Ep 7: The Amazon attack

At night at school, 2 schoolgirls were walking in the alleys.

School girl 1: We shouldn't be here too late.

School girl 2: It's okey as soon as we found my book I left early, we leave.

Suddenly someone was behind them, it was a shadow woman like a ghost. The girls screamed very aloud.

At next day in journalism club, Mio was working with her classmates.

Mio: The story that two girls said, about a ghost at night.

J. C member 1: Don't you think those girls are lying?

J. C member 2: Yeah a ghost? How old-fashioned!

Mio: Maybe, but as a future journalist I must investigate.

J. C member 3: Sure but by yourself?

Mio: I have a partner, Hasashi-san.

Ryu: (Realizing what she said) Eh?

Mio: Come on, Hasashi-san. You can help me with this. Also you're good in taking pictures from difficult angles. Are you sure you don't have a dron?

Ryu: No, I do it by myself. (Thinking funny worried) "Sorry, I can't let you know I'm using my ninjutsu to achieve those photos closer" (Imagining taking pictures very close in his ninja disguise) Maybe I can help you.

Mio: Okey! I'm amazed!

Ryu: But we need more members.

S. C. member 1: I can't, I have a lot paper to organize!

S. C. member 2: And I have to print those files!

S. C. member 3: And I have to publish more pictures!

Mio: Geez!

Ryu: In that case…

At night, Ryu and Mio arrived to school.

Ryu: Well, we're here to do the research.

Mio: Yeah, but… (behind them there were Sakura, Nozomi and Takeru) Why they are here?

Ryu: I thought having more support would help us. So I called them.

Sakura: As a member of famous Nakahara family, I can't let my future husband cheat on me!

Ryu: Hey, I won't do that!

Nozomi: I'm here because I follow my lady anywhere.

Mio: (To Takeru) And you…

Takeru: Arg! Why I had to come?

Ryu: It's better have more men to take care girls.

Nozomi: Yeah, be a man!

Takeru: Shut up, midget!

Nozomi: (Upset) Who do call midget? (Pointing to Ryu) That guy is a midget!

Ryu: You're smaller than me!

Sakura: Stop fighting all of you.

Mio: Yeah, we have to investigate that incident about that ghost.

Ryu: Well first we have to pass the gate.

Mio: But how? It's locked.

Takeru: This way!

Takeru jumped high over the wall, surprising Mio.

Takeru: See? Easy.

Ryu: (Thinking funny) "That idiot! I told them do not show our skills in front of Kaname!"

Mio: How you could do that?

Takeru: (Over the wall) I have good physical condition. I jump higher.

Mio: Really? That's amazing!

Sakura looked at Nozomi as giving her an order. Nozomi was ready to hit Mio but Ryu moved his hands to order her do not doing.

Takeru: I brought rope, here, let's enter.

After passing the gate, everyone were walking in the school by using lanterns to see at dark places.

Mio: Let's see, according with the info… a female ghost should appear.

Sakura: (In low voice) Hey, Ryu. Why did you accept Kaname to help with this no-sense?

Ryu: (In low voice) I have my suspicions, about that previous day. (Remembering the woman who observed their fight with the ninjas) That strange woman knows our location, so we must make sure if this isn't another attack.

Mio: What are you talking about?

Ryu and Sakura: (Little nervous) Nothing!

Suddenly they heard noises. Sakura was little scared.

Mio: It came from that direction! Let's go!

Mio run to another place.

Ryu: Wait, Kaname!

Takeru: That girl has a lot of energy to do that job.

Nozomi: Right! (Noticing Sakura was trembling) Sakura-sama?

Ryu: Don't tell me you are scared?

Sakura: Of course no! I'm a kunoichi, we were trained to face this…

Suddenly stronger noises appeared. Sakura was very scared and embraced Ryu's arm.

Ryu: Wow! Don't be panic!

