galactic Empire the Emperor was talking to the Leader of the Trade Federation who he had under his control already.

"Your Majesty our fleet is already heading to Naboo and we will initiate a Legal blockade of the planet forcing the Senate to do something" Said Viceroy Nute Gunray

"Very good soon the Republic will be under the control of the Empire and the Trade Federation will be able to reap great rewards from this" Said Emperor Palpatine.

"I'll Report back if anything changes" Said the Viceroy as the hologram disappeared.

"Soon it will all be mine" Said Emperor Palpatine as he began to laugh.