
Michael and Jade walk down a street side. Michael struggles to stay standing up, using the wall to help. He's holding his side.

Jade "Michael, where are we going?"

Michael "To... an old friend's place... If there really is a hit out for me, we'll need to be prepared for anything."

He moves his hand from his side a bit revealing a large wound caused by the explosion earlier.

Michael "And probably some medical help too..."

He smiles a bit trying to be light of the situation. Cuts to a door to an upstairs apartment. There's frantic knocking at the door. An older man walks to the door.

Yami "Right, right. I'm coming."

He adjusts his glasses and opens the door.

Yami "What is it? What do you want?"

Michael "Hey Yami..."

Jade waves behind him. Yami just stares at him for a moment before slamming the door in his face, similar to what he did to Jade earlier but not as friendly.

Michael "Come on Yami! We really need your help!"

Yami "Tell me one good reason why I should let you in?"

Michael "Because... we..."

Michael collapses due to blood loss.

Jade "Michael!"

She catches him before falling completely.

Jade "Yami, please! Michael's hurt really bad! I promise we'll never ask again! Just help Michael, please!"

He opens the door.

Yami "You guys say that every time... Come on. Let's get him inside."

He smiles slightly a bit and crouches down to her.

Jade "Thank you Yami!"

Cuts to black. Then Michael begins to open his eyes looking up at the ceiling fan. His face looks as if he has a bad headache. He sits up and rubs his head.

Michael "Ugh... My head."

Yami "Look who's up."

Yami and Jade are sitting at a table while Michael sits up over the edge of the bed.

Michael "How long was I out?"

Yami "Not long. A couple hours at most. Here, take these. They'll help ease the pain."

Yami gets up and hands Michael a couple pills and a glass of water. Michael takes the pills.

Jade "I told Yami about the situation."

Yami "So you've got a bounty on your head, huh? And Jade said Franics is now after the money? If it's big enough to get that brute involved then it's got to have something to do with Mogami. That damn brat..."

Yami takes a seat.

Michael "You think Mogami is involved?"

Yami "Most likely... and fortunately for you, I happen to be the only one to know how to reach him. He's a very hard kid to get to."

Michael "Well that settles it. What do we need to do?"

Michael rolls his shoulder as if getting ready for a fight.

Yami "Easy Michael. I get it, you're excited and all but your injuries are still healing. We gotta-"

Suddenly, his door is kicked in fast and aggressively. Kevin, who looks a bit beaten up, comes running through the door.

Kevin "YAMI! We need your help!!"

He is holding Jazmine who looks in a horrible state with bad injuries.

Some Time Earlier...

Kevin and Jazmine walk up some stairs following behind Paulie.

Paulie "Please, take a seat."

They sit down on a small couch next to each other while Paulie sits in his own chair across a small table from them.

Paulie "So Gene said it's probably someone in a high spot of power right?"

Jazmine "Yeah."

Kevin "Probably another gang boss like yourself, I'm guessing."

Paulie "The only other guy around here who has enough money to get Francis' attention would be Mogami. That son of a bitch! Stepping on my turf, messing with my boys!"

He slams his fist into the table in frustration.

Kevin "So you think he is really involved, huh?"

Paulie "If he is, this is gonna be harder than I thought... The only thing I got for you is that old man Yami knows how to get to him. Unfortunately, Mogami is beyond my district."

Kevin "Old man Yami!? I haven't seen him in awhile!"

Kevin elbows Jazmine in the arm. She is obviously frustrated by him hitting her. Kevin then turns to shake Paulie's hand.

Kevin "Thanks Paulie. It was great seeing you again. We're gonna go figure this whole thing out now."

Paulie smiles and nods at them.

Paulie "You kids get moving then! I've got nothing else for you!"

He wags his finger at them pointing them out of his warehouse smiling. They leave out the back door discussing what to do next. As they walk out though they walk past a familiar face going into the warehouse the same way they came out. After a few steps past one another they stop and turn, realizing each other. It's Francis. Kevin gives him an intense glare.

Francis "Kevin? Hey man, how've you been?"

Kevin "Francis. What are you doing here?"

Francis "Well, I caught wind that someone might be on my tail. So, I figured, just to make things easier on me, I would go and... Cut off the loose ends."

Hey says with an evil smile.

Kevin "What exactly is the loose end here?"

Francis pauses for a moment contemplating. He looks away from Kevin before answering.

Francis "Paulie to start."

Within the same second of finishing his sentence, a kick is thrown right to his face. His eyes sharpen. Kevin, flying through the air at him lands a hard kick.

Kevin "Not gonna happen!"

Francis caught his leg right before it hit. He smiles nastily and grabs his leg with both hands now.

Francis "Come on Kevin! That can't be all you've got! Right!?"

He swings Kevin around fast and slams him against the wall hard enough to crater it. Kevin coughs up a bit of blood from the impact but not much.

Jazmine "Kevin!"

Francis "Be smart about this."

Francis says looking at Jazmine, almost warning her like she'll be killed for attacking. Jazmine yells out as she charges him with her fist. He turns and swings his arm back to deliver a counter punch. Right as he swings Jazmine dodges by jumping up high over his swing. This surprises Francis enough to allow Jazmine to land a solid upward kick to the jaw. Francis spits out blood but quickly grabs her ankle. Kevin, now on the ground, begins to get up weakly.

Kevin "Jazmine!"

Francis swings down hard, throwing Jazmine very hard into the side of a car. She hits the car hard enough to cave in the passenger door. If that wasn't enough, a part of the door bent and stabbed through her left lung. She calls out in pain and coughs out blood. Kevin gets a terrified look on his face.

Francis "Should've known you guys would get in the way."

He says this with his back turned to Kevin. He turns to face him as Kevin stands with dust and rubble on his back, falling down.

Francis "Always the good ones. Always obeying the rules. You should look after yourselves more often and this won't happen."

Kevin clenches his jaw with heavy shadows over his eyes, obviously angered by his words. Kevin stands for a moment before he opens his hand and liquid metal begins to form in his palm. He clenches his hand which causes the metal to instantly wrap around his entire arm up to his elbow, ripping his jacket sleeve as well. Kevin winds his arm back ready to release his metallic rage upon Francis.