Chapter 69

1 Month Later

The Terran forces on Mandalore has made considerable progress on the surface of the planet. Many Cities had already fallen while the Droid forces and the Mandalore Clan's who sided with them is being pushed back.

Some small Clans had switched sides and joined up with House Kryze making their side gain more support.

The Clan's who had joined the CIS side had started to see that the CIS was getting beat badly and they were losing warrior's fast.

Clan Wren and House Saxon were saved and released from their captivity by the Mandalorian force's under House Kryze.

Thousand's of their warriors were also freed and now they were back in the fight. 

However Clan Eldar was in a difficult situation as they were being pushed back by House Kryze and her allies, the Terran Ascendency.

The Head of Clan Eldar, Chorr Eldar regretted his decision to join the Pro-War faction since now his house might be destroyed.

If he is lucky he might get a chance to redeem himself if he begs for mercy from Duchess Satine, but who knows if she would accept what he has to say.

As he sat in his Residence he prepared to surrender to House Kryze before hand so that his warrior's lives can be spared and they can live to fight another day and see the rise of the Mandalorian people under the Leader ship of Duchess Satine.

And he wasn't the only Clan Leader that thought this since the other's had seen the Forces of Clan Eldar withdrawing from the Frontlines and they knew exactly what was going on.

So the other clan's of the Pro-war faction did the same and pulled their forces back from the frontline.

House Kast the Bigger Mandalorian faction amongst the Pro-War faction had already been in contact with House Kryze and made a secret agreement to join their side, and in exchange they will be promised a high position in the new Mandalorian Government once the war is over with.

But the leader of the remaining CIS forces on the planet had predicted this and as such had sent droid forces to the remaining Mandalorian clan's, and houses that originally joined them to teach them a lesson about betraying them.

Supreme Commander Nas Mor of the CIS was left on Mandalore and abandoned by the CIS. He did not want to die here fighting for something he didn't believe in.

He was only given the position of Supreme Commander because he was the son of a powerful person who was on the CIS Executive Council who wanted a hand in the military.

He didn't even believe in what the CIS was standing for since secretly he knew that the reason for this war was because of the Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

Nas Mor took one last look at the tactical map in front of him and looking at how many droids he had lost he didn't want to be killed. He would rather be taken alive and hopefully make a deal to be set free on the promise that he would disappear from the Galaxy.

But the other officers with him want to fight until the end and if he decided to surrender then they would probably kill him and take his position for themselves and fight a senseless battle against an enemy that they can't defeat.

Luckily that was about to change as in the air a Gunship carrying the Spartan's were headed for the HQ of the CIS.

"Okay listen here, we are going to take down everybody who get's in our way, but we will not hurt the high value target, is that understood" Explained Lt. Williams

"Yes, Sir" Shouted the Spartan Team

In the next moment the doors opened on the gunship revealing the sound of anti air batteries going off around the them.

One of the Spartan's grabbed the experimental laser guns and aimed them at the anti air batteries as he pressed the trigger.

The laser shot out in a straight beam as the Spartan destroyed all of the anti-air batteries in a matter of seconds.

Lt. Williams looked at the Spartan and patted him on the shoulder. The Spartan moved back and put the gun back down in a box located in the gunship.

That's when the Spartan team jumped out of the Gunship and started to head for the enemy HQ to secure their target.

Meanwhile inside of the enemy HQ a droid had reported what was happening to Nas Mor and his other officer's.

"One Gunship has just destroyed our entire anti-air batteries and is now leaving the area" Reported one of the droids.

The officers looked at each other since without any air defense, the enemy can attack them from the air without much resistance besides the few fighter's they had.

"We should have launched the fighter's" Said one of the officer's.

"No, We can't risk losing the rest of our fighter's over one gunship which may have been used to draw out our fighter's in the first place" Screamed another officer.

It was a constant back and forth between the officer's as they argued over what they should have done and about what they just lost.

Nas Mor only watched in silence since now what could they do to defend themselves.

That's when all of a suddenly the Droid in front of them stopped working and had fallen on the ground.

All the officer's looked in confusion "What happened to the Droid" Questioned the officers as a three figures in armor walked into the room with weapons drawn.

"We have the target's what do we do now" Said Lt. Williams talking through his communicator

"Kill everybody except the Supreme Commander as planned" Ordered the person on the other end of the communicator.

"Very well" Said Lt. Williams as him and the two Spartan's behind him opened fire on the Officer's sparing Supreme Commander Nas Mor.

Lt. Williams knocked him out carried him out of the base while Terran and Mandalorian forces started to move into the city.

Lt. Williams and his team had two mission upon entering the enemies HQ. First to disable all droids on the planet by disabling the droid control device located somewhere inside of the enemy base.

Second was to secure Supreme Commander Nas Mor and bring him in as a protected prisoner.

They had complete both of their mission's and now the war was nearing it's end. All they had to do now was to mop up the rest of the other force's who opposed them on the planet and then Mandalore would be united.


Meanwhile throughout the war Olympus station has been transformed into a giant neutral zone for the war.

A Brand new galactic Hospital was built as another section of the base. Medical professionals from all over the Galaxy was hired since the Hospital was massive. 

But still the amount of people coming in was a lot. But they had enough staff and room to handle them.

The Shipyards were also used by both sides as per an agreement which prohibited fighting within the vicinity of the Olympus Station.

Both sides agreed and now you could see warship's occasionally getting repaired increasing the profit's of the station tremendously.

It has also become a central hub for hiring mercenaries by the Republic, Empire, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

For now this was not something that the two factions at war considered a threat but as the war progresses that will change.