
Come Back to Me

Diego followed behind Luca as they walked to his office. He knew he would have questions for Diego and he needed to come up with a very convincing lie.

Stepping into Lucas office, Diego could see the difference between his father and the man standing before him. His father's Office was nothing but 2 chairs in one room, and one of those chairs was meant for his next victim. Luca had a love seat, and coffee table to one side, His desk and office chair to the other. along his wall he had pictures of himself with various people. Some he noticed, looked to be his pack members and more often where pictures of him and Claira.

Diego looked around but Luca was admit to get the meeting over with. He had other more important plans to take care of.

"I'll be straight with you Diego." Diego stood by the door not sure where this was going, nor where he should sit. "I need a favor from you."