12: Final Selection!


In this past year, itsuki had experimented with his breathing style, as well as observing tanjiro's water breathing training, which was partially beneficial to him.

Not only did his breathing technique manifest the element, he was even able to use it to kill a demon back then, which he found out should've been impossible from urokodaki.

The retired water hasira was happy nonetheless, itsuki's powers were bizarre and unexplainable but he was happy, as long as he was strong enough to fight the demons.

His haori blew through the cold wind as he stood there with a deep gaze, at the right corner of his face there was tied a warding mask of a fox.

With a jet black and Pure white design.

Urokodaki made one for itsuki even though he didn't train under him, he felt that the kid more or less deserved his respect due to his strange power, perhaps he could change the world.

The demon slayers had been battling muzan and his demon army for so long to no avail, the day muzan perished would be the day the whole of Japan would rejoice happily.

Itsuki held the wooden bead necklace around his neck, distant memories flashing in his eyes, also reminding him of his old home.

He would definitely bring them back.... if he could become a god.

Of course this was nothing more than a pipe dream.

With a hand on the handle of his new nichirin katana he started walking down the mountain path, he had already bid farewell to the old man, Tanjiro was still being given the "come back alive" pep talk.

The old man had even asked itsuki to protect him.

"Urokodaki-San I'm leaving" Tanjiro shouted as he came out of the house before following behind itsuki.

He wore the signature water breathing haori.


Fujikasane, place of the final selection.

The wisteria flowers glowed beautifully throughout the area, there was a path leading up the stairs.

After passing the archway itsuki and Tanjiro noticed many people there.

"There are a lot of people here" Tanjiro said with a surprised tone.

"There is, which only means more deaths" itsuki sighed as they continued along and found a place to wait.

It wasn't long before the two little girls came out.

"Thank you all for joining the final selection tonight" the girl in black hair said, they both talked back to back about the test and what they would have to do.

"If you survive for seven days then you pass the final selection"


Beyond the archway there was no more wisteria trees, just a barren and dark forest.

The bright moon shone brilliantly in the dark cold sky.

"Stay safe Tanjiro" itsuki said before walking off into another direction, he wasn't planning on helping Tanjiro afterall, nothing would happen to him.

Breathe of ice..

Itsuki released a cold breath of air the moment he stepped inside the final selection, his Ice domain spreading out at the speed of light.

"Heheh my prey" a disgusting voice filled his ears as a female demon appeared, it had a long tongue and 4 different sized horns.


A disgusting blade appeared in its skin as it creepily moved towards itsuki.

"These are worst than any scary movie I have ever seen" itsuki felt like puking, if he ever became a demon he hoped he wouldn't look like this.

He liked his already mesmerizing looks.

"Enough bullshit" he said as he unsheathed his nichirin sword which urokodaki had given him.


The ground erupted as itsuki disappeared from his original spot, shocking the demon as it wondered it's disgusting eyes.

"Fu-" the demon noticed a movement in the air, but it was too late.


A clean cut to the neck, it died.

Itsuki Dried his katana on the grass before sheathing it and continuing on his way.


Itsuki couldn't wait to find a lower moon, in his usual demon hunts with urokodaki, demons were no threat to him anymore, urokodaki even praised his katana skills and power to be nearly on a hashira's level.

The retired hashira felt that itsuki had more to improve on, especially since he was only a kid right now.