Chapter 5..

This woman….

'I can understand… But why? How? These questions.. These thoughts..' Tommy began to question everything as he had suddenly could understand for the first time in his life what someone was trying to say to him without their body actions in showing kindness by giving food like the woman had.

"We don't have to fight… You don't know what's happening do you? We can protect you! You just have to put down the test subject." The lizard lady said inside my mind as she points a short finger at the baby in my hands.

Looking down I see the cooing baby trying to reach at my face in attempt to play with me…


The woman grips her hand and pulls it back to her sides as she stares and tells something to a person in a white luxurious coat that walked in moments ago during this development.

After having been done talking the man in the coat grits his teeth and yells an order that I can understand.. "Scarlett you know what to do!" he says directing it toward the lizard woman.

However, Scarlett momentarily hesitated while looking at my eyes and back at the baby and hen sighed before taking out dual guns from her waist.

Each were loaded with a blue like energy that flowed in the room reflecting across the walls.

Tommy prepared himself without showing it and held onto the baby tightly but not to hurt or discomfort her.

Letting out a sigh, Scarlett punched towards Tommy in a speed barely seeable to the human eye.

But for Tommy the in these past few hours of fighting or just slapping random people he had already gained some new tactics and abilities to help him grow further.

As Scarlett came towards Tommy she suddenly kept to the side and began firing at my legs in attempt to disable me.

I quickly leap up into the air connecting with the ceiling while carefully holding the baby and look for a way around.

Scarlett didn't let me make any decisions as she started firing as soon as I landed on the ceiling making me leap onto the black box that the baby had been stored in.

"Please Grim! You need to put that baby down! air is of valuable research! It cannot be harmed!" Scarlett yelled as Tommy just dashed around the box avoiding her making her slightly irritated.

"Is mine! I protect her! Y-you take her and hurt her!" Tommy shouted while almost jumbling some of his words.

Scarlett landed on the top of the box and tried to find where 'Grim' and 'Lucin' were located but was surprised when a large shadow appeared from behind her and before she could react she was sent flying into the group of guards and special soldiers by the door that led to this massive room with the box.

Upon contact with the other guards 4 of them including her were knocked unconscious.

Huxley looked in disappointment as he saw his men and one of his best mercenaries taken out by a newcomer like 'Grim'.

Tommy stood atop the box while carefully holding the baby in a shield like manner.

Huxley stood by his men ordering them to take a defensive formation and then started to speak..

"Say! Grim why don't you come with me and we can work things out! You can hold the baby all you want!" He said with a grin Tommy wasn't able to see.

Hearing these words, he was still reluctant as they had just tried to attack him and now they were suddenly asking for peace?

He couldn't make sense of it but he also didn't want to fight anymore.

Standing atop the box he yelled back to Huxley.. "Me and you with baby only.. no follow."

Huxley slightly angered held it in and agreed to the terms allowing him to jump from the box to in front of his men.

The guards still aiming their guns while slightly nervous were told to lower their weapons as to not engage in any further violence as it would destroy the 'Agreement' between Tommy and Huxley.

Upon listening to orders, the guards retracted their guns and retreated in an orderly manner while leaving only Huxley and Tommy holding the baby in the room.

Standing next to each other Tommy was 3 feet taller than Huxley as he stood around 5 feet while Tommy stood around 8 feet tall.

Having to look up made his neck sore so he proposed that 'Grim' could crawl as to ease himself.

Tommy agreed as he would have to do so anyway since the halls were too small for him to walk through.

While he looked very creepy and unnatural while crawling it made Huxley slightly more relaxed but not without its drops of disturbing being poured into the mixing bowl.

Making their way through the hall everyone had been evacuated causing the halls to be empty only showing them.

Tommy used his tail as an extra limb to carry the baby around while not tipping her over and to enjoy the view.

The baby giggled and clapped her hands as she saw her big brothers movements.

Huxley, however seemed to walk faster as it took a while for them to reach their destination.

A large bridge with a deep hole that seemed to drop into the void stretched around 3 meters from them to the other side that showed a large door.

Tommy felt nervous and started to get a gut feeling telling him to not cross this bridge.

Huxley began walking forward while Tommy stayed behind watching him go.

Seeing that Tommy didn't follow he turned around staring directly into Tommy's eyes.

"Scared to cross a small bridge? Don't worry it won't suddenly collapse.. it's made of some of the strongest materials in the world!" He said before turning around to continue his walk.

Tommy peered over the side of the bridge looking down to the void pit.

He started to try and figure out escape strategies in case something went wrong.

Taking his first steps he stood at his full height while transferring the baby from his tail to his sharp hands gently.

The baby laughed as she swung around onto Tommy's hands.

Making him feel more better with her presence he walked forward some more getting tense with every step.

Taking another step he stopped and saw Huxley still walking far in the distance and Tommy looked behind to see he wasn't far from where he started.

Taking in a deep breath he told the baby in his arms, "Hold Tight".

The baby seemingly understanding his words tucked up with her arms to her chest and legs bent into each other.

Tommy closed his hands on her frame and looked at the massive path before him.

Stretching out one lag he bolted as fast as he could leaving a trail of sparks behind him as his sharp claws from his feet dug into the metal from each step.

Huxley turning around to see what the sudden burst of noise was saw 'Grim' charging at him in a wild manner scaring the life out of him.

Turning back around he ran as fast as he could to the doors repeating to himself "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die..".

Looking back for a quick glimpse he saw that 'Grim' was no longer behind him causing Huxley to slow down to a haunt and wonder where he went.

"Come quickly.." a voice form behind him made him almost wet his pants and as he turned around he saw the massive figure of 'Grim' before him with the baby in Huxley's face.

His face turned pale for a moment but the blood soon flowed back into his veins.

"Please don't spook me like that! It can give me a heart attack you know!" Huxley said.

Tommy wondering what 'heart attack' meant he asked the small man before showing him his shirt where his heart would been.

Instantly recognising what he was talking about it seemed heart referred to the pumping organ that was in his body and the woman.

Shoving the painful memory of the woman away he grabbed Huxley's shoulder without fail and carried him into the distance finally reaching the doors.

Huxley upon arriving seemed to be foaming at the mouth with white stuff making Tommy scared.

Slapping Huxley's face, instantly woke up with a yelp while caressing his cheek that and been hit.

"W-what happened?" He asked in a dazed voice.

"Nothing.. we here now." Tommy replied in a gentle tone.

Moving all 4 eyes to the door Tommy looked in awe at its magnificence.

Walking up to the door, Huxley tried pushing the door but had trouble in doing so.

"Do you mind lending me a hand?" Huxley asked trying to move the door that wouldn't budge.

"I cannot give my hand nor the baby.. look for own hand." Tommy said in a cautious manner.

Huxley hearing this laughed and shook his head.. "I mean would you help me?" He asked with a giggle.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Tommy asked before pushing open the large doors with one hand.

As the doors creaked open, chirps and chatter could be heard from outside the doors.

Upon fully opening Tommy and Huxley were met with a large green valley containing a small house that looked slightly modern.

Animals roamed here and there while birds seemed to fly everywhere in the sky.

Tommy was fascinated as his brain once again began to overload at what was happening.

"So Beautiful.." Tommy said why a black tear appeared from his eyes.

Huxley let out a small huff and made his way with 'Grim' to the house.

'I hope the old man can help today…' Huxley thought with a grunt.