

I was 13 when Luca found me in the park crying on the floor. My cloths were ripped to shreds, I was dirty, and had just ran from my foster home.

My mother died when I was born and my father was an alcoholic. From what I knew, my mother had been attacked on her way home and the stress from that put her into labor when my father found her. My mother was the love of his life, and because I stole her from him he hatted me. He drank his pain away and took his anger out on me. Child services took me away from him, then put me in a foster home when I was 5. As the years went by I became attached to this family, until one day a man came into our home, tortured and killed my parents.

It was late and cold, I woke up to screams coming from outside my bed room door.

"Mom?" My head was groggy as I sat up pulling the covers back and walked to my door. What was going on? I slowly opened the door and the smell of rust or metallic hit me, like running Into a brick wall. I crept across the banister and down the first flight of stairs stopping midway to slide my head under the bar to get a closer look with out being noticed.

There he was cold and pail as a sheet of paper. His body was ridged as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. He had my foster father in one hand by the throat on the floor, blood coming from his neck down his body soaking his shirt. He was bent over over him asking my foster mother a question, she was tied to a chair thrashing about as she watched them. I couldn't make out what he was asking while she screamed.

He asked her a question again and she got quiet, he looked to my father and squeezed his neck making him groan in pain. My mother had tears running down her face shaking her head. The man bent down placing his lips at my fathers throat and if giving him a kiss and she screamed. My father thrashed but then his body went limp but my mother continued scream. Her screamed made my stomach turn. Just then the man let my father go blood trickled from his neck. What was going on, my breathing became ragged as I panicked.

The mystery man went straight to my mother and cupped her face. He was speaking in a hushed voice, he turned her head and in that instant she saw me and gasped. Shock filled her face just like mine did. We made eye contact just for a split second before her face was cover by the man. His eyes pierced right into my soul. Pale blue with purple rings around the edge. I tried to hide but I couldn't, my head wad stuck. I pulled at the bars wanting to cry. I was stuck under the bars while this sycophant watched me struggle. He started making his way to me when my mother kicked him from her seat.

"RUN CHILD!" Was the last thing I heard then her screams filled the room. I twisted and turned my head just as I like I had gotten in and was free. Her screams had stopped but I ran for the door. I was in my pjs, an over size t-shirt and small boy shorts, no shoes no sweater. I ran for my life because if I looked back I would most likely be killed.

I ran into the park, panting heavily, falling and tripping, my shirt getting caught on sticks, and branched. Till I came to the cent of a park, my cloths were trashed, I was dirty. find a bench I crawled under it to hide. I cried, what had just happened? What happened to my family?

It felt like an hour, maybe longer, but I heard footsteps. Someone was coming, I tried making myself smaller and could see the shadow of a man walking towards me slowly and carefully.

"SHHH...there there dear child are you alright?"

I cried and he came close, bending down and looked under the bench i was hide under. I watching hesitantly, no, he wasn't that man. I scooted closer to him, and came out of my hiding spot. He sat on the floor and lifted a hand to pat my head.

"There, there child, I wont hurt you." He had black hair and green brown eyes that shown like light in the dark. He had a straight jaw handsome for a man. He held his hand out to me and I slowly, hesitantly took it. "What's your name child?"

"C-cl-Clair." I stutter sniffled. Wiping my nose on the back of my hand.

"Clair what?" He cooed pulling me closer to him.

"Cl-Claira... Ma-ma-Mason."

"Claira Mason such a pretty name for a pretty little girl. My names Luca." He took my hand and started to lift me up. He carried me, talking softly into my ear to calm me down. He took me to the nearest police station, told them my name and when they went back to my house they couldn't believe what had happened.

They were going to take me and place me in another foster home, but I wouldn't leave Luca. He later fibbed saying he was my uncle so they released me to him.

It wasn't till a year later he told me what he was, and gave me a choice. I was 14 when he explained the war between vampires and Lycans. And that a vampire had killed my foster parents. He explained that if I chose to be like him I would never have an actual family no kids no getting old, but I would live forever, and that living with him he would become my family. He said he would give me 4 years to be normal and once i finished school I could make my choice.

And I did.

----4 years later------

"Tick-tock, tick-tock. Claira-bears mind is like an empty block!"

"Shut up!" Claira screamed.

