Chapter 129

"I did it because sometimes people need to taught the hard way what happens to those who take the Freedom I give them and try to turn it against me. I'm sure you've seen the video so you should know what happened" Alexander didn't need to explain his actions when the video showed everything that happened.

Padme questioned, "Why didn't you consider another option? I'm sure there was a different approach you could have taken." She argued, unconvinced that there was no other solution.

But before Alexander could respond to her question Abeloth had stepped in "Padme How about me and you go and talk about this in private" 

Padme turned to look at Abeloth and wanted to refuse but from Abeloth smile she could tell exactly what she was thinking.

'You better come with me or I will drag you out myself, I don't care if we are sisters' Is what Abeloth's face basically said.

So Padme just nodded and left the room with Abeloth leaving Alexander to stand there and think about his next plans. The war in the Unknown Regions is basically over and all he has to do is subjugate the rest of the nations in the Region and then that part of the Galaxy will be under his control.

As for the Core Worlds, the Mid rim and the Outer Rim, Alexander had some long term plans for those Regions which involved a complete takeover but as of now he certainly didn't have enough soldiers for that.

While he does have millions of soldiers one must remember that the entire Galaxy has thousands of worlds and Trillions of people from various races living on those thousands of worlds. He simply didn't have enough soldiers to garrison all of those worlds especially after the war in the Unknown Regions which caused Millions of soldiers to be stationed in the unknown Regions.

So Alexander planned to build up an army of at least 5 Billion soldiers which would be more than enough to take over thousands of worlds and ensure that they remain under his control.

This plan would be over the course of 30 years which meant that by the 30th year his plan would be completed. But then what would he do?

Once he conquers the entire Galaxy what would he do then. That was the lingering question on his mind.

But that was for a future time, for now though he would focus on the war between the CIS and the Criminal Alliance. 

While not a threat to him the CIS expansion of their fleet and Droid Army was something that he must be aware of now since unlike a Clone Soldier, Droids don't have to be trained and can be produced at a much faster rate than a Clone soldier can.

In 1 Year time as much as 10 Million Clones can be created and fully trained. But at the same time as many as 100 Million Droids and maybe more could be produced. 

And while the Terran Army in terms of quality is superior to that of the Droid Army, the sheer numbers of Droids could overwhelm them in a widescale war.

Still let's not forget about the Terran Navy which is no doubt superior to that of the CIS. And even then it was a risk since once a war between the Terran Ascendency started and the CIS, The Galactic Empire wouldn't waste anytime to jump on the train and attack the Terran Ascendency as well.

That is why Alexander planned to play the waiting game instead of making a risky move which would cost him Millions of soldiers and possibly Hundreds of ships.

It's better to be patient and wait for the perfect time to go in. Still it's not like he won't try to control things from the Background. He can certainly influence things and cause problems for both the CIS and the Galactic Empire.

Anyways while he was busy creating plans in his head and planning for the future, Abeloth and Padme had walked back into his office.

Instead of her former face when she was confused about his actions, this time her face returned to her normal smiling face.

"I must Apologize for Questioning you without understanding your position" Said Padme as she bowed her head.

"Stop Bowing your head and get over here" Said Alexander as Padme walked closer to him before she was grabbed and placed on his lap.

"Since you understand now why I did it then everything is good now, but just remember that in the future things like this will probably happen more frequently" Explained Alexander.

Padme didn't hear Alexander's words as his sudden movement caused her cheeks to flush. She hadn't anticipated anything like this occurring in his office, "Alexander, what are you doing?" she asked, flustered.

Alexander questioned, "Why can't I simply hug my wife?" while embracing her tightly.

She didn't answer right away, instead letting her body relax and lean against his. "I know, but we shouldn't be doing this here," Padme protested weakly, though her words fell on deaf ears.

Alexander had not forgotten about Abeloth and had extended an invitation for her to join them. Now, both of his wives were seated on his lap, one on each leg.

They both embraced him simultaneously, their giggles filling the air as his face was nestled between four soft breasts. In that moment, Alexander was experiencing the fantasy of every man.