Blake received an invitation from an unknown number to attend one of the 'Five Kings' events. Obviously, I made him accept. This is a great opportunity for him to get used to fighting.

So, on Friday, we went to the indicated place. I came with him, I can't leave him alone. Even more so being Blake, who at best has learned to defend himself and throw a few punches. If he wants to win today, he'll have to use malice.

We arrived at the venue ten minutes earlier than what was on the invitation. Ahead of us is a shed abandoned by a construction company that went bankrupt.

Upon entering, we came across several people, probably with ages close to ours. I looked at Blake, he was shaking. It's normal, we've just entered the enemy's nest.

"Blake, you need to calm down."

"I'm nervous as fuck."

"Want a drink to calm down?"

"And does it work?"

"I don't know. But in most action movies, the protagonist always takes a sip before the fight or the final mission. It should work."

"Fine, but you also have to take it."


We went to the area where the drinks are. There's a guy serving.

"Hey, I have to pay?"

"No, it's on the house."

"Then bring me something strong to drink. For both of us, actually."

The guy served us a blue liquid in two small glasses, just by the smell you could tell it was a strong drink. Wasting no time, I pick up the glass and tip it over. The bitter liquid burned my throat.

I looked at Blake, who was also drinking, and saw that he was grimacing. Unfortunately, I couldn't take a photo.

"Burned to the top."


"Hi, hi, hi guys."

Suddenly, people moved away from the center of the shed, making room. A man, holding a microphone, began to speak. The microphone connected to a speaker, allowing everyone to hear his voice.

"Today's event is Derek's team versus Blake's team."

Team? Nobody said that. I thought it would be 1x1.

A group of five guys go to the middle of the shed, the supposed leader is the red-haired karaoke boy. However, the people beside him are different from that day.

I start walking towards the center and Blake comes after me.

"The presenter, or whatever. Nobody told us we had to bring in a team, and they didn't even explain how it works."

"Are you Blake?"

"No, it's this guy over here."

"If he didn't seek information, that's his problem. Now, even alone, he'll have to participate."

"We're both going to fight."


Five against two, depending on how the event goes, I can safely guarantee it.

"The presenter, can you explain to me how it works?"

"It's by elimination."


If it's by elimination, then we have rounds. When we defeat the opponent, another takes his place. One of us will fight until defeated, no matter the number of rounds, it only leaves when defeated or replaced.

"The first representative of Derek's team is Derek himself."

So, the red haired guy's name is Derek. If I'm right, he wants revenge for what I did to him at Karaoke. I'm not a well-known person at school, so the easiest way to get to me is through Blake.

"You go first, Blake."


"This will be your first test. If you still want to continue to learn from me, beat him."


"No buts. Go."

Blake, nervous, goes to the center of the shed and comes face to face with Derek.

"The representative of Blake's team is Blake himself."

"Aah sucks, my business is not with you. Let's get this over with."

It's like I thought, he's after me.


Derek's face has a carefree expression, he sees Blake as an insect, a person at the bottom of the food chain.

Blake takes a defensive stance.

"Hahaha, who taught you...!?"

Blake lands a right jab to Derek's face. Blake doesn't have much strength, so the blow didn't do much good. However, this fight is not just a physical confrontation, it is also a psychological battle.

Just look at Derek's face, he's stunned by what just happened. Blake, the weak little boy who is constantly bullied, punched him in the face. Not just him, but the surrounding audience. Everyone is surprised.

Upon returning to reality and realizing what just happened, Derek is extremely furious.

"You little shit."

Quickly, he closes the distance and punches Blake in the stomach, who groans in pain. But contrary to expectations, Blake was fine.

Memories of Tuesday, Blake's first day of training.

Like my grandfather, I believe in practice. After teaching him the basics like stance and jab, I had him put it into practice.

Obviously, Blake made a lot of mistakes and threw clumsy punches. Halfway through practice, I threw a punch hard enough to make any normal student pass out in pain. But Blake held on.

Surprised, the only thing I thought was that this boy has suffered so many times in his life that his body develop superhuman resistance.

If my punch couldn't make this kid pass out, it won't be Derek's, who's a lot weaker than I am.

To tell the truth, Blake will suffer in this fight, but I believe in his victory.

After receiving the punch to the belly, Blake backed away. Derek wasted no time and went to him, punching him in the face. Derek grabs Blake by the shirt and starts throwing various punches.

Various bruises appear on Blake's face. Desperate, the boy jumps to the side, falling to the ground.

"Hahaha, you're just a scared little mouse."

"Look at the floor, Blake." I yell at him.

Understanding my line, Blake fills his hand with sand and throws it into Derek's eyes. It's an abandoned shed, the floor is full of dirt.

"You son of a bitch."

Blake runs in and hits Derek again in the face. One, two, three punches in a row. For the first time, Derek felt pain.

Derek manages to wipe his eyes and grabs Blake, using force, he knocks him down. Blake falls, but before he can get up, Derek pins him to the ground and unleashes a flurry of punches.

The sound of Derek's fist hitting Blake's face and the blood staining the floor penetrated my senses.

The moment I thought it was over, Derek fell to the side. Blake, at some point, grabbed a brick and hit Derek on the head.

Wasting no time, he gets on top of him. I wonder what emotions Blake was feeling right now. With no mercy, he started slamming the brick into Derek's face.

This time, it was Derek's blood that started flying everywhere.

"Stop stop stop."

The presenter grabbed Blake from behind. If he kept hitting, Derek would probably die.

Breathing hard and eyes wide, Blake looks at me. I motion for him to come closer.

"I won." he says, his face swollen.

"Good job. Now rest and let me take care of the rest."


"To relax."

I approach the presenter.

"I want to replace Blake."

"All right."

I position myself on one side and the opponent on the other. Even if the leader loses, the team has to keep going.

"The first round ended with Blake's team winning. So, let's go to the second round."

I will finish quickly.

"Hmm... Derek told our leader you were strong."

Leader? Is he talking about one of the five kings?

"He said he wanted to get revenge on you. But now he can't anymore. So, I'll do it for...."

Before he can finish speaking, I land a kick to the side of his head.

(N/A: mikey tokyo revengers style.)

My opponent falls unconscious.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it, can you repeat it?"


" You can not?"


"Well, the next one."