Claira watched as her brother paced back and forth on the pipe fence that lead to the high school she once attended. At the age of 22 he stood tall, 6'5 built for his size, he wore grey skinny jeans with a white v neck pull over that read Obey in red. Luca had brought him home half dead from a leach(vamp) that was feeding on him. Its been 3 years since he's been with them. He decided to turn a year ago.

Grabbing a rock closes to where she sat on the floor, she threw it at him like a baseball. He quickly dodged it landing on the ground with a light thud.

He laughed and watched as she turned red in the face. She was frustrated and done with him, he was always quick to mess with her ever since Luca brought him home. Quickly packing up her things she stood up and started the short walk home.

Her brother frowned watching her and in one fluid graceful move he was at her side. She didn't flinch, she was already use to him popping up here and there with his speed along with living in a house full of wolves, it no longer bothered her. After he turned it was as if he was born to be a Lycan. He learned how to control his temper, his hunger, and himself in a matter of days. Something most turned couldn't in such a short time.

"Aww I'm sorry sis, please don't be mad." He pouted at her, but she just stared at him but kept walking.

"Go away Jason." She grumbled holding her back pack tighter, her knuckles turning white, trying to hold back her anger.

"Oh come on, please I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, come on Claira-bear." He fluttered his eyelashes at her hopping to get a response out of her.

It away worked, she sighed in defeat, shaking her head. "Fine if it makes you go away I forgive you." He had such long dark lashes for a guy, it made her envious of him.

"YAY!" Jason jumped up and down purring like a cat. He may have been 22 but he acted like he was 10.

Claira just kept walking almost a block away from home now and she could already tell what was happening on her front lawn. Her family was lined up outside, her father faced all 20 of her brothers and sisters. At least the 20 that had chosen to be Lycan that is... To her it looked like they had just finished training. She wondered why Jason was with her, and didn't go to training this time.

She turned to Jason who shrugged, keeping pace with her. "A hunt maybe?"

"You know dad only does that once a month and you guys went last week." She stated. Again Jason just shrugged as if it were nothing. Luca although a Lycan rather eat a 'vegie' diet, store bought meat compared to the fresh kill from a hunt.

Now walking up the drive way Claira could faintly hear her father speak. Clearing her throat to get his attention, he turned to look at her with admiration in his eyes. She knew she didn't have to make any noise for him to know she was there, she was pretty sure he could smell her two blocks before she even got there.

"Claira my darling." He meet her half way, embracing her in a warm hug.

One of her sisters from the line snorted and rolled her eyes. "Pet." She spat under her breath. But Luca clearly hear and so did Claira.

But before either one could say anything Jason spoke up. "Sonia, don't you have a cock to suck?" As soon as Jason spoke those words Sonia's face turned a bright red. It matched her hair, she looked like a red chili.

Hissing and barring her teeth at him, she stormed away screaming. Sonia was a pretty girl, she had a round face, blue eyes and fair skin. She looked that Disney princes who shot arrows. But she dressed like Malibu Barbie, wearing skimpy cloths, halter tops, and thongs for shorts.

"She's nothing but a pet to him! She's still human! She makes me sick!" Sonia slammed the door behind herself, causing the whole house to shake. Claira frowned and hung her head, she never understood why Sonia was so hostile to her. Ever since she started living with them her attitude was just plain bitchy.

"Its ok dear." Luca sighed rubbing Claira's back, trying to cheer her up. Jason walked over to his little sister hugging her tight.

"Yea she's just jealous that your still human and you get a choice. Unlike her, Luca found her already turning."

She looked up at her brother confused. "If that's the case then why doesn't she say anything about you. I mean we found you human, you just changed a year ago?"

Jason let go of her and smiled "because little innocent sister of mine, she want to get in my pants." He told her in a hush tone. He bent over covering his junk like a dramatic girl caught naked. Claira giggled and shoved Jason to the side. Luca just rolled his eyes at the both of them and walked away, calling on the others who were present to fall him.

Claira watched the only father figure she had walk back to the house. Without looking at her he motioning two fingers for her to follow his as well. She made up her mind then and there. She would tell Luca she wanted to turn and lay down her life for him. She would be turned and trained just like Jason. She would no longer be this helpless human she was now. She would show Sonia she was better then her. She would be an animal, the animal that everyone feared. She would be a whole different person, then the child she was now.