Chapter 15: You have a bold idea

"Ding! Detect the host's psychological desires, release the task: peeping the little aunt's bath, reward 500 sacred points for completion of the task, and deduct the corresponding sacred points for failure. If the remaining points are less than the deduction amount, the host will fall into a state of weakness for a certain period of time."

What the system suddenly said made Mu Qiu stunned. He glanced at his mouth and cursed: "System, you fart, when did I have this kind of ghost craving in my heart?"

"You have, you have a bold idea."

"I...I'm just an ordinary idea!"

"Don't quibble, you are a ghost."


Mu Qiu stood in a mess for a long time, and then two paragraphs popped out of her mind.

Lu Xun said it well: If a man doesn't peek at a beautiful woman taking a bath, are he still a man?

From childhood to adulthood, every man should once again peek at the experience of beautiful women bathing, otherwise this man's life will be incomplete-Lao Tzu's words are also rich in philosophy and reason.

Mu Qiu felt that what these two great men said really made sense, so in order to make himself a real man, in order to make his career as a man not regrettable, he decided to do something!

Mu Qiu's house has two bathrooms, one on the first floor, and one in the master bedroom on the second floor. I don't know what the little aunt is thinking about. She actually wants to go to the one in the second floor bedroom. She shouted, "My nephew, give me hot water. go."

"Yeah." Mu Qiu heard the order and ran upstairs to the bedroom. He stood in front of the bathroom in the bedroom with a slightly complicated expression.

The design of this bedroom is very interesting. Its transparent, and there is no shower curtain to block it. If someone is washing inside and someone outside, then the people outside can be said to have a clear view of the picture inside. Mu Qiu never brought the sisters too much. When the sisters were washing inside, he would either wash them together inside or watch the wonderful live broadcast outside.

As for this time...

Mu Qiu came to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water, and at the same time asked the system: "System, can you redeem anything for the holy points?"

The system replied: "Basically."

"What if I want to be invisible?"

"If you are invisible, the system recommends two items, the prop-type [Invisible Bead], which will take effect as long as you hold it in your hand. It can be invisible for 2 hours a day, reset the next day, and the price is 1,000 sacred points; the second is the skill category [ Phantom], this skill can directly put yourself into the invisible state, there is no use limit, and 10,000 holy points are required."

Mu Qiu asked: "Then how many holy points do I have now?"

"198 points."

Mu Qiu didn't play less in KTV, and gained some sacred points, but these points were obviously not enough. He asked, "Is 198 enough to buy the two you mentioned?"

"not enough."

"Then what are you forcing?"

"...It is recommended that the host purchase a one-time item invisibility potion. After drinking it, it will enter the invisible state within 10 minutes, and the price is 100 manifestation points."

Mu Qiu's eyes lit up, "Very well, here's a bottle!"

Suddenly, a bottle appeared out of thin air in Mu Qiu's hand, and Mu Qiu couldn't help but stare at it, "Isn't this Nongfu Spring?"

The system explained: "It's just the same shape."

Mu Qiu rolled his eyes: "How much did Nongfu Spring give you? I give you ten times the amount of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water!"

System: "...mdzz"

Mu Qiu was just talking about it casually. He still believed in the system. After all, he had a deep understanding of the power of Chaos Eucharist, it was against the sky, presumably this Nongfu Mountain...cough, the invisibility potion is also very good.

Of course, it is impossible for the nephew of another family to have such a bold idea as soon as she heard that the little aunt was going to take a bath, but the way Mu Qiu and his family get along is different from that of ordinary people. In his memory, he can clearly remember that when he was a child, he was molested by his little mother, little aunt and aunt, especially when he was in the bath.

This is simply the shadow that can accompany Mu Qiu for a lifetime. Even if Mu Qiu, who has passed through now, has not experienced it personally, she can't help but shudder when she suddenly thinks of it. As for peeking at them taking a bath, the original Mu Qiu thought about it, but never With courage to practice, he dared to show off with outsiders, but he didn't dare to arrogant with his family.

However, the current Mu Qiu is no longer the original Mu Qiu.

Soon, a full jar of hot water was placed in the bathtub, and Mu Qiu shouted at the door: "Little aunt, it's okay."

Little aunt walked up after hearing the sound. She went into the bathroom to test the temperature of the water. Taking advantage of the time she walked in, Mu Qiu drank the Nongfu Spring in one sip. He immediately felt that something strange had happened to his body. The change seems to have become transparent, but you can still feel the presence of your body.

He stood at the door and saw the little aunt come out, and found that her expression became confused, and then listened to her talking to herself: "This kid, who was at the door just now, he was gone in a blink of an eye."

Mu Qiu couldn't help laughing, and then when he saw the little aunt about to close the door, his eyes flashed, his feet moved, and the whole person turned into a wind and blew into the bedroom. He tried his best to make his movements gentle, hardly making any movement, but little aunt's movements were still stagnant, Mu Qiu saw her looking back at the room, and suddenly became a little nervous, but thought that little aunt couldn't see herself at all. , It's not so nervous.

The little aunt looked inside the room suspiciously, she couldn't see anything suspicious when she looked from left to right, so she just thought she had some illusion, and closed the bedroom door and locked it instead.

Mu Qiu secretly said in her heart: "It's done!"

He fixed his eyes on the graceful figure of his little aunt, and his heartbeat accelerated slightly. In his memory, he read countless women. There were not one hundred and eighty women he had ever visited, and all of them were first-class, but it could be said that there was no one who was as superb as his little aunt. Besides, they were all the mu before being crossed. What Qiu did was not what Muqiu did now, so Mu Qiu was still very excited when he suddenly had such a bold idea.

Soon, he saw the little aunt grabbing her clothes and pulling up in the bathroom, but the little aunt didn't close the bathroom door. After all, the bedroom door has been locked, and the bathroom is transparent all around, whether the door is closed or not is the same.

Mu Xiao pulled the two corners of her clothes and pulled them on the net, revealing her slender and white waist. As the clothes were pulled higher and higher, more and more parts were exposed, and Mu Qiu also became more and more attracted. Huo, until the little aunt stretched all her shirt up and her pants came off completely, Mu Qiu couldn't help but breathe a little thicker.

Ordinary people may feel guilty at peeking at their little aunt, but he won't. Firstly, he is a traverser. Secondly, this is not a system task. Thirdly, in the memory of his childhood, this little aunt used to molest him. Myself, come all four... Anyway, it's not dear, there is no blood relationship, just look at it, what's the fear? There is no less meat, right?

So, our Young Master Mu sat on the wooden floor with his arms around him, and looked at the graceful body in the transparent bathroom wall with a serious look. The staring eyes were called a big...