
Annoying Grinch

Claira watched as Diego drove off in one of the spare cars her father had around the block. It was like a piece of her went missing, her chest felt like it was splitting in two. He knees buckled and her head became heavy as she stumbled back Jason grabbing ahold of her and held her steady.

"I got you," He whispered in her ear, is breath warm on the side of her neck.

Diego's car saw now a speck in the distance when Claira turned to Jason smiling up at him, but it wasn't a genuine smile it was one of sadness and pain. She could still feel Diego in her mind, the small poking and prodding still there telling her Diego wasn't gone forever. He would come back to her, he would come back for her, deep down in her heart she knew it was true.

'I'll be back, I promise.' Diego's voice a small whisper in her mind gave her comfort.