9: Sakonji urokodaki

Itsuki stood in front of the graves expressionlessly, but his heart was in chaos, only he knew how much pain he was in.

It was only after this did a feeling rise inside of him.

He decided to immediately check his status panel, something didn't feel right, and as he expected.


Name: Itsuki

Slayer Rank: Nil

Age: 14

Level: 10 (+1)

Inventory: 150 Yen, iron katana

Talent: (Ice breathing)

1st form: Ice Flow *(unlocked)*

2nd form: Glacial Dance *(unlocked)*

3rd Form: Ice Domain *(unlocked)*

4th form: (Locked)]

"I didn't only unlock 1 form, but three all at once?" Itsuki was surprised, he was only expecting one form, but he got all three just like that.

"Wait- I killed a demon?? And leveled up?" Itsuki widened his eyes in shock, killing demons raised his level??

This was a great realization to him, atleast now he didn't feel like leveling would take as long as it did before.

He couldn't wait to test out the breathing forms, they sounded plain, but only he knew how terrifying Ice breathing could get, he would ask the traumatized demon later if he found it in hell.

"Auntie Li, and everyone else, I guess I can't stay here anymore" itsuki sighed, he knew he would leave one day, but he always imagined a beautiful scene where they bid him farewell warmly.

But now, it was nothing but coldness.

Itsuki bowed a few times before walking towards the body of the demon, but he was surprised at the figure looking at the body of the demon.

"Kid, you are very strong, even this sneaky demon was killed like this while trying to escape" an old voice was revealed behind the mask.

"Urokodaki" itsuki said surprisingly inside his head, he couldn't say it out loud.

"Who are you?" Itsuki said expressionlessly as he walked up slowly, the area was practically clean and the towns people had all left.

"Even though you say that you don't seem to be surprised seeing me" urokodaki laughed before turning around to meet itsuki's eyes.

His blue robes fluttering in the cold wind.

"Well... I guess you can say that" itsuki smiled calmly.

"Are you perhaps a demon slayer? I have been looking for you guys for a while now" itsuki lied calmly.

"And why would you be looking for us?" Urokodaki was surprised, especially since a kid knew about the slayer corps in this random town.

"Don't you see what happened to my family?, I'll kill every demon if it's the last thing I do" itsuki clutched the frozen katana as his voice caused the already cold air to drop even more.

"Oh" urokodaki said before turning around.

"Leave the demon's body to me, I'll send it back to slayer headquarters, if you really wanna be a demon slayer so badly, you can come with me, I can't train you though, although your breathing technique is similar to mine, it's also different in a very special way" urokodaki said before he started to wrap up the demons body.

"It's fine I can train myself, I'm already used to it" itsuki replied, he wasn't worried, this man could help him reach the final selection.

"Is that so? Well then let's go right now, keep up, I already have another kid waiting for me" he said before grabbing the wrapped up demon body and jumping off onto a rooftop.

Itsuki calmly followed behind urokodaki, with his current level and the strength of his physique it wasn't a problem keeping up.

The old man wasn't moving too fast, but in a few seconds they were already out of the town.