
We mourned the loss of our pack mate Pat. It had been a week since I found out that my mate was Lorenzo. To be honest I had been avoiding him for the past week. It has been hard, but ever since I woke up the morning after my birthday, the pack hasn't been the same. Everyone's been quiet, scared and distant. I hadn't been getting much sleep myself either. The bags under my eyes rained heavy, as I curled up in bed, the blankets wrapped tightly around me. My breathing was even as I laid on my side, staring out my bedroom window.

'I want my mate Ella'

"I can't, not right now."

'I want my mate, why are you ignoring him? Please Ella.' She whined, giving me a head ack.

"I'm not....I'm just...we lost some...I can't right now."

'Ella!' Her voice was harsh in my head making my head pound more.

"Stop yelling." I whispered feeling so out of it, I knew how she felt, because I wanted my mate as well, but he lied to me...all these years he lied.

"Get up and find Lorenzo,'

I closed my eyes and covered my face with a blanket. "Shut up please." I pushed her to the back of my mind, and thought about the last time I saw Enzo. I had broken down crying because we had lost Pat, and because I was scared. I could have died if Lorenzo hadn't found me.

I sunk further into my bed, and brought a finger up to my lips. He had kissed me....and that kiss was....it was wonderful. Electric shocks had filled my body when his lips touched mine. I let out a deep sigh. My body acked, and it was because I needed Enzo. He was my mate and I needed him like I needed air to breath, but I was mad at him. He didn't know why, only I did.

He knew I was his mate since he turned 17, but he never told me. Yes he was always around but never showed any interest in me romantically. So why now? It hurt me, did he even want me?

There was a low knock on my door, and I turned over to face it.

"Come in."

Tanya peeked out from behind my door, looking pissed off as ever. Her dark hair was pulled in a sloppy bun, with a tank and shorts. "Get up change put make up on, we are going out for fresh air." She pouted and walked over to me and sat at the end of my bed.

"No, I'm staying in bed." I pouted back at her and cover my face again with the blankets.

I felt her scoot closer to me in bed, suddenly my blankets were ripped away from me, and it was cold. I curled into myself, shivering from the cold. "Damn it Tay, its cold!"

She rolled her eyes at me "Pussy, get up!" She pulled my arm and forced me to stand up from the bed. She shoved me towards my bathroom while she riffled threw my cloths trying to find something to put me in. I sighed and started to get ready.

It took me about 45 minutes to get ready and even then I wasn't fully finished yet. I wore jeans, a tank and hoodie with some convers. Tay rolled her eyes, with my frumpy look, but she gave me the ok as we left my room after a few minutes of me pouting.

Walking down the steps, I froze just before stopping at the bottom step. His scent hit me right away, it filled the space almost suffocating. Rain and ocean, making my mouth water and my stomach turn. I had been looking down at my feet trying to ignore the fact that Lorenzo was now somewhere in the kitchen area in front of me. Taking a quick peek I looked up and saw him, Lorenzo was standing at the kitchen stove watching me.

Lorenzo looked like he hadn't slept in days, he had bags under his eyes, and a shadow of a beard on his face. His hair was a mess, like he had run his hands through it over and over again. I had never seen him like this before, he normally was well put together, right now he just looked a mess. I looked down and away at my feet as Tay keep walking into the kitchen, as chipper as ever.

"Hey Laz." Tanya's perky flirty voice irritated me a little, he was mine, she shouldn't be talking to him like that. She sat in the middle of the kitchen bar that held enough seats for 6 people. Tay watch him as he continue to cook. It smelt like eggs and bread in the kitchen along with his rich scent.

"Hello Tanya, good morning." He smiled at her, then looked back at me. "Good morning Ella." His face softened when he said my name, Lorenzo's voice melted my heart, and gave me butterflies. I looked up to meet his eyes and saw the hurt in them. He was hurt because I had ignored him for so long.

"Good morning Lorenzo." I walked into the kitchen and sat at the bar next to Tay.

Tay straightened herself then leaned onto the counter where we sat. "What's for breakfast Laz?"

He looked back at her, and held up an egg on the spatula. "Eggs and bacon," his voice was flat, as he went back to cooking, glancing up at me when he got a chance.

There was a thud and heavy foot steps could be heard on the stairs as we all looked up to see a sleepy Drake coming down the steps. His hair was disheveled and on his neck you could see love bites from Tay. Rolling my eyes I looked back at her and she was blushing as she noticed what we all saw on him. Drake smiled at Tay as he hopped off the last step and walked toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He nestled his face in her neck as she giggled against him in her seat.

My heart dropped at the scene, it made me want what she had so bad. I would have had it but me and Enzo...we needed to talk. Looking back to Lorenzo we locked eyes, and we locked eyes, his face fell with hurt, loss, hate, and want. What I saw on his face reflected what I was also feeling. He looked away from me to Tay and cleared his throat. Tay and Drake stopped and looked up at him and as if on cue. Drake picked Tay up bridal style and walked with her back to the stairs.

"Ill be back later Ella." She giggled and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes then looked back at Lorenzo who had stopped cooking and was now walking around the kitchen bar straight for me. The look on his face scared me, he was determined, his face was serious and hard as he stopped right in front of me making a cold chill fun down my spin. My wolf yearned for him, and all I wanted to do was reach out and touch him. Lorenzo stood before me for a few minutes, my heart beat wildly in my chest, as I held my breath. He put his hands on both my knees and parted them. Where he touched me fire erupted on my skin. He looked at me intently waiting for me to pull away, and when I didn't he took a step close putting himself between my legs. He slowly ran his hands up my either sides of thighs, making my heart race faster, and made my breathing hitch. I looked up meeting his eyes and they glowed a bright golden green. The look he held was pure love, and sorrow. He was sorry and I could see that now in his face, but I wanted to hear it from him as well. He hands hand now traced up my thighs to my waist then my neck, he placed his hands on either side of my face cupping my cheeks.


"Shhhh." He hushed cutting me off as he brought his face inches from mine. I felt his breath on my lips, which made me shiver more involuntarily with want for him, in more ways then one. He brushed his lips against mine, and I let out a small moan, that was all he needed for an approval. He crushed his lips to mine, kissing me like he was drinking water on a hot day. His lips moved hungry against mine, and my own lips were hungry for his.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He let go of my face and wrapped his hands under my lifting me so I was now sitting on top of the counter. He held me close, his tongue invading my mouth and fought for dominance and I let him. His 5oclock shadow scratched at my face but I didn't care. It was like he was a hungry man starving for a meal, and was that meal. I fisted my hands in his hair and pulled him closer to me, the feel of my body pressing against him caused me nothing but pleasure. But it was all shirt lived, I hadn't heard the foot steps from the stairs when suddenly Tanya's voice rang out high pitched and caught us both off guard.

"Damn! I didn't know you guys were like a thing now."

Her voice was like a bucket of ice water had just been poured over both of us, Lorenzo pulled away and leaned his forehead against my chest, while I just sat there wide eyed looked at Tay.