Chapter 133

A/N: Making this map look even an ounce of good has failed but I will keep making it no matter how ugly it gets.

(Updated Galaxy Map)



Alexander's Children were now between the ages of 10-11 since some of them were Months apart and they were all attending school like normal kids. Alexander didn't want to keep them confined inside of the Palace walls and he wanted them to interact with other people their age.

Inside if the Terran Ascendency while most things are controlled directly by the Government like schools, Construction and other commercial things. Their were corporations which emerged inside of the Terran Ascendency.

For instance most Civilian Products were being produced by Civilian Corporations contracted by the Government to be able to produce those products. 

This decreased the strain on Government resources and allowed Corporations to rise up from within the Terran Ascendency.

Major corporations whom were associated with the CIS were not allowed to operate within Terran space except for trading. They were not allowed to buy land, rent land, or build an type of structure associated with their Corporation.

Their trading ships may enter and leave Terran space freely without risk, but anything beyond that will warrant an aggressive action from the Terran Military.

Although these Corporations were technically supporting the enemy, it is important to note their economic significance. Alexander held a significant portion of the Galaxy and had a thriving industry, producing valuable goods and rare metals. As a result, these Corporations were willing to pay a hefty sum to continue trading with him, which is why he allowed it.

But leaving that matter aside, Asajj Ventress was freed from Terran custody and handed over to the Nightsister to deal with.

The Clan mother of the Nightsisters had brought her back to their Temple and gave her refugee from Count Dooku since she was a former Nightsister.

Ventress was thankful towards the Clan Mother and had planned to stay here for awhile since she had no where else to go. Her plan had failed to overthrow Dooku and now she was without any friends.

The only ones she could rely on now was her former family the Nightsisters who even now still took care of her after she abandoned them.

Once her injuries were the Clan Mother had brought her to a training room where the Nightsisters trained. And her initial reaction was to be expected since the Nightsisters had grown in strength.

"Clan Mother how did they get so powerful" Asked Ventress since their strength seemed to surpass hers by a lot.

The Clan Mother looked at Ventress with a smile since after seeing this she hoped Ventress would show an interests so that she can bring her back to the Nightsisters for a better life.

"They have all been given granted power by the most powerful being in the Galaxy who is also our Master" Explained Clan Mother.

"Are you referring to Emperor Alexander?" Ventress inquired with familiarity. She knew he was a Force User, but his abilities were never analyzed as he rarely engaged in duels or displayed his power, from what she was aware of.

The Clan Mother nodded in agreement, "You are right. His Highness is undoubtedly the most influential and powerful entity in the Galaxy, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is akin to a Force God in the eyes of me and my fellow Nightsisters."

Ventress was now intrigued and wanted to know more and possibly meet him. Because if she can get somebody like that as a Master then she would become more powerful and would be able to beat Count Dooku whom she now hated.

Clan Mother assessed Ventress's expression and could anticipate her thoughts. "If you return to the Nightsisters and prove your loyalty, you may also gain this power," Clan Mother stated.

Ventress pondered the question, knowing that in the eyes of the Emperor she was once an enemy and now, after her attempt to overthrow her former master failed, she wanted to serve him. Her past of disloyalty didn't exactly make it easy for her to prove herself.

Ventress questioned, "How can I possibly prove my loyalty when there is evidence of my betrayal to my previous Master?" It seemed like an impossible task for her to accomplish.

"You do not have the authority to make that decision, His Highness will determine your fate when we meet with him," stated the Clan Mother as she began to walk away. Ventress pondered her response before the Clan Mother turned back to her and asked, "Are you coming?" Ventress nodded and followed behind her.

After boarding a transport shuttle, they quickly arrived at the Palace. It was evident to Ventress that this was truly the heart of the Terran Ascendency, as evidenced by the bustling streets, numerous vehicles, and soaring ships above the city. And then there was the palace itself, which dwarfed any other she had seen in size and grandeur.

As the shuttle touched down, she trailed behind the Clan mother through the corridors of the Palace. The guards stationed around the Palace emitted an intimidating aura, causing her to feel tense and vulnerable. It was a new feeling for her, one of weakness and unease.

Still she followed close behind Clan Mother until they arrived at the entrance to a massive room which was being guarded by two Guardian Knights.

"Is his highness inside" Asked Clan Mother. But she didn't need to ask since she could feel his presence along with two others beyond the door.

"Yes he has been expecting you Clan Mother" said the Guardian Knight as he moved aside and the door opened.

Clan Mother didn't question what the Guardian Knight said since she expected him to predict their arrival. She walked into the room followed by Ventress.

Once they walked into the room they say three people fighting in the center with their Lightsabers. 2 of them were females and they were teamed up against the person on the other side of the room.

Clan Mother walked up and stood off to side watching the fight not wanting to disturb his Highness.

"Come on Nera let's corner him" Said whisper Ahsoka 

"Okay I'll attack from the left and try to draw his attention while you attack from the right, And once he tries to back up to gain space we rush him and give him no chance" Responded Nera developing a plan to take down Alexander.

