
"I wish I could explain that, but I do not have the answer to that plus, we need to get going before something worse happens," Cyrene said before she turned around and started heading to where she used to stay to pack her thing, 

Darrell, at first, followed her without understanding where she was going. When he found out, he suddenly got a good idea. 

"Wait, do you know where you are going to go? You know that you are welcome to stay in the pack till you find a place to stay," Darrell offered with a grin as they continued to walk. 

Cyrene glanced at him with an amused smile. She shook her head and remained quiet. 

Before Darrell could persuade her more, Lucas intervened. 

Lucas patted Darrell's shoulder and said with unmasked awkwardness, "I do not think that that is a good idea."