After the Meeting

"It's good to see you again," Darrell said while grinning. 

"Same to you," he said, and clean and they're catching up session ended up there. They were men of few words.

"I have a lot of things to take care of," Basil said and added, "I suggest that we meet in the office so that we can discuss the things that have happened and those that are going to happen, and then we can find a solution to our problems." 

Basil was leading the team out of the hospital wing into the conference room. 

Cyrene did not follow them immediately, not sure if she was welcome to join the meeting, but Darrell assured her. 

"You're my mate, and now that means that you are part of this pack like everyone else, so do not be afraid, and please join us in this meeting," he told her as he walked toward her and took her hand inside his and it fitted perfectly in his. she tried to take her hand back, but he did not let her.