Chapter 9:First Night In Japan

"Are you hungry?" Mom asks me.

"Yes, hehe"

She looks to the maid.

"Please prepare the food."

"Yes, ma'am." Then the maid immediately goes to the kitchen to prepare the food.

"Do you want to look around the house or just take arrest on the living room?" Mom asks me.

"I think it's better for Zenah to take a rest, she can look around the house tomorrow." Dad said.

"What do you think , Zenah?"

"I'll rest for now, then tomorrow I will look around the house." I answers.

"Okay." Mom said. "Let's take a rest to the living room." Then we went to the living room.

The house is so nice, huge, clean and filled with expensive things.

Their living room is huge. You can see a big white with gold marble effect-u shaped sofa, and on the middle of the sofa there's a sofa table in front of the couch. And you can also see the big flat screen tv at the front of the sofa. When you look up you can see the big chandelier, then there's a two large vase in the two back corners.

Then we wait for a few minutes for the food to get ready.

After a few minutes a maid went to us and tells us that the food is ready.

"Ma'am the food is ready."

"Okay, thank you." She look at us. "Let's go the food is ready."

Then we went to the dining area.

The living room is connected to the dining area.

Eight seaters dining table, the table is white and the chairs has a white foam with gold in the edges.

Dad offers me a seat.

We prayed before eating. After less than an hour we we're done.

"We don't want Zenah to be alone on her first night here so you're staying with us, is that okay?" Mom asks me.

"Sure, would love that."

"The maid will accompany you to your room to take a shower and brush your teeth, no need to worry about the pajamas because it's already ready." Mom said.

"Okay mom, thank you." I smiles at her.

"Aimi, please accompany Zenah." Dad said to the maid.

The maid walks up to me.

"Hi Zenah, I'm Aimi." The maid introduced herself.

"Hi, nice meeting you, Aimi." I said shyly.

"Nice meeting you too, should we go upstairs now?" She asks.

"Sure." I replied.

"Zenah, go to our room after you finish taking a shower and brushing your teeth." Mom said.

"Yes, mom."

After that we went upstairs.

When you go upstairs you can see a mini living area at your left side, and on your right side is a long hallway and at the end of it there's a balcony where you can have a coffee in the morning.

On the 3rd door there's my room.

It's expensive looking room. When you enter the first thing you will see is the study area which is facing the window. There's a L shaped table at the corner, with PC set up and bookshelf around the area. There's a wall dividing the bed room and the study area.

The maid spoke. "Your parents decided to put a wall in between your bed and study area because they want you to focus on studying when you're studying."

"Oh, I see."

Then you can see another door to enter the bedroom.

The bed is king sized, the bed frame are like princess bed with bed curtain. Of course the color is white with gold on the edges. A two seaters sofa with table in front. 32 inches flat screen tv at the front of the bed. You can find a doors at the two back corner of the room. The left one is the bathroom and the right one is the walk in closet, but those two is connected by a sliding door.

"Everything is ready, you can pick any pajamas you like on your closet. Your mom pick all the clothes in your closet, even the bags, shoes and other accessories she picks it."

"That's nice." I said.

"You can take a shower." She gestured to the bathroom.

I look up to her and look down. "This may sound weird to you but, can you please accompany me to the bathroom? I'm afraid to take a shower alone, I know you're just here but it's different when you know that no one is with you."

"It's okay, no need to explain yourself. Come on I will accompany you to the bathroom."

I immediately took a shower. Aunt Aimi makes the water warm before telling me to take a shower.

We we're talking while I'm taking a shower.

"I haven't told you yet, from now on I will be your maid, personal maid." She said.

"Like what tita Em-Em used to do to mom?"


"Oh, that's great."

"Yeah, so I was thinking you can call me Aimi-san from now on."

Here in Japan, respect is a big word for them. They often use "san" to show his/her light sense of respect and you cannot address someone with "san" if you are not close to them. "kun" is is usually used for boys, especially the younger ones. And "chan" is for those whom you are close with.

So basically, Aunt Aimi is giving me permission to be close with her.

"Aimi-san." I laugh "it's weird calling you Aimi-san."

"You'll get used to it, if you're not comfortable calling Aimi-san then don't call me, you can call me aunt Aimi until you can say

Aimi-san comfortably."

"Why does all the people I'm meeting are very nice to me?." I jokingly asks.

"Base from what ma'am Aki told us, you deserve all the nice things. You deserve everything that you give to others, like, love kindness, and respect."

What she said made me smile.

After I took a shower, I brushed my teeth. After that aunt Aimi accompanied me to mom and dad's room.

"Good night, ma'am Zenah, Good night Mr. and Mrs. Iekami.

"Good night." We replied back.

"Did you have a great tme talking to her?" Dad asks me.

"Yes dad, I'm comfortable talking to her."

"Did she already told you that she will be your personal maid?" Dad asks again.

"Yes." I reply.

He nodded.

"Do you want to talk to your parents, Zenah? Let them know that you arrived safely." Mom said.

I nodded. "Yes please."

I just talked to my parents and siblings for a bit, I told them how big my mom and dad's house is, after that we said good bye and good night to each other.

"Time to sleep, Zenah." Mom said.

I'm in between mom and dad, and they both hugging me.

"Good night mom." I kissed mom's forehead. "Good night dad." I kissed dad's forehead.

"Good night." Then they both kissed me.

They also said good night to each other.

And finally, we went to sleep.