Notice Me Sempai Chronicles(A.K.A Komi Chapter)





(3rd Person POV)

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, Komi-san sitting on the floor with a shocked expression and spilled strawberry milk. Now you're probably wondering how this happened.


"Hmmm yes this system potion will do nicely with this girl. After all she is the fated partner of my muse..."

A hunched decrepit old man who resembles a goblin said this and proceeded to transform the pink liquid into a carton of strawberry milk. He then went into a swirling black vortex of a portal and when he came out he was a retail store worker restocking milk.

He then placed the strawberry milk and waited for Shuuko (A/N: Komi's mom) so he can persuade her mind in order to buy it. He waited for 13 minutes and finally his plan was set in motion.

(Komi Shuuko POV)

What a nice day for grocery shopping, I mean look at all the sales! With the coupons I've brought and the sale percent I'm seeing I'm leaving only 10,000 yen poorer. I mean 70% off on beef as well as a 2 for 1 special is extremely lucky!

I decided to buy some milk since Shousuke gets all riled up if we have no milk for his cereal. Oh my! Quite a nice deal, 30% discount as well. I wonder what other deals there are here? Oh strawberry milk, how rare... Only 1,000 yen?! What a score!


As I celebrated other customers looked at me weirdly but I don't care today is the best day I've ever experienced as a shopper. So many great deals now time to buy this milk! I'm sure Shousuke will like a new experience to his cereal.

After I payed for everything with slightly less fat wallet I went home with my bounty. I then asked Shouko and Shousuke to help me put it all inside. Since it was still 9 a.m. We decided to eat breakfast. I know Shouko isn't a big fan of cereal so I'll just cook some sunny side up eggs!

(Komi POV)

After me and my brother helped mom with the groceries I sat down and waited for breakfast. Shousuke got a box of Melted Flakes cereal with the lion mascot who always says they taste 'AweROARsome'. Honestly I don't like eating sweet breakfasts, makes me all hyper and experience sugar crash later during the day.

Shousuke then proceeded to pour the cereal in his bowl and add the strawberry milk to his cereal. It was a bit weird but I was unbothered. Then when he took a bite and swallowed he looked shocked and suddenly he went back to his neutral look.

I then got myself a cup and poured the strawberry milk. I was a bit hungry now and I thought maybe I could fill my stomach with a bit of the milk, I then drank the milk and suddenly a pink holographic screen popped up in front of me.

|Greetings Host! I am the 'Notice Me Sempai' System, here to assist you in all your romantic endeavors.|

As soon as I saw the screen I got scared and accidently knocked over the still open strawberry milk carton. Mom then rushed in and asked what happened and I just said I saw a cockroach. She then gave me my breakfast and went to find the 'supposed' cockroach.

As I ate my breakfast I tried to ignore the screen until it said something ibn a tired voice. It sounded like a retired shounen protagonist or shounen sense.

|Host has been given an Objective!

Objective: Hold Sempai's hand!


Hold Tadano-kun's hand, really simple, I mean it's not like you like him or anything right? Oh who am I kidding your head over heels for him, nothing wrong with a little unprotected hand-holding.


Sempai Perfume: The user of this item will gain a scent that would be appealing to their sempai. This will increase the odds of the user in gaining the heart of the Sempai they love!


Sempai will always feel uncomfortable around you and slowly drift away from you.|

Wait!? Tadano will feel uncomfortable around me?! What is this thing??? It's like one of those system things Najimi keeps talking about in the manga he reads.

What will I do now???

I have to figure out how to do this, because if this is real then I don't want Tadano to leave me. Tomorrow at school I might be able to do it.

I then continued to eat my breakfast and pondered on how I could hold Tadano- kun's hand.

'Maybe after eating I could meet up with Tadano and Najimi on Runescape.'

It is an old game now but it's still pretty fun to play.

What should be my plan for tomorrow?

I'll figure it out tomorrow time to get to level 75 in blacksmithing now.


It's Monday morning and I'm feeling really nervous, I mean I have to hold Taadano-kun's hand. It's s-so l-lewd I mean It's raw hand-holding skin to skin contact, who wouldn't be nervous???

As I was leaving the house I saw dad was cleaning his motorcycle, maybe him and Tadano can bond over that whenever he comes over.

Anyways I said bye to dad and while I was walking I saw Tadano on his bike.

(A/N: I'm shortening motorcycle to bike now cause my hand is feeling crampy on me)

He was wearing his coat over his unbuttoned school uniform with a red shirt underneath. He saw me and called out to me so I went towards him.

He then asked if I wanted a ride to school, and I nodded. He then grabbed my hand and put me on the motorcycle. He then told me to hug him for support.

|Objective Completed

Hold Sempai's Hand!


Sempai Perfume

Reward shall be temporarily be placed in inventory until host brings it out|

Wait, inventory? So System can I put anything inside the inventory?

|Affirmative Host, You can store items within the inventory, you do not need to fret however as the inventory space is infinite.|

Is that so? This could really help me out when packing things for travel. I wonder how many more ice creams I can bring home?

Wait system, do the things I put in the inventory frozen?

|Affirmative host! Items stored within the inventory are temporarily frozen in time, so things like fruits and vegetables will not spoil until taken out and left alone.|

I see, that is a very useful ability.

Since the quest is complete I have this perfume I wonder if it really makes me smell nice to Tadano?

I'll put it on when I enter the bathroom, that way I can test it to see if it works on Tadano-kun.


As we reached the school I told Tadano I would use the bathroom first.

"Oh I see that's ok, I'll see you in class later then."

I then hurried to the bathroom and took the perfume out of my inventory. Then I sprayed it on my neck and under my armpits, I mean I don't want Tadano to think my sweat smells really bad!

After I finished I went to the classroom and sat next to Tadano.

(3rd Person POV)

As Komi sat down next to Tadano all the other students were glaring daggers at him, even the student on the other side of Komi.

Then all of a sudden Tadano asked:

"Do you have a new perfume?"

Everyone stared at Tadano as if he was stupid. I mean none of the smelt anything, even the other guy next to Komi. I mean sure they sit next to each other but to think she got a new perfume? They looked at Tadano as if he was trash.

All of a sudden Komi who looked unexpectedly giddy nodded excitedly at Tadano's inquiry.

Everybody in the classroom froze, they didn't know that Komi got a new perfume. They couldn't even smell it!!! They bit their pencils and pens some even chewing on their erasers in rage. How come they couldn't smell it! Why is it so unfair that only Tadano could smell The Goddess's perfume.

As the others were silently raging Komi had a small smile on her face as her Sempai noticed her.

(Shousuke POV)

'What the hell is this?'

|Greetings to thee mine host, I am the Teenage Love Story System, I am here to aid thee in thy endeavors of youthful and flamboyant romance!|

Who is this Shakespearean screen?

I was eating some cereal with strawberry milk and all of a sudden I get this........ Thing?


A/N: Heyo Author-san here back at it again with another chapter! Anyways I was thinking of a beach episode. Would ya like it? You can give me your ideas in my discord server!

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