
"Holy Shit!" Zeke screamed at the sight of the monstrosity outside the door. "What in the world is that beast? Scan!" He yelled.

[Kraken: Race: Isopod Level: 500 Skills: Fire Immunity, Lightning Immunity, Ice Immunity, Poison Immunity, Poison Immunity, Instant Regeneration Experience: 4,000,000]

"Oh, hell no!" Zeke shouted.

"What is it, Zeke?" Scarlet asked.

"That thing is level five hundred and immune to almost everything!" He replied. "There is no way we can fight such a monster!"

"This unit believes in you." Sara chimed in. "This unit would not have summoned the beast if it did not believe you could defeat it."

"You summoned that monster?!" Scarlet yelled. "I told you we shouldn't trust her! IT only took a few minutes to prove me right!"

"This unit does not understand." Sara said. "This beast was easily defeated by hero candidate one."

"Is that the only one who fought it?!" Zeke asked, trying to hold on to the shaking room. The tentacles from the beast beginning to wrap themselves around the building.

"No, Hero candidates four, seven, thirty-two, and forty-eight all fought the beast." Sara replied. "They were unfortunately eaten."

Zeke's face went pale at the news. "We are about to get eaten too you stupid android! Make it go away! You summoned it!"

"This unit cannot interfere with the hero's training." Sara said.

"Summoning this beast is interfering!" Zeke screamed. "Make it go away!"

Sara paused thinking about her next move. There was logic in the argument. "Logic confirmed. Proceeding to shoo away the kraken." She walked out the door and made a small motion with her hands. "Shoo, Shoo, go away little kraken." She said as she waved for it to go away.

The attack did not stop. The kraken began to squeeze the building causing the walls and ceiling to crack under the pressure. "It's not working!" Zeke screamed in fear.

The head of the kraken broke the waves. IT was massive, larger than the building they stood in.

"Shoo, Shoo, little kraken." Sara repeated.

The kraken took one of its tentacles and picked up the android. He brought her to his massive beak and intended to eat her.

"Shoo, Shoo, little kraken." Sara repeated again as she was about to be tossed into the beast's mouth.

"It's not working, you need to attack it!" Zeke screamed.

With ease she pulled the tentacle wrapped around her off. With a swift motion she jumped into the air and did a triple spin before landing a drop kick directly center of the kraken's massive head. With the force of the impact, she twirled and jumped back to the walkway. She landed with her hands in the air.

"Ta da!" She said in her monotone robotic voice.

The beast cried out in pain from the attack and retreated into the waters. Zeke and Scarlet both watched in awe, their mouths agape with surprise. Curiosity struck Zeke and he decided to scan the android.

"Scan." He said while looking at her.

[SARA Race: Android Level: ?????? Skills: ???????? Experience: ????????]

"Data pertaining to this unit is classified." Sara said, looking directly at Zeke, knowing she had been scanned. "You do not have the required access clearance to see the information."

"What the hell were you thinking!" Scarlet screamed out as she stormed towards Sara. She raised her hand and slapped Sara across the face as hard as she could. Sara's head did not budge but Scarlet cried out in pain. "What are you even made of!" She yelled holding her injured hand.

"Access to this unit's construction is classified." Sara said. "Access denied, please try a different inquiry."

"I am tired of this thing!" Scarlet yelled. "Let's just leave it and do what we need to do! If we stay with it, we will probably find ourselves in an early grave."

"You might be right." Zeke agreed. "We should definitely leave her here."

"This unit will accompany the hero candidate." Sara said. "This unit's primary function must be fulfilled."

"So, I have no choice in the matter?" Zeke replied. "You are going to come along no matter what?"

"This unit will follow the hero candidate." Sara said.

"Considering what you just did to that monster, I know I cannot stop you." Zeke sighed. "At least promise me you won't pull any more stunts like that again?"

"Affirmative." Sara said. "This unit has found the error in its subroutine and has corrected the issue. Will no longer force hero candidates until battles against strong monsters to maximize growth rate. This unit will merely observe and offer advice on how to become a True Hero."

"Thanks." Zeke said. "I think?" He then turned to Scarlet. "Are you okay, did any of the debris hurt you?"

"No, I didn't get hit by any of that." Scarlet said. "My hand is killing me though; I think I may have broken it."

"Can you use a healing spell?" Zeke asked.

"No, I am a fire mage." Scarlet said. "Healing spells are cast by white mages."

"Android, can I use healing magic?" Zeke asked, hoping she would enlighten him on his abilities.

"The hero candidates can sometimes use healing magic if parameters are met." Sara replied. "Parameters differ from hero to hero, but all are linked to emotion."

"What emotion do I need to cast a healing spell?" Zeke asked again.

"This unit does not know." Sara said. "As this unit just stated the parameters vary from hero candidate to hero candidate."

"Then what is the most common emotion?!" Zeke said, clearing becoming annoyed at the android.

"Most commonly the emotion of love has been proven to cause healing." Sara explained. "However, some hero candidates reported that love produced a fire spell." She raised her hand and gave Zeke a thumbs up. "I believe in you fifty-one!" She said in a non-robotic cheerful voice.

"Wait, you can change your voice?!" Scarlet shouted.

"This unit thought reinforcement from innocent female voice would produce the best result." Sara explained.

"Creepy." Zeke said. "Alright, do you want me to try a healing spell? We can't really keep your hand broken and we are the only two people for miles."

"Promise you won't accidentally burn my hand off?" Scarlet said nervously.

"I hope?" Zeke replied in a fearful voice.