Sakura: Sorry! I weren't used to with scary things like ghost!

Takeru: Girly.

Nozomi: Don't insult my lady!

Ryu: Whatever, let's find Kaname. We must not let her alone.

Ryu and the others were walking, Sakura was still sacred.

Ryu: Damn, Kaname, where is she?

Sakura: I'm not scared, I'm not scared.

Then a body like a corpse fell in front of them.

Sakura: (Embracing Ryu's arm) What is that? A corpse? (Noticing Ryu wasn't talking) Ryu? Ryu!

Ryu: Don't be scared.

Suddenly Ryu's head turned back and it's seen his face was a horror puppet showing the tongue. Sakura after seing him, screamed in funny scare.


Ryu's body fell to the floor. It's seen that was a decoy.

Ryu: (Appearing) Hahahaha! (Laughing) That's funny!

Sakura: (In her state) Ryu!

Ryu: So you really are scared by ghost? How could you be… (Suddenly a kunai just passed to his face side, Nozomi threw it to him) Eh?

Ryu: What did you do that, trying to kill me?!

Nozomi: Don't scare my lady, or next time I won't fail!

Ryu: Take it easy Sakura, that's just a decoy by using my substitution jutsu.

Sakura: Eh?

Ryu: It was in the moment you touch me. (It's imagining how Ryu used hands position in that moment) I learned to do it faster. (Using hands position, disappearing the decoy) It can be useful someday.

Then Mio returned to them.

Mio: What happened? I heard screams.

Sakura: (Little embarrassed) Sorry it was me.

Mio: What it is? (Pointing to the body on the floor) is that a corpse?

Ryu was checking the body but it's a big doll.

Ryu: It's just a doll. Don't worry.

Mio: But who put that doll?

Then a female ghost behind Mio, Ryu and the others were in funny shock to see. Mio was confused by their reactions.

Mio: What's up, guys?

Ryu: (In his state) There!

Mio turned back and saw the female ghost was a school girl who had her hair messy.

School girl: (Sobbing) Help me.

Sakura: What are you doing here?

Mio: She needs help.

Suddenly Takeru sensed something on her. He run and kicked her, nearly knocking her.

Takeru: What a weak enemy.

Sakura: (Going to the knocked girl) Ah! What did you do, you brute!

Ryu, Nozomi and Mio were arguing with Takeru. Ryu grabbing Takeru's shirt; Nozomi and Mio pushing him at both sides.

Ryu: What did you do that?

Nozomi: That wasn't necessary!

Mio: Are you an idiot?

Takeru: Guys, look at her, she's not a girl!

The rest looked at the girl who was unconscious.

Sakura: Are you idiot?

Ryu, Nozomi and Mio began hitting Takeru in funny way.

Ryu: Yeah, you're a blockhead!

Mio: Brute! Brute!

Nozomi: That is not the way to treat a girl!

Sakura: (Helping the girl) Are you okay?

School girl: (Waking up) Yeah, why you attacked me?

Takeru: We thought you were a ghost.

Mio: Anyway, why are you here?

School girl: I was looking my homework but I didn't find it.

Mio: You'd better come with us. We don't know what we could find.

Sakura was checking the big doll.

Sakura: Who put that doll? (To the girl) Do you know something?

School girl: No, I was here some minutes.

Ryu: Let's move on.

Ryu and the others keep walking.

Sakura: I wonder if that ghost stuff is just fake.

Mio: Maybe but we must find something.

School girl: I heard about those girls commented but I didn't believe that.

Ryu: Yeah but…

Suddenly they were smelling something.

Sakura: Eh? (Feeling something) What is it?

Nozomi: (Feeling something) Sakura-sama?

Mio: I feel strange, my head is itching.

Suddenly they saw many ghosts in front of them.

Mio: The ghost! Wait, there are more?

They were seeing how the ghost were surrounding them.

Sakura: We have to do something!

