
A Mask

Claira started the walk back to her room from Diego's cell, she was chewing her thumb nail as she walked up the stairs. She tried to walk quietly but stopped on the first floor, her senses were on high alert as she listened closely. She heard the sound of clinking dishes in the kitchen and fried meat. Claira wasn't paying attention as she just stood in the walkway of the stairs, there was a bump on her back as she stumbled forward.

"Hey!" She looking behind her. She was stun to see Jason looking at her, his stare was blank. "Oh...hey Jason." She dropped her hand from her mouth, and smiled up at him.

Jason looked taken back as well, he only had sweat pants on, as he rubbed his eyes clearing the sleep from them. His stare was distant on her, but he focused on her face as his nose twitched when he inhaled.

"Hi." His greeting was short and quick turning from her he walked into the kitchen, ignoring her.