SON GOKU (Dragon Ball Super Broly) vs ASLAN (The Chronicles Of Narnia): Info

Son Goku

Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. He is a Saiyan sent to Earth as a baby by his father Bardock to escape the destruction of the planet Vegeta and the Saiyan race. Adopted by Grandpa Gohan, he became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head, starting his great adventures from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Z. After defeating Kid Buu, Goku works as a radish farmer before learning of the existence of the phenomenally powerful God of Destruction Beerus and seeks to fight and surpass him. In the process, he is introduced to the universes that exist beyond his own, and the amazing warriors that they contain.


Aslan, also known as The Great Lion, is the creator and one true king of the world of Narnia, and generally a representation of all that is good. Aslan appears in Narnia as a large and terrifying, but equally magnificent and wise, lion with kind eyes. He appears in different sizes to different people, although he himself never changes; as people grow in wisdom and character, they can perceive more of his greatness. Aslan is very wise, and a powerful force for good, but as Narnians often say, "He's not a tame lion." He is dangerous, and an unconquerable enemy, but he is unquestionably good.

SON GOKU (Dragon Ball Super Broly)

Powers and Abilities

Saiyan Physiology: As a Saiyan, Goku possesses a vast array of superhuman physical attributes, which he has trained to God-like levels through years of training.

Superhuman Speed: Goku can move/react at least as fast as Beerus, who's shown massively faster than light speeds and fly at hypersonic speeds, enabling him to travel great distances in short periods of time, or move at "untrackable" speeds while in combat.

Superhuman Durability: Goku's body is far more durable than that of normal human beings, being essentially invulnerable to all Earthling-made weapons. His durability is so great that he can survive universal forces of energy. However, while naturally durable thanks to his Saiyan physiology, he does have limits, as other powerful beings as himself can hurt, and potentially kill him, if he does not defend himself correctly, and when purposely lowering his guard and ki to protect him, even an ordinary energy gunshot, was capable of leaving him near death.

Superhuman Senses: Goku is able to think and react at extremely high speeds, easily able to dodge or catch projectiles fired from weapons, or even keep up with incredible combat speeds from his opponents. As a Saiyan, Goku also has enhanced senses of smell, taste and sight, which further increase his combat senses and instincts.

Superhuman Endurance: Thanks to his physiology and willpower, Goku is capable of exerting himself even if fatigued from using techniques or transformations that cost a lot of his energy or wounded as shown when he defeated Piccolo when he was younger while his limbs are broken and being mortally wounded. The most impressive display of his endurance is during the final moments of Tournament of Power. He pushed himself despite having little stamina and being severely injured due to the side effects of Perfected Ultra Instinct through his willpower in order to defeat Jiren alongside Frieza.

Heat Resistance: Thanks to his Saiyan biology, Goku possesses an extremely high resistance to heat. This was first seen when he was able to calmly relax in the boiling hot saunas of Princess Snake's palace. As the years went by, his resistance to heat only increased, as he was able to fall through the Earth's atmosphere without burning up from the high-speed descent. Perhaps the most impressive display of his heat resistance is in Dragon Ball Super: Broly, when he's fighting with Broly in lava, and both foes are unabated by the boiling magma. However, this could be because Goku's energy acts as a barrier against the lava, and not because his body is naturally resistant to such high temperatures.

Flight: The ability to take flight through the manipulation of ki. However, as a Saiyan, Goku already possesses the innate ability to fly, which later in adulthood, he'd show to completely dominate.

Godly Ki Mastery: Goku can change the nature of his ki to that of the gods, increasing his power drastically. With the Godly Ki, Goku gains access to god-level transformations such as the Super Saiyan God and the Super Saiyan Blue.

Kamehameha: Goku's signature attack. A powerful ki blast fired with two hands after concentrating a large amount of ki. Goku first learned this technique after witnessing Roshi use it to extinguish the fire on Fire Mountain. Goku has also invented numerous variations.

Spirit Bomb: Users of the Spirit Bomb gather huge amounts of energy from all chosen surrounding life forms and inanimate objects to conduct that energy into a massive sphere of astounding destructive power.

Solar Flare: The user places their hands close to the center of their face with the fingers spread toward their eyes. The user then calls out the name of the technique, which provokes a white light to fire out and blind everything watching except the user, since they are projecting the light.

God Bind: By channeling the Saiyan God power through the user's hands, the user can use the energy generated to stop an opponent in their tracks.

