One More Time

She nodded, smiling, and seeing Darrell, she kissed him on the cheek, saying.

"Don't worry, and everything will be fine!"

She knew that Skyler would protect the grand prize, but she never thought that it would be Christopher. And preparing for the battle, they separated, and the challenges of each one were about to begin.

The invaders were divided into three groups, each one had a specific objective, and each one moved with speed to fulfill that objective. Darrell, with four of Wendy's men, advanced through the corridors. They had to reach the cell area where Christopher would surely be. He was a fundamental part of this mission, and rescuing him was priority one.

Darrell looked at the map and followed the endless corridors of the imperial combat station. He saw how to attack turrets, and other multiple traps were built everywhere, and with a smile, he thought that if the station was at maximum capacity, this mission would be really impossible.