Chapter 8: Ye Tianlong

Outside the imperial city KTV, two men are sitting on a red Ferrari with their heads open and looking towards KTV. The man sitting in the co-pilot is the culprit Ao Wen who caused the incident tonight, and the main driver is His little brother Zhang Hao.

After Ao Wen received the news from Manager Zhang, he immediately called Brother Tai. Although he did not show up, he kept guarding outside the KTV. He just wanted to wait for Mu Qiu, who would be beaten into a dog by Tai and others. Bring it out, and then he appeared again to give Mu Qiu the last blow to his pride, trampling on Mu Qiu fiercely.

He relied on his family's good family, in fact, his personality is similar to the original Mu Qiu, he only thinks that Mu Qiu is a rich second generation who does not know the heights of the world, but he does not think that he is better than himself, so he dare to do so, and if he is allowed to Knowing that Mu Qiu's little mother was the richest man in the world, he wouldn't dare to do this if he gave him ten courage.

In Ferrari, the two people have been looking at the direction of KTV, and the younger brother Zhang Hao said: "Wen Shao, Brother Tai hasn't given Xin'er for a long time. Isn't it an accident?"

Ao Wen said disdainfully: "Oh God, you underestimate Brother Tai. For people like them, there are no one hundred or eighty in dealing with similar incidents. They have experience and techniques. Otherwise, how can I? Would you be willing to spend 50,000 yuan to find him?"

"What Shao Wen said is, hey, am I a little impatient to wait?"

"No hurry, as long as you can see Mu Qiu's bruised and swollen face, let me wait here all night." Thinking of Mu Qiu, Ao Wen couldn't help but sneered, "Smelly boy, dare to be with so many people." I humiliate the woman I like in front of him. I don't think he knows how he died!"

"Yes, Shao Wen, and that kid Mu Qiu is really too. He feels lawless because of how much money he has in his family. I don't know that Shao Wen has always been so low-key. In the past, he didn't even bother to fight with him. This short-eyed kid actually stared at Sophie, it's just looking for death!"

Ao Wen's face was slightly gloomy and said, "Huh, this woman doesn't know good or bad. I have been chasing her for so long, but I don't know what to do. I don't know how to do it. The more difficult it is, the more interesting it is to challenge! Every day, the day after tomorrow is Su. It's Feifei's birthday, you will choose a gift with me tomorrow."

"Okay Shao Wen... Look at Shao Wen, why are so many cars suddenly coming?"

Zhang Hao's tone suddenly became higher, and Ao Wen also saw one after another cars passing by from both sides, heading straight for the KTV gate.

The headed bright black Mercedes-Benz G500 is domineering, followed by Shiliang Wuling Hongguang. When it reached the gate, the car stopped one after another. Wuling Hongguang's doors opened one after another, and countless black West Zhuan men got out of the car and got off. After that, they stood in two rows on both sides of the Mercedes-Benz G, as if they were soldiers waiting for the arrival of the emperor.

At this time, the main driver door of the Mercedes-Benz Grand G opened, and a man with a fierce complexion and bulging muscles walked down. He went to the front passenger seat and opened the door. When Mu Sheli's man, Ao Wen's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Brother Long?!"

Zhang Hao was curious, and asked, "Shao Wen, who is Brother Long?"

"It's the man who plays with the relics, that is the big boss of Huangcheng ktv, and his true identity is Ye Tianlong, the leader of the Beijing underworld force Tianlong Association." Ao Wen's words revealed deep surprise and doubt, "but I heard that Ye Tianlong had countless enemies, and he rarely appeared in the public eye rashly. Why did he come to the imperial city this time? And he brought so many people?"

"Perhaps something has happened... but it's worthy of Wen Shao! Even the underground forces in the capital are so clear, my brother's admiration for you is really like the torrent of the Yangtze River, and it's like the Yellow River overflowing out of control... "

In the Imperial City KTV, Mu Qiu was still chatting with Wu Qiang. He drank the last sip of the drink, looked at Manager Zhang impatiently, and said, "Why is your boss so inked."

"It's almost here, it's almost here..." Manager Zhang accompanied a smiling face on the surface, but he was sneer in his heart. He laughed at Muqiu without knowing his death, and wanted to let you know what it means to be in pain when the boss comes!

At this moment, uniform footsteps sounded outside the door. Manager Zhang looked up and said in surprise: "Brother Long is here!"

Others present also looked out the door together, and Mu Qiu just glanced calmly. He saw the first middle-aged man in tunic suit walking in with a strong man and a group of black suits one after another, let alone frowning. The eyes didn't blink.

This group of black suits is essentially different from the gangsters like Brother Tai. Brother Tai and the others are thugs who use people's money to eliminate disasters, and these black suits know that they are orderly and well-mannered gangsters. People have both the cruelty of a gangster and good wisdom. At first glance, they know that they are real gangsters, and they cannot be compared with the gangsters.

"Master..." Seeing so many people, Wu Qiang couldn't help but frowned. He wanted to let Mu Qiu go first. Anyway, the phone number had already been called to Mu Xiao, and the number of people from the other party was in vain. The top priority now is to avoid it. Let the young master get hurt.

However, Mu Qiu raised his hand to interrupt him, and said, "What is it? I haven't paid attention to these people."

Wu Qiang was taken aback when he heard this. He thought of the tremendous changes in Mu Qiu's body, and the scene of Mu Qiu doing so many people alone, and his heart was a little weird... Now he still subconsciously regards Mu Qiu as the handless chicken. The powerful young master, the fact is that he has long been unable to see the depth of the young master.

After Ye Tianlong came in, he looked around for a while. At this time, a lot of people gathered in the hall. There were staff members who had been beaten by Mu Qiu and had not been relieved. Fortunately, they were fortunate enough to hide in the corner shivering. , There are many guests who are ready to watch the show.

He came to Manager Zhang step by step, with a deep groan in his mouth, Manager Zhang immediately understood and raised his finger with difficulty and pointed at Mu Qiu.

Ye Tianlong looked back at Mu Qiu, squinted his eyes, and said quietly: "Clear the field."