Where it belongs

At first, just the outskirts of the Icarus galaxy were visible to the red sparrow. Everyone had already woken up, and Darrell was looking in the direction of the portals that led to other galaxies.

Emily turned her attention to the enormous circular formation in the distance, which appeared to be the destination of all the ships.

"What exactly is that?" Emily inquired with an air of both curiosity and concern in her voice.

While Strickland was operating the controls, he turned his head to look at her and remarked, "That's Icarus' door." You need to understand that the republic possesses ownership of this galaxy but that the procedure itself is conducted in secret. Because of this, they make an effort to keep track of who enters and who exits through those doors. Any ship that attempts to enter through hyperspace will be brought back to this location if it is successful. Your vessel is required to be registered, as this is a legal requirement.