Ahsoka nodded and they both dashed away to execute their plan.

Alexander was standing on the other side of the room with a blindfold on since he was fighting both Ahsoka and Nera with just his senses.

This was to give Ahsoka and Nera a chance to win over him and show them that even blinded one can still win. In addition he had one of his hands behind his back and he would not use that hand for the entirety of the fight.

As he was standing there he felt the two presences converging on him from two sides. So using his right hand he drew his Lightsaber and and faced the person to the right since they would arrive faster than the one on the left.

And he was right since in a matter of seconds the person on the right had entered with 10 feet of him while the one on the Left who was Ahsoka was about 25 feet away.

Nera did an overhead strike against Alexander which was blocked then she tried to kick him in his chest but her foot was grabbed and she was tossed to the ground, but she was used to this and her body was reinforced using the Force so she stood right back up and started attacking Alexander.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds and allowed Ahsoka to get in close behind Alexander thinking that he was distracted but then Alexander suddenly slid on his knees dodging Ahsoka's and Nera's Lightsaber as he turned around to face the both of them.

But they had already recovered and had both attacked him together forcing him on the defensive.

The room hummed with the crackling energy of Lightsabers clashing, casting wild shadows on the walls as Ahsoka and Nera pressed their advantage against Alexander. Despite their coordinated efforts, Alexander's movements were fluid and precise, his defense impenetrable as he parried each strike with ease.

As the fight raged on, Ventress watched in awe at the sheer skill and power displayed by the Emperor. His blindfolded eyes seemed to see everything, predicting their moves before they even made them. It was a mesmerizing display of mastery over the Force and combat that Ventress had never witnessed before.

Ahsoka and Nera continued their assault, pushing Alexander back towards the center of the room. Their attacks came in a flurry of strikes and feints, each one met with a swift counter from Alexander. The sound of Lightsabers filled the air, creating a symphony of battle that resonated through the chamber.

Just as it seemed like Ahsoka and Nera had Alexander on the ropes, he suddenly shifted his stance, his movements becoming more aggressive and precise. In a swift motion, he disarmed Nera and then turned his attention to Ahsoka, who found herself struggling to keep up with his relentless assault.

With a series of lightning-fast strikes, Alexander forced Ahsoka to drop her lightsaber. Alexander removed his blindfold and looked at Ashoka and Nera who showed exhaustion from the battle while he was just standing their unfazed.

Alexander only smiled and walked up to Ahsoka placing his hand on top of her head causing her to become flustered.

"You can't do that Master I'm older now" Said Ahsoka but Alexander just ignored her and patted her head.

"You both did a good job, and you teamwork is impeccable. Together you should be able to defeat any opponent you have to face in a real battle" Said Alexander.

Both Nera and Ahsoka showed a happy expression being praised and just accepted the head pats as a bonus.

Once Alexander was done teasing them he headed over towards Clan Mother as she bowed once he approached.

Ventress followed her and did the same.

"Your Highness you as powerful as ever" Said Clan Mother

Alexander replied "You are too Clan Mother, Don't think I can't see your improvement. Your control over the Force has increased a lot compared to when you first received your power"

Clan Mother smiled at his compliment "Thank you your Highness"

Alexander then focused his attention on Ventress "Asajj Ventress, I see you have been accepted by Clan Mother, but what is it that you hope to achieve"

Ventress felt the space around her become hard to breathe but she wasn't that weak as to become scared and she needed to prove to Alexander that should he accept her then she would not betray him.

"Your Highness, My past may speak louder than my actual words but I want to become more powerful in hopes of beating my old Master Count Dooku. So If I am accepted by you I will never betray you or do anything that nature. I swear this on my Life" Said Ventress hoping to convince him to accept her.

Alexander looked deep into her mind to see what she was really thinking and what her true intentions were. And from what he saw she was telling the truth, all she wanted was to kill her former Master and become more powerful.

As for the matter of Loyalty Alexander didn't need to be concerned over it since when he grants someone his power it built a connection between the two which would increase their loyalty overtime.

If that person decides to betray him then the power that he granted them will start to fade away since there is no longer a positive connection between the two.

"Your mind and intentions are both clear, and I can see that you have spoken the truth with a strong conviction. Therefore, I will allow you to rejoin the Nightsister clan. However, the power I will bestow upon you must be earned. You will undergo rigorous training from the Clan Mother to prove that you are capable of handling it." Alexander declared with authority.

"Thank you Master" Said Ventress since as far as she is concerned Alexander is her new Master.

Alexander didn't take notice of what she said and simply left the training room leaving Nera and Ahsoka to continue their own training while he went to take a shower.

Clan Mother looked at Ventress and smiled "Since you have been accepted I suggest we get to training so that I can see whether you are prepared or not to handle the power that he will grant you" Stated Clan Mother as they returned back to the Nightsisters Temple.

Ventress was determined to prove herself and she wanted to hurry and be granted this power. Clan Mother could see how impatient she was so she planned to first teach her a little patience.