Chapter 4: The Start Of My New Life

My heart stops beating.

I can't move my body.

Whisper filled the room.

It took me a minute to process everything in my head.

"Wow, ate" My siblings ran to me.

"Congratulations" My little sister said and hugs me.

I look up to my little brother and he gave me a thumbs up and smiles.

I saw my mama walk toward me then she smiles at me.

"Sabrinna, darling, come here" Tita Akichiyo said.

I walk to the front.

Then all of our neighbors clap.

I heard the kid from earlier says "I deserve it more than she do."

"If I were tita Akichiyo, I wouldn't choose you, you have a bad attitude" The other kid said.

"Are you really my friend? Why are you so mean to me?"

"I will talk to your parents tomorrow, okay?" Tita Akichiyo whispers to me.

"Okay" I reply.

After they announce it, we went home.

Before going to bed I want to ask a question to mama. "Ma, is it okay with you thata they will adapt me?"

She smiles. " Why wouldn't I be happy? It's not like I want you to be separated to us, but if I think hard, you can have a great life in Japan. You can get all the things that you want. If you stay here, you can't buy the things that you want, you can't eat the food that you like, so it's bettr to have a great life in Japan, even if you'd be separated to us"

"Thank you, mama"

She smile again. "Good night"

"Good night"

Then I go to sleep.

The next morning, woke up from the sunlight hitting my face.

This is the first time I didn't wake up because my parents are fighting.

It feels great waking up like this.

I get up from bed and wash my face.

I saw mama sweeping in our front yard.

"You're up? Take a bath and wear a nice clothes I'm sure Aki and her husband is on their way here" She ordered.

"I'll eat breakfast first" I said.

"Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you eat breakfast first" She laugh "Sorry, sorry"

I chuckled "No, it's okay"

After I wash my face I ate breakfast, took a bath then pick a nice clothes to wear.

After an hour I heard someone calling my name outside.

I went outside to see who it was, no other than tita Akichiyo together with her husband and tita Em-Em.

"Sab" Tita Em-Em wave her hand at me when she saw me.

"Good morning ,Sabrianna. Where's your parent?" Tita Akichiyo ask.

"Good morting to the three of you" I gave them a smile. "My parents is inside our hoe, let me just call them."

I ran inside "MAMAAAA, PAPAAAA" I shouts.

"We're here." I heard papa spoke in their bedroom.

So I went there.

"They are here" I'm talking about tita Akichiyo.

"Yeah we're coming" Mama said.

I told tita Akichiyo to sit inside while waiting for my parents.

"Please excuse our little and messy house" I said then laugh.

When they enters our house tita Haru spoke.

"Indeed your house is little—"

Tita Akichiyo cuts him off. "Hon"

He laugh. "Hon, relax 'm about to say something good. As I was saying your house is little, but I like it, it's very neat and clean"

"Ah, really? Thank you" I said in cute voice while ashamed.

"You're cute"

I told them to sit. After a few minutes my parents are done changing.

"Sorry we made you wait" My papa said.

"Oh, it's okay" Tito Haru said.


"By the way, I'm Sebastian, Sabrianna's father"

"And I'm Briana, Seb's mom."

"Now I know the reason behind Sabrianna's name. I'm Akichiyo you can call me Aki or Chiyo, whatever you prefer"

"I'm Haru, nice meeting you"

Then they shake hands to each other.

"We want to talk in more private place so we made a reservation." Tita Akichiyo said.

"Okay if that's what you want, it's fine with us" Mama said.

We got in their car, until we get to an expensive restaurant.

I thought they want to talk in private, why are we here in a restaurant?

"Welcome ma'am and sir"

"Hi, I made a reservation under the name Haruko Iekami"

"Wait a second sir, let me check it. Okay here sir follow me."

Then we follow the lady.

We stop at a font of a door.

"Here is the VVIP room you reserves, sir"

"Thank you" Tito Haru said.

He's the first one to enter the room, followed by tita Akichiyo, me, mama, papa, tita Em-Em.

"You can order all the food that you want, it's on us." Tita Akichiyo said.

After we order food they starts talking about the adaptaion.

"Is it really okay with you, Mr. and Mrs. Agustin?" Tito Haru ask.

"Yes it's fine with us." Mama answered.

"May we know why you want us to adapt your daughter? Why are you letting us adapt her easily?" Tito Haru ask again.

"Easily?" Mama ask back, she sits properly. "To be honest, I don't want Sab to be your daughter. Last night, when Akichiyo said that she wants Sab, I want to be selfish, I want to hug Sab tightly and say You won't get away my daughter from me. But I knew I was wrong, I cried all night, then I came to this phrase What if God used me to bear your child, fed her until the final day comes. And now, i have fully decided to give Sabrianna to you. As a mother, I know how it feels lost a child, though I didn't experience it but I know the feeling. So, Akichiyo and Haru please take a good care of our daughter."

I saw a few drops of tears came out from mama's eyes.

"I'm really touched to what you said, Brianna. Thank you for letting us borrow your daughter. We will consider her as our daughter, but it will never change the fact that you gave birth to her. Tita Akichiyo stands up from her chair and she goes to mama to hug her.

"Can I also answer the same question? I want to explain my side either." Papa said.

Tita Akichiyo goes back to her seat.

"Sure, sure." Tito Haru said.

"I'm against it"

When papa said that the smile in my face disappeared.

"Among my children Sabrianna is my favorite, her siblings know that, my wife knows that and Sabrianna too."

My expression suddenly change. The smile in my face appeared again.

"But what can I do if that's what Sabrianna wants. I have the right to disagree to this idea, I have the right to be selfish with Sabrianna, but I won't do it."

"I'm very touched to your answers. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Agustin."

After tito Haru said that, we heard a knock at the door.

"The food is here, come inside"

Then the staffs came.

"Let's continue our question and answer later, we should eat first." Tita Akichiyo said.

"Sabrianna eat all you want, okay sweetheart?" Tito Haru said.

I gave him a nod and smile.

He's so sweet, I'm so lucky to have a father like him.