
Save Her

Diego watched Jason step out from the group of people he had been placed in. So the battle wasn't over, and he wanted to do this in front of everyone. Game on then. Claira watched looking between the both of them, her mouth hung open in shock that Jason was doing this.

"No," her voice was a whisper, and only Luca heard her. Claira took a step forward to stop them but her father stopped her before she could. Panic swelled in her chest at the thought of them hurting each other. Her stomach was twisting and turning making her nauseous.

"Well pup, if you want to try, then come on, lets see what you got." Diego took his hoodie off revealing he had nothing on under neither, Claira's cheeks flushed remembering their time together not too long ago. The scars on his tan skin looked more prominent in the early morning light. But Claira could see Diego was bigger then Jason, in both height and built.