I Said No!

"Is candidate fifty-one still a hero?" Sara asked, bending over to take a closer look at Zeke. "Scanning. No demon king essence detected. This unit has successfully stopped the transformation. Yay." She said in a monotone robotic voice.

"Thank you, Zeke." Scarlet said, grabbing onto his head and hugging him close to her bosom. "Thank you for saving me. Thank you for coming back to me."

[Oh, these are nice.] Alpha said. [So bouncy.]

[Hey that's rude!] Zeke said internally to Alpha. [She was concerned about us. You shouldn't just comment on her breasts like that… They do feel so nice though.]

[Don't try to act all noble with me.] Alpha laughed. [I am inside your head; I can see everything you are feeling.]

"Zeke?" Scarlet asked, releasing her grasp, and freeing him from her chest. "I wasn't hurting you, was I?"

Zeke blushed a bit. "No, you weren't hurting me at all." He replied.

[You are such a lame ass.] Alpha said. [Why are you the first one that can hear me?]

[Well, at least I have a body!] Zeke retorted.

[Ouch what a comeback.] Alpha sighed. [I am simply saying girls are most vulnerable after you save their life. Add all the trauma she has from losing her family and boyfriend and you got yourself an easy lay. You miss every shot you don't take.]

[I would never take advantage of her like that!] Zeke replied. [Besides, I lost my love as well.]

[No, you lost a girl you liked.] Alpha said. [You never confessed, and you don't know if she had the same feelings as you. You would have waited forever, and she would have found herself a real man. You have a beautiful vulnerable woman right in front of you, just take the shot.]

"Well, we should get going." Scarlet said, standing up. "We need to find the treasure of this place so we can get out."

"This one agrees." Sara said. "With the weakness of the unessential one, fifty-one is at risk of becoming a demon king."

[Whelp missed your chance.] Alpha said. [Also switch with me.]

[I told you I don't feel for her that way.] Zeke replied. [And why would I switch with you?!]

[I want to help you…] Alpha said slowly.

[Help me with what exactly.] Zeke asked.

[Murder the android.] Alpha blurted out. [Please I only need a second! She one hundred percent has it coming.]

[No, you are not going to kill the android!] Zeke sighed. [Like I said before, I don't trust you.]

[I only told the truth.] Alpha said. [I mean she has already tried to kill you once. She will try again. Just let me kill her. As a bonus I will get the beautiful lady over there to fall head over heels in love with you.]

[No Alpha.] Zeke replied firmly.

[Fine!] Alpha replied. [I will just be in my room, staying quiet watching your inevitable failures.]

[Wait what do you mean your room?!] Zeke asked.

[Oh, it is nice, I have a large bed, a window that lets me see out of your eyes, and a direct line to my best buddy.]

[We are not best buddies.] Zeke replied. [Like I said, I don't trust you.]

[One, ouch that hurt.] Alpha replied. [And two, no one said I meant you.]

[Who else would you talk to in my head?!] Zeke yelled internally.

[Tell you what, I'll just write it down in my journal here and you can come read it.] Alpha replied. [While you are here, I will take your body for a spin, you know so you don't collapse and hurt yourself.]

[No!] Zeke replied.

[Damn it.] Alpha said. [Fine you aren't invited anymore, my best buddy and I are going to eat tacos and you cannot come.]

[That's fine just leave me alone, the girls are looking at me funny.] Zeke said.

[Well, you are just standing there like an idiot, you idiot.] Alpha replied. [So, the temptation of tacos isn't even enough?]

[I have no idea what that is.] Zeke said.

[Oh god, the future sucks.] Alpha said.

"Are you sure you are okay Zeke?" Scarlett asked again, worried that he was just standing there, lost in thought. "We can stop and rest more if you need to. Why don't you check your status screen and make sure you don't have any aliments just to be safe?"

"That's a good idea." Zeke said. He brought up his screen and was shocked he had gained fifty levels. He was now level sixty-six. "Wow I leveled a ton!"

[You are welcome.] Alpha said. [As a thank you, how about you let me drive.]

[No, stop asking.] Zeke said. [Ask me one more time and I will ignore you.]

[Fine.] Alpha sighed.

"You did?!" Scarlet said happily. "That monster you killed must have been worth a ton of experience points."

[Well, he was one of the dark lord's generals, so yeah.] Alpha said.

[He was a what?] Zeke asked.

[Every cycle the demon king has four to six generals that are his most powerful enforcers.] Alpha explained. [Usually, they range around level one thousand or so, depending on the cycle.]

[You one shotted a level one thousand?!] Zeke questioned. [Just what level are you anyway?]

[Tell you what.] Alpha said. [I am going to write that down in my journal as well. You know what to do if you want to know.]

[You know I am sorry I asked.] Zeke said.

"This one is surprised, fifty-one was able to defeat such a monster so early in his journey, perhaps he shall not be a failure like his predecessors." Sara said.

Alpha yelled in anger at the top of his lungs.

"Ouch!" Zeke said.

"What's wrong?!" Scarlet rushed over to Zeke. "You are still in pain aren't you!"

"No, I am fine, I just had a sharp pain in my head." Zeke replied. "So where do you think the treasure is?"

"This one has found it." Sara said.

"Okay where is it?" Zeke asked.

"This one cannot say." Sara said. "This one may not interfere with the development of fifty-one."

"Did you not just knock me out?!" Zeke yelled.

"This one must also protect the development of fifty-one." Sara replied. "It is a paradox."

"Well, that's helpful as always." Scarlet sighed. "Well at least we know the treasure is visible from where we are standing."

They both scanned the area, looking for signs of the treasure. After a few minutes of searching Zeke found a shiny box in the castle, he could see the gleam from the moonlight. The box was precariously close to the edge of the hole he put into the castle on its fourth floor.

"I see it." Zeke said as he pointed. "Now we just need to go up there and get it."