Now, I'm by a river and under a dimly lit bridge. In front of me is a hideous man holding a switchblade, around us, there are a bunch of mobsters pointing guns at the heads of various gangsters.

How did I come to this situation? Let's go back to last night, after talking to Jack on the phone.

I texted Elena explaining the situation. I avoided calling her as it was late at night, and if she was sleeping, I didn't want to wake her up.

Then, I went up to the bedroom. When I opened the door, the mixture of sweat with the sexual fluids produced by me and Amelia, generated a very strong, bitter smell. It was basically the smell of sex.

Not caring, I lay down beside Amelia, closed my eyes, and after a few minutes fell asleep.

After a good night's sleep, I woke up to find that Amelia wasn't in bed. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash myself, my body reeked of sex.

I finished showering and went down to the kitchen. When I walked in, I found Tiffany sitting at the table drinking coffee and Amelia at the stove preparing something.

"Good Morning." I say.

"Jay, good morning." Amelia said with a smile.

"Good morning, hmm." Tiffany said sullenly.

I noticed that Amelia's hair was wet, just like me, she must have showered. I sat down at the table.

"Was there food here?"

"When I woke up, there wasn't. So I woke up Tiffany to go shopping."

If she woke Tiffany, then our little adventure was undiscovered. But do I care if Tiffany finds out I had sex with her mother? Of course not, maybe in the future these two…

"Did you use your money?"


"Next time, use what's in the jar on the counter."

Elena told me there's a shitload of money in that pot, and I could use it however I want.

"Jay, how are you going to solve our problem?" asked Tiffany.

"If all goes well, all will be well after tonight."

"I hope it's not just words."

"TIFFANY... he's trying to help us. So please don't act like that."

"All right."

I know why she's acting like this, it's the story of being a private bitch, which is my fault. I'm not going to force her to do this, but I'm not going to tell her now either.

Took out my cell phone and saw that I had a message from Elena, while Amelia poured me a cup of coffee, I read the message. Elena responded by saying that she took care of almost everything, the only thing I would have to do is go to the place she sent me and talk to a man. The meeting time was noon.

I went upstairs to the jacuzzi area as soon as I finished my coffee, I still had some time until the meeting. Taking advantage of this time, I started doing my exercises.

After 45 minutes I was done, and I was lying on the floor covered in sweat. Before starting, I took off my shirt, so it wouldn't get dirty, when I left the house yesterday I only brought one piece of clothing.

Suddenly, a person entered the jacuzzi area, it was Tiffany.

"I saw you looked thirsty." she said handing me a bottle of water.

I noticed that her face was red. Is it because I'm shirtless? I don't want to brag, but in the last couple of years I've achieved a muscular, toned body.

"Thanks." I said, taking the bottle.



A minute of silence hung in the air.

"I... I'm going downstairs to help my mother prepare lunch."


Looking at the time, there would be time for me to have lunch and leave. And that's how I did it, had lunch with the two of them and went out to meet the guy Elena said.

Fortunately, the place was a restaurant that is 20 minutes walk away. Upon entering, I look around and see a man in a black suit waving at me.

"You're Jay, right?"

"Yes, and you?"

"My name is Jacob, Miss Elena told me to help you."

I sat down.

"I see, and why did you accept it? I mea you've never seen me, and you don't know anything about me, so why did you accept it?"

"Miss Elena said if you're happy, she's happy and if she's happy, we're happy."

"Us? Who?"

"The biggest mafia in town x." Jacob said with a smile.


I was calm on the outside, but on the inside I was a little nervous. It's the first time I've seen a mobster, and mobsters are much more dangerous than gangsters. This guy, from the rumors I've heard from my grandfather, are professionals who don't leave a trace.

"I'll explain the situation to you."

After a few minutes, I left the restaurant with everything planned. And 10 clock at night arrived quickly.

I left Amelia and Tiffany sleeping and left the apartment, quickly reaching the 14th street bridge. It's a dimly lit and not very busy place. I went down to the region near the river, under the bridge, and I came across more than 10 men.

"So, you're Jay?"

A man with brown hair, gold teeth, scar over his right eye, tall, a little chubby but strong and full of tattoos, was at the front of the group.

"Yes, and would you be Jack?"

"Exactly. Boy, I admire you for your courage."


"But today, you're going to die, hahaha."

Jack and his henchmen laughed.

"I don't want to destroy your joy, but you are all going to die today, not me."

"And who's going to kill us? You? You alone take care of all of us?"

"Who said I'm alone?"


"Hey, Jacob."

Hearing my call, Jacob and several men in black suits with guns appeared. Just like I told them, they surrounded the two exits. Jack and his henchmen's faces paled at the sight of the weapons.

"Hey, hey, hey, what the fuck is this?"

"You know, if it was two or three I could handle it, but I didn't know the number of people in your little group. So I decided to prepare myself."

"You motherfucker, you set me up."

"Well, yes. I did."

"Everyone puts their hands on their heads and gets on their knees." Jacob said.

The gangsters, afraid of guns, had no other choice and followed orders. Seeing this, was I satisfied? No, I feel like I've done nothing.

"Wait, I'm going to give these guys a chance."

"A chance?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, if Jack can beat me 1v1, you let them go."

The gangsters' faces lit up, they knew they were one step away from a seven-foot bed on the floor.

"Alright, let him go."

The mobsters let Jack and made room for both of us.

"You really have balls, boy."

"Hey, where's my thanks? I'm giving you a chance to live."

"When I kill you, then I will say thank you."

"Then come."

Jack quickly closes the distance between the two of us, I lift my arm and block his punch. To be honest, he's very strong. The punch left my arm a little numb, but compared to my grandfather's punch, that's nothing. The old man's hand appeared to be made of steel.

Once again, Jack tries to punch me in the face, this time I dodge and punch him in the ribs.

"Hmm, that one hurt." I hear Jacob's voice.

Suddenly, I felt my shirt being grabbed. Jack, using force, throws me away, and I fall to the ground. Before I can get up, he approaches me and tries to step on my body. I roll around, avoiding. So, I grab his leg, using all my strength, I knock him down.

"Boss." one of his henchmen yells.

Jack falls, and I climb on top of him, mercilessly starting to slam my fist into his face. I must have hit it like seven times and the bastard didn't pass out, and instead of giving up or something, he picked up a rock and tried to hit my head. Fortunately, I managed to avoid him by getting off him.

"Fuck, boy, now I understand where all that confidence comes from." Jack said with a bruised face and a split upper lip.

I have to get this over with, if the fight is too long I'll end up getting tired.

Suddenly, Jack reaches into his back pocket and pulls out something, it was a switchblade.

In this way, we return to the situation I mentioned earlier.