chap. 11 - My Little Sister

After a hectic and hectic night, an office that urgently needs cleaning and tidying up awaits us.

We start to clean up all the mess we have made while I go over the details of the open investigations. After a lot of work, I go home.

I arrive home, take a good shower, pour myself a cup of coffee to activate my brain, put on my work clothes and go out to see how the construction of the laboratory is going.

I created the laboratory so that Banner can do what he does best, and even research better cures for the various diseases that are spreading in the world. Not to mention that with his brain, I have no doubt that this is the only field he can work in.

As I arrive at the construction site, I see that the work is going smoothly, there are no delays and no unwanted visitors.

As I am walking back to my car, I get a call.

"Hello" I say as I answer.

"Son, sorry to call at your work time, but your mother and I have some news for you." I hear my father's excited voice.

"I'm all ears dad, what are you guys up to?"

"Ah, see son, your mother was feeling bored, since we no longer have a crafter in the house to increase my white hair in numbers, so we decided to adopt a child." he says laughing at the hair joke.

"That's wonderful dad, have you found a boy or girl you are in tune with yet?"

"Ara, ara, check it out, I knew you'd love the idea, so we've already filed the paperwork, we found a cute little girl, and we were wondering if you'd like to come and meet her."

"Dad, of course I will, when is she coming home?"

"She's been living with us for a week now." he answers quickly.

Now he's caught me by surprise, I gave the shadows orders to warn me only if they are in danger, so it makes sense that I don't know this old news.

"So, when can I go?" I ask.

"Well, see, that's what I wanted to talk about, we arrived ten minutes ago at your apartment," I feel an urge to laugh coming from him.

"You haven't changed a bit have you old man, I'm coming." I hang up the cell phone and start laughing as I get out with the car.

In less than five minutes and with two tickets hanging on the bill, I arrive at the building.

I run into the apartment and see a 10 or 11 year old girl jumping up and down, plugged into the 220v.

She is jumping on the couch watching Naruto, imitating the moves and doing poses, which I can't resist and jump next to her doing the same things.

We both stay like this for about 20 minutes, facing each other with jutsus and taijutsus until she defeats me and holds me in a lion kill.

"I surrender O mighty kunoichi, please forgive me" I make a face of defeat and despair.

"You will be arrested and sent to the Hokage and his wife to decide your future. Don't try any funny business, you rebel ninja." she is looking serious, staring at me.

Hearing the little girl's words, my parents come back from the bedroom, where I believe they were packing, "Ah, I see my little girl has arrested the villain. You see mama, she is stronger than our oldest son," my father is amused by these things.

My mother barely hears him, and comes over to me.

"Don't come any closer ma'am, I am a renegade ninja, and I am trapped by this strong and brave kunoichi." I wink at my mother.

"Don't worry, she won't hurt you while you are here." she hugs the little girl, and turns her to me.

"This is her older brother Emeric Nox, but you can call him Ric.

I fake a face of amazement that makes the girl laugh. "So this strong kunoichi is my little sister? The gods have blessed me." I pick her up and throw her up making her laugh even harder.

After a short while of throwing her up, "And what should I call my little sister?" I look at her.

"I'm Michelle Jane, but everyone calls me MJ big brother." and with those words my dusty black heart melts for good.

I pick her up in my arms, "My little sister MJ, you can call me Ric like mommy said okay, or big brother, or Nox, whatever you want," I squeeze her a little and hold her cheeks.

So I spend the day watching Naruto with MJ, while my parents go for a walk in the city.

Not long after, my three little kids arrive home, and find me and MJ sitting on the couch, which earns her a strange look on her face until I introduce her to everyone.

In less than 5 minutes, it seems like they have known each other for a long time and are sitting on the couch while I go to prepare snacks and juice.

Shortly after, my parents arrive home, and Peter quickly jumps on them, yes, they know each other even though my parents live more in London and rarely come to visit.

Then I introduce Lisa and Frank, everyone sits down to watch a cartoon, and then Maria and May arrive, who save my parents from anime torture, as they call it.

A little later they are joined by Bruce, and Jean sits down with us to watch the cartoon.

So the day passes and evening comes.

I cook a nice, tasty dinner to celebrate my parents' visit and give MJ a gift of a smartphone prepared by Eve, which makes my parents jealous and I have to assure them that theirs will arrive tomorrow.