Not Expected At All

The rest of the hunters and huntress who were watching from afar had their eyes wide open. 

They had expected that Cyrene was going to throw Darrell across as she had done with Noel back in the arena. 

A part of them knew that there was a possibility that when Darrell arrived, Cyrene would be back to normal. 

It was kind of made them worried at some point. But they could not help but feel amazed to see that she embraced him as he was the only thing that mattered. 

It was something that was hard to accept, but they needed to do it. 

They stayed in position until Cyrene had fully gotten control of herself, and that is when she realized they were outside and that everyone was watching them. 

She initially felt confused, then she stiffened. Cyrene was not sure what to do next. There was a long silence as if everyone was waiting for what she would do next.