Ryu: We can't let Kaname seeing our skills!

Suddenly Nozomi knocked Mio with her secret technic.

Nozomi: Sorry for that. (Realizing something) Eh? Where's the other girl?

Takeru: I feel something stinky.

The ghosts began attack them. They dodged them. Sakura y Nozomi were back to back.

Sakura: They are everywhere! Nozomi, let's…

Suddenly a ghost was in front of her.

Nozomi: Sakura-sama, what's going on? Eh?...

Another ghost was in front of her too.

Ryu and Takeru were focusing the situation.

Takeru: Those ghosts are just in front of us but can we beat them? (Taking his katana) Let's chop them.

Ryu: (With closed eyes) Wait Takeru! They can't be real! It's because of the smell.

Takeru: Really?

Sakura and Nozomi stroke the ghosts with their fists, but it's seen they hit each other at the same time, nearly knocking themselves in funny way.

Ryu and Takeru used their katanas to disperse the smelly air. Then the ghosts disappeared.

Ryu: (Taking Sakura) Are you okey?

Sakura: What was that? Ghosts are gone?

Ryu: They weren't real ghosts, it was because we smelled a strange air.

Sakura: What?

Ryu: A hallucinogen. Something that made us to see another thing. I realized when I smelled it.

Sakura: I see, then Nozomi and I saw ghosts in front of us, they were fake.

Ryu: Where's that girl?

Nozomi: I don't know, she disappeared.

Ryu: Damn! We must be careful, because that smell can make us see different!

Sakura: Let me use this.

Sakura: (Using hands position) Summoning jutsu!

When she touched the floor, then a little wolf appeared.

Ryu: What? You know summoning, Sakura?

Sakura: Of course! And this is my animal familiar, Sho.

The little wolf howled in happiness, as Sakura was stroking its fur.

Nozomi: My lady learned many ninja skills.

Sakura: Yeah, also… (embracing her wolf lovely) its fur is too soft like a teddy.

Takeru: I didn't notice how girls can be happy embracing pets.

Ryu: Me neither, but… (Taking a photo with his cellphone)

Sakura: (Funny surprised) What did you?

Ryu: You look cute with that moment.

Nozomi: Don't take pictures to my lady!

Sakura: Yeah!

Nozomi: (In low voice to Ryu) Would you mind if you share some photos of Sakura-sama?

Ryu: Sure.

Sakura: (Funny upset) Nozomi!

Takeru: Why you brought your pet?

Sakura: Sho is good recognizing enemies; it can help us to find the source of that hallucinogen.

Ryu: Well, let's do it.

Sakura: Sho, track that smell.

Sho smelled and run to another place.

Ryu: I hope Kaname is okey in the classroom.

Sakura: We'll worry for her later.

Ryu and the others were following Sho until they reached another classroom. They noticed someone is there.

Nozomi: Is that?

It was the school girl.

School girl: So you made it.

Ryu: Where have you been?

Sakura: Stop the play. This hallucinogen was because of you!

Ryu: What?

Sho was angry and ready to attack.

Nozomi: How could you?

School girl: (Smiling evilly) I underestimated you, ninja children.

Takeru: So it was your doing!

The school girl removed her clothes. It was revealed she was the amazon woman who knew them days ago.

Ryu: You're that woman!

Amazon: I'm Clymene, an amazon warrior. I was hired by Shimomura clan to hunt you.

Ryu: (Upset) The Shimomura clan!

Ryu and the others used hands positions and turned into their ninja costumes.

Takeru: (Taking his katana) Don't think we're going to be easy because you're a woman!

Clymene: I don't need your concern.

Takeru run to attack her but she dodged and launched something to Takeru.

Takeru: (Feeling weak) What? (Then he fainted) Damn!

Ryu: Takeru!

Nozomi: I saw it! She used a needle with tranquilizer!

Ryu: Why he didn't wait?

Sakura: Be careful with her!

