Chapter 72

The Council was shocked at what Alexander just said. Terraforming a planet wasn't something that was impossible to do but it has never been done in the history of the galaxy by any known empire.

The last terraforming technology used was during the rein of the Infinite Empire. But that history of the Galaxy is not exactly known information by everybody in the Galaxy.

That history was lost from Galactic records and as such nobody probably less than a handful of people know about it.

But even the thought of terraforming was something that would take decades of research to do and a lot of funding.

So when the councilor's heard this they were shocked. So Alexander explained to them a few more details and even showing them data to support his claim.

Most of that data had things that the Councilor's couldn't understand since it was so advanced. But in the end they accepted since this would be a great achievement and it wouldn't hurt the Mandalorian's in any way.

The Councilor's had approved of all the things proposed by Alexander and Duchess Satine had gave her final approval before the Document's were signed into the Mandalorian records.

Then the councilor's had talked about a few minor things involving the Mandalorian Military and Civilian Matters.

Once the meeting was over Alexander was invited to speak to Duchess Satine in private and away from the council.

So now they were sitting in a room with Duchess Satine and her sister sitting across from Alexander.

"So your Majesty I want to know more about now that we can talk in private" Asked Duchess Satine as she wanted to know about how Alexander is in the position that he is in now.

"Well that is actually secret information that I can't reveal to you just yet, but what I can tell is that I originate from the Unknown Region's and besides the Planet of Zakuul, I have a lot more planet's under my control with a lot more people" Said Alexander keeping the most crucial information to himself.

"I see" Said Duchess Satine as she was slightly disappointed "I expected to here some great stories about how you became the man you are today" 

Bo-Katan who was silent until now had spoke "I too wish to here of some stories as I am quite interested in you Alexander" Said Bo-Katan calling him by his name instead of his title.

Duchess Satine looked at her sister who had just casually called him by his name "Sister, What are you saying"

But Alexander raised his hand "It's quite alright to call me Alexander since we will be long time allies from now on, so both of you can call me by my name"

"See Sister he doesn't mind" Said Bo-Katan as she looked at Alexander. She doesn't know why but every time she looks at him for too long she could feel that she couldn't look away.

Yrena and Yona had noticed and had looked at each other and nodded "Duchess Satine why don't we let Master go and explore the Palace while we have a talk between us women" Said Yona

"That sounds quite interesting but I wish to hear some stories first and then we can have that talk" Said Duchess Satine as she turned back towards Alexander.

"Fine I'll tell you some storied of my battle in the unknown regions" Said Alexander as began with the battle on Lehon against the Rakata.

Alexander had spent almost an hour telling about his various battle in the Unknown region's with Duchess Satine and Bo-Katan asking a lot of questions since they were curious.

Once he was done he had went to go and talk with the individual councilor's to learn more about them while Yrena and Yona stayed inside the room with Duchess Satine.

"Good now that Master is gone ladies, I want to invite the two of you to join me and my sister Yrena in His Majesty's grand Harem" Said Yona as she did not hold back and just said what she wanted to say.

Both Duchess Satine and Bo-Katan were outright shocked at what they just heard from Yona's mouth.

She wanted both of them to join them in a harem meaning that they would share him with each other.

Bo-Katan was the first to respond "That doesn't sound too bad"

Duchess Satine looked at her sister who like the idea.

"This is moving way too fast" Said Duchess Satine since she just met with Alexander today.

"It won't be an instant thing as first you have to get to know each other, but once that is over you can help us defeat him" Said Yrena as she smiled

"What do you mean defeat him" Asked Duchess Satine confused on what they were talking about.

That's when her sister Bo-Katan leaned in closer to whisper in her ear what it meant. Once she heard what it meant her face turned red since she never expected to do something like this in her life.

"You like him right Duchess Satine" Asked Yrena since earlier she could tell that Duchess Satine 100% liked her Master

Duchess Satine could only nod her head since she couldn't deny what she felt.

"Alright then sister let's slowly get close to him and build up our relation ship, then once we do that we can climb the mountain and ride it" Said Bo-Katan

Yrena and Yona left the two sister's to talk while they got close to each other to talk.

"Our plan was successful sister" Said Yrena as she was smiling

"Yes I agree now we might can be Master and then we can request that he do whatever we want" Said Yona as they had been scheming the entire time.

Meanwhile Alexander was gone talking with some of the people around the Palace not knowing that a plan was brewing against him to defeat him by his own servant's.