According to Blake, they are a sort of delinquent organization, made up of people from the three main schools in the city. The school in the south, which is mine, the school in the center, and the school in the north.

This organization follows a system of five leaders, called Kings. These kings, are third year students, who lead a group of delinquents. Each king has his group, and this group involves students of different ages.

When high school ends and these leaders leave, they appoint a new one. Most of the time, they choose people from their own group to take the position.

For example, Blake's childhood friend. In his sophomore year of high school, he was named successor to the title by the leader of his group. At the beginning of the third year, he assumed the position.

Something that caught my attention in the explanation is that this organization values ​​the strength of the individual, that is, there is a hierarchy in the position of kings. Thanks to this idea of ​​strength, anyone can become a king, just defeat one of them, and automatically you will take the position. However, it is necessary to have a strong group to support you.

This system is so strong that it influences students who have not even entered high school. These delinquents do many wrong things like using drugs, stealing, bullying, vandalism, abusing women and other things.

There are several girls affected by this system. Often suffering blackmail or abuse.

If I'm right, this damn system was responsible for making my past life shit.

"Fine, I'll help you, Blake. Your childhood friend is one of the kings, right?"


"He must have fucked up a lot of boys like you."

"Not just him… these bastards, they take pleasure in ruining people's lives. Is it so much fun to watch people suffer?"

Is it fun? Yes, we human beings are simple animals, feeling superior to others is something that satisfies our nature.

"Listen, I'll teach you to fight."


"Yes, but it won't be like the pros. Of course, I'll teach you some techniques I know, but the main point is going to be street fighting."

"Street fight?"

"Yes, a cruel and dishonest fight. That's the best way to deal with people like your childhood friend."

"I understand, thank you."

"Now, let's talk revenge. Hitting him isn't enough."

After all this kid has been through, defeating that guy in a fight is the least.

"So what do I do?"

"Is his mother married?"

"Hmm… No. His parents divorced a while ago. His father went to another city and his mother stayed here."

"Take his mother."


"Stealing everything from him. His mother, his house, his childhood friend, the position of king, even the whore of his cheating girlfriend. Take everything from him... make him suffer the same suffering as you. Make him leave this city with so much trauma, to the point that he never comes back."

I haven't felt this excited in a long time. Like it or not, I have a disciple. I will teach this boy the same way my grandfather taught me.

"You told me to take everything from him, but how do I do that?"

"Why do you think people willingly cheat? People want pleasure. Give all women a pleasure they've only felt with you, make those women submissive to that pleasure."

"A pleasure that only I can provide."

"Exactly. And I take care of your sister."


"Do I take your sister away from him, or do you…want to do incest?"

"No, take care of her."

"Okay, now let's go to your house. Tomorrow we start your training."

We left the alley and went to Blake's house. It's a fancy house, with a lovely garden at the entrance. Upon entering the house, I come across a black-haired woman sitting on the living room couch, fiddling with her cell phone.

Sensing our presence, the girl looked at me. In addition to black hair, she has brown eyes and beige lips. But what caught my attention was the size of the breasts, it's very big, Elena level. She also has a very nice leg.

"Hey, Blake. Who's that?"

"He is…"

"My name is Jay. I'm Blake's friend."

"My name is Julia, I'm his older sister. It's the first time he's brought a friend home."

"I wonder what the reason would be."


I noticed that Blake doesn't look his sister in the eye, that's something that must change in him. If he wants revenge, this lack of trust must be overcome.

"Shall we start doing the work?" I spoke.

"Let's go to my room."

"Feel free." Julia said.


We went upstairs to Blake's room. His room reminds me of mine, it has nothing but the basics. I sat on the floor and Blake sat across from me.

"Listen, if you want revenge, you're going to have to change a few things."


"Your looks and your confidence are paramount."

"I know. I'm kind of dark."

"Your looks are easy. As for confidence, you'll acquire it over time. During this week, you'll be getting a haircut and going to your best friend's house when he's not there. By the way, what's his name?"

"It's Arthur."

"Approach his mother. You're a virgin, right?"


"If you can get Arthur's mom to bed, you'll gain a lot of experience. Trust me, milf are the best for this."

"And how am I going to win her?"

"If she hasn't gotten into a relationship, she must be spending a lot of time alone. You're going to spend this week with her, taking care of her, giving her attention and being close to her. When the time is right, take the next step and pray that your last relationship sexual has been for a long time."


"Because she won't care if you're good or bad in bed. She'll only care about releasing all the sexual frustration, and that's great."

She will finish him. A milf unleashing all her sex drive all over a virgin, I wonder if he's going to be okay.

"I understood."

Now, I have to think about my revenge. I'll look for more information, and if I find out that this organization has made my life shit. I'll rip her to the last limb.

"Blake, let's get to work."

I stayed until seven at night at Blake's house doing the work. Despite his dark personality, he is an easy-going person. Aside from my childhood friend and that girl from my senior years before I went to my grandfather's house, I never had a friend, and I never cared.

I'm going to spend a lot of time with this boy. Will Blake be my first friend? Well, only the future will tell.

I leave Blake's house. On the way to my father's house, my cell phone vibrates, indicating a message. I looked at the message and followed what it said.

I walked until I came across a blue sedan parked where the message said. I approached and knocked on the glass. The window rolled down, revealing a beautiful woman with brown hair and green eyes.

"Hello, Jay. Did you miss me?"

"You have no idea, Elena."