Clymene shot other needles but they dodged and used their weapons to avoid them. Sho went to attack her but she grabbed it and launched it to some tables.

Sakura: (Worried) Sho!

Ryu: I'll handle her!

Clymene dodged his attack and kicked him, making him falling down to stairs.

Clymene: I know your ninja fighting skills.

Sakura: (Worried) Ryu!

Clymene: What a weak. I always trust in my eyes.

Sakura: You'll pay! Nozomi!

Nozomi: Yes, Sakura-sama!

Sakura y Nozomi run and attack her with their kunais. Clymene used a spear to block and grabbed their necks and stroke them to the floor with a big strength.

Clymene: Even you the ninjas, can't compare the strength of an amazon.

Sakura: (Injured) Ah! Damn!

Nozomi: (Injured) Sakura-sama!

Clymene: I told you, I trust in my sight. I can read your moves.

Sakura: We have to continue, before she kills us.

Clymene: That was easy; I don't know why Shin Shimomura is worried about these kids? Anyway, I have to take the ancient katana that kid has.

Suddenly, Mio arrived very worried.

Mio: Everyone, what's happening?

Then Clymene moved fast and grabbed Mio by behind.

Clymene: Oh? We have another kid here.

Mio: (Scared) Ah! What's going on?

Sakura: Kana… (Realizing something) eh?

Nozomi: Let him go! Bad woman!

Sakura: Shh! Nozomi!

Clymene: I don't know what are talking about, but I can't let witnesses in my mission, sorry for you little girl.

Mio: (Very scared) Ah! Save me!

Sakura: Please, don't hurt him… I meant her…

Nozomi: (Realizing something from Mio) Do it by yourself!

Sakura: Nozomi, don't…

Clymene: You're not worried about how I'll kill this girl? (To Mio) your last words?

Mio: (Smiling) Hehehehe! (With Ryu's voice) You lost!

Mio made hands position then summoned Ryu's katana, then she slashed fast to Clymene, nearly to kill her.

Clymene: (Injured and letting Mio) What? (On the floor as bleeding) How could a normal girl can make ninjutsu? Is she another ninja?

Mio: (With Ryu's voice) You said you trust in your eyes, so I attacked on it.

Mio made hands position, then she transformed into Ryu, surprising to the others.

Sakura: Ryu! You used an advance art. The transformation jutsu!

Ryu: A ninja art, which allow to take the form of a person, including imitating the voice. It was useful.

Sakura: So what happened to Kaname?

Ryu: She's still unconscious.

Clymene: (Weak) Damn! You were skilled! I failed to Shimomura. Also my honor as amazon was disgraceful.

Ryu: You can recover from that injury, what about if you give us, then we let you live.

Clymene: (Grabbing her neck with her hands) I pass! (Breaking her neck like killing herself)

Ryu: Hey!

Sakura: So she preferred die than being forgiven.

Ryu: Too bad, some warriors can't live if their honor was damaged.

Sakura: You're right.

Ryu: Anyway, let's take Takeru and Kaname. And clean this evidence. We'll be ready for another attack from Shimomura clan.

At next day at journalism club, Ryu was organizing some files.

Ryu: (Thinking) "Shimomura clan send more warriors to attack me, I wonder who will be next. I must focus…" (Realizing something) But as normal teenager I have be careful in school.

J. C. Member: What? You didn't get the story about that ghost? It looks like that was a fake.

Mio: No! I was sure to get some pictures, but Hasashi-san and the others said I was faint because… I hit with a wall. So they took me to home.

J. C. Member: We lost time of that story.

Mio: I know! I'll make the story about the mysterious ninja from the news!

J. C. Member: Again with that? You'd better get other stories or our club will be closed!

Mio: (Funny sad) No way! Why I had to faint in a great story? I won't be a professional journalist!

Ryu: (Thinking worried) Sorry Kaname but our ninja identity can't be revealed.