
Enzo! Come find me Lorenzo!

I bolted up right sweating and panting heavily. Tears swelled my eyes, as I cried over and over.

My body acked at the thoughts that ran threw my head. My wolf whimpered. He voice was quiet like a lullaby.

'Sssshhhhh.' she cooed. 'Ella its ok.'

"Im alone!"

'Your not alone you have me.' my wolf's voice was soft and almost hurt.

I hugged my knees to my chest, as I took in my surroundings. I had been laying on a hard cushion bed, with barely a blanket. It was dark but the moon light from the window slithered in. Letting in rays of light enough to make out that I was alone in this room. Two windows, a door, a dresser, it was a bare room, just the basics.

Sitting up so I was now on my knees looking around.

"Where am I?"

'No clue...'