Chapter 108

The wedding was a grand event, broadcasted to every planet in the Terran Ascendency and eventually throughout the Galactic Web. Yrena was the mastermind behind the planning and organization of the ceremony, setting a specific date for it to take place.

Meanwhile, Yona took charge of ensuring that the parade through the city on the day of the event would run smoothly and that security measures were tight. This will also be the time when the Terran Ascendency will conduct a Military Parade at the same time showing off some of the powerful weapons that they had in their arsenal.

The Ceremony was set to occur in two months at the heart of Lehon, the Capital City. All members chosen to marry Alexander were given notice of the date and instructed to present themselves in their finest attire on that day.

The selected individuals included Abeloth, Aina, Yrena, Yona, Duchess Satine Kryze, Bo-Katan Kryze, and Padme Amidala; they would be the only ones joined in marriage to him for the foreseeable future.

As the announcement brewed, Alexander focused on training his two Apprentices, Ahsoka and Nera. He was determined to help them develop a deeper understanding of their abilities and the Force. Only then would they truly become powerful Force Users, with full knowledge of their capabilities and how to wield them.

Fortunately, the training had been progressing smoothly and both Ahsoka and Nera were learning a great deal from Alexander's guidance and instructions. They were grateful to have such a skilled Master, knowing that this type of training would lead them to a bright future ahead.

Time had passed and eventually 2 Months had passed and it was time for the Ceremony. The space around Lehon was crowded as Millions of people had come to witness the Ceremony.

The air crackled with excitement as the grand day arrived. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a golden glow over the bustling city of Lehon. Streets were adorned with colorful banners and flowers, and the scent of anticipation hung in the air.

The wedding was attended by prominent figures from different planets, including all Sector and System Governors. High-ranking military officers were also present, including Legion. Mandalorians were also spotted on the planet, eager to witness their Duchess's marriage.

The announcement of Alexander's list of potential spouses surprised many in the Galaxy; some expected more names on the list while others were taken aback by certain names being included.

The Shreeftut of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium was in attendance, given a prime seat to witness the ceremony as the Vassal of the Terran Ascendency. This event also caused quite a stir throughout the Galaxy as it was broadcasted on multiple news networks, showcasing races such as the O'reenians and Ssi-ruuvi that had never been seen before. As a result, many began to question the true size and diversity of the Terran Ascendency's empire.

As all of this was happening, Alexander was in his chambers preparing for the day. The Maids were bustling around him, making sure that every piece of his attire was perfect and that he was comfortable.

"Does this fit well, Your Highness?" asked the Head Maid as she finished placing his Royal Cloak on his shoulders.

Alexander checked the fit by feeling around and stretching his arms out. To his satisfaction, it was a snug yet comfortable fit.

"It fits perfectly," remarked Alexander. The maid then asked him to turn around so she could apply something to his face, making it smoother. After she finished, Alexander stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. "Looks like today is the day," he said to himself. Shortly after, Maul entered the room, dressed in an expensive outfit as he would be Alexander's bodyguard during the ceremony. "Is everything prepared?" asked Alexander.

"All preparations have been completed, and it's time," responded Maul. 

"Very well then, let's go." Alexander and Maul exited the room, followed by the Guardian Knights as they made their way through the halls of the palace.

Once outside, they boarded a shuttle that took them to the center of the city where a small palace-like structure stood. This is where the ceremony would take place. In preparation for this day, Alexander had changed his last name from Hamilton to Caliban, as it seemed more fitting for a royal household in this setting.

The shuttle landed and Alexander emerged to a crowd of cheering people, who called out his name in excitement. He calmly walked towards the stage where the Ceremony was set to take place, smiling and waving at the adoring crowd.

The Order of Guardians Knights were strategically placed throughout the area, ensuring Alexander's protection and the safety of the Ceremony. Soon after, a group of individuals proceeded down the pathway that led to the stage. These were all of the Brides, accompanied by members of the Nightsisters.

The murmuring crowd fell silent as the Brides made their way towards the stage. Alexander couldn't believe his luck - he was about to marry these stunning women in front of him. In his previous life, such a thing would have been impossible.

The onlookers watched as the Brides walked down the pathway and lined up in front of Alexander on the stage. The Priest, who had been sent from Naboo, began the ceremony. He recited some traditional marriage words before allowing them to exchange their own vows with each other.

All of the brides had their own unique vows, but they all held the same meaning. Meanwhile, Alexander only had one set of vows for all of them.

Once the vows were exchanged, Maul presented the rings to Alexander. He carefully placed a ring on each of his new wives' fingers as Maul followed behind, carrying all of the other rings.

The rings were crafted from the most precious crystals that Alexander could find. After putting a ring on each bride's finger, Abeloth - the Primary Wife - slid a ring onto Alexander's finger in return.

Next came the final step of the wedding ceremony, where the bride and groom exchanged a kiss in front of everyone. Alexander was then surrounded by all of his new brides who were eagerly waiting to be officially married. Without hesitation, Alexander kissed each one of them, sealing their marriage vows.

The crowd erupted in cheers and a joyous celebration began. As they made their way down the pathway, Alexander was accompanied by a battalion of Troopers marching behind him and his new wives.

All of them boarded a large open transport as a convoy started to form in front and behind them. The Ceremony was now over and now it was time for the Parade which would travel around the city and eventually back to the Palace.

A joyous atmosphere filled the planet Lehon as their Emperor had recently tied the knot, leading to a total of 7 Empresses within the Terran Ascendency. Each of them eagerly awaited what would transpire tonight upon their return to the Palace.

While some were calm and collected, others like Bo-Katan could barely contain their excitement. She longed to embrace him on the transport, but with it being open and in the midst of a grand parade, she decided to hold back until tonight where she could finally release all her pent-up stress and desires.

The Parade lasted a grueling 6 hours, showcasing the might and power of the Terran Military as they traveled through the city. By the time they returned to the Palace, night had fallen.

The 7 Empresses wasted no time, dragging Alexander to his Chambers and indulging in their desires. The symphony of screams and moans echoed throughout the night, and even when morning arrived, it continued.

For Alexander, this was a daunting task - satisfying all 7 Empresses. It was a battle that lasted through the night, but he emerged victorious as his final opponent succumbed to overwhelming pleasure.