
Out of the Fire, and into the Pan

Claira threw her towel at Diego before he could say anything else. Her father was letting Diego stay with them? Not to mention he insinuated he knew something might be going on between them two. She started to bit her thumb nail as she walked past Diego into his new room. She went straight for the closet and opened it, inside there was already a goodie basket of shower items ready to do. Every room had a basket of shower goodies, and when Martha found out someone new was staying with them she would give them cloths she thought might fit them. Martha was the some to go to for everything, she loved house work and decorating.

"What happened the hour I was showering." Panic started to set in for Claira, her breathing was labored as she turned back to Diego practically throwing the basket at him.

Diego caught it with out flinching and lifted a hand to her. "Whoa hey calm down, your starting to make me panic."