Instant Transmission: A technique for traveling long distances instantly. This action is usually accompanied by the user placing his index and middle fingers on his forehead to help him concentrate, though if extra time is taken the technique can be performed without this aid.

Genius of Combat: Goku is able to prepare ingenious strategies when it comes to fighting. On more than one occasion, he was able to defeat opponents he was no match at first by using the correct tactics. In addition, Goku himself states and proved that techniques used against him cannot work more than once, because he can adapt to them and find their weak points.

Ultra Instinct: Goku gradually learned this from training under Whis. During the Tournament of Power, Goku unlocked a special state and perfected it, enabling him to put to use Whis' teachings. Using Ultra instinct, Goku's physical and mental parameters are vastly augmented, providing him with not only equally increased combat performance, but also giving him access to the Ultra Instinct ability, allowing him to instinctively dodge and attack any nearby threat in the most effective way possible. Despite the usefulness of this ability, Goku could initially only access it as a subconscious reaction to the direst of situations.


Super Saiyan God Goku fought with a suppressed Beerus, their clashes were about to destroy the universe from its edge. Absorbed Super Saiyan God's power and became even stronger. Later became much stronger by training with Whis and unlocking Super Saiyan Blue.

Comparable to Vegeta at this time, who managed to dominate Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black after training extensively. Stalemated a stronger Hit with just Super Saiyan Blue, without using Kaio-ken. Also capable of maintaining Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken x20.

Traded blows with a heavily suppressed Jiren, and shook the whole World of Void with his Ki alone. While Jiren was holding back, he was repeatedly described as the strongest enemy that Universe 7 had ever faced, and thus superior to Infinite Zamasu.

Goku was able to fight through nearly the entire duration of the Tournament of Power despite repeatedly breaking through his limits, ultimately pushing himself to fight and eliminate Jiren alongside Freeza even though he could barely move moments before.

ASLAN (The Chronicles Of Narnia)

Powers and Abilities

Nigh-Omnipotence: As the divine son of the Emperor-Beyond-The-Sea and second only to his father in terms of power, Aslan is an extraordinarily powerful entity with immense magical power and capable of many great feats.

World Creation/World Destruction: Aslan's power is so great that he can literally create and destroy entire realms. He created the realm of Narnia and destroyed the world of Charn.

Shapeshifting: Aslan can manifest himself in different shapes. He can also transform others, as shown he transformed Eustace into a dragon.

Portal Creation/Interdimensional Travel/Teleportation: Aslan is capable of effortlessly accessing any of the realms, with him having been able to repeatedly leave and return to Narnia with ease. He has also been able to easily transport others into Narnia, which he does to bring the Pevensies repeatedly to save and help Narnia, either in the form of opening portals or simply summoning them. He is also the only one capable of naturally reaching Aslan's Country and has stated he can allow those he chose into it, as shown when he allowed the Narnians loyal to him and the Seven Friends of Narnia to enter his country.

Magical Breath: Aslan's breath alone contains incredibly potent magic and capable of achieving several powerful effects, such as boosting the morale of the faithless, causing sleep, and even negating the powerful magic of the White Witch's wand that petrified Narnians who rebelled against her to revive them.

Healing and Resurrection: Aslan can heal and seemingly even resurrect others, though it's unclear whether he can truly revive others from the dead or just allow them to briefly return to life before they return to the afterlife. A single drop of his blood was able to restore Caspian to his full strength and youth and temporarily resurrect him enough for him to be able to interact on Earth briefly.

Invisibility: Aslan can conceal his presence from anyone he wishes while still letting those who he wants to see him be able to see him, as shown when he prevented anyone but Lucy from being able to see him.

Spring Embodiment: Simply Aslan's presence was able to restore spring to Narnia, overriding the powers of the White Witch that had kept Narnia bound in winter for thousands of years.

Dream Walking: Aslan appears to have the ability to conjure dreams or at least appear in the dreams of others, as he twice appeared before Lucy in her dreams.

Nigh-Omniscience: Aslan also possesses cosmic levels of understanding and the divine ability to see and sense events happening across other worlds while being in another realm. He is fully knowledgeable of the Deep Magic and exceeds even the White Witch's understanding, knowing that an innocent sacrifice would be revived. Aslan is also able to seemingly instantly detect the crisis in Narnia and figure out the right moment for the Pevensies to return to Narnia when Narnia needed them.

Invulnerability: Aslan is seemingly almost invulnerable as a divine being, with nothing known to be able to harm or kill him.


Created the entire Narnia universe over an unknown period of time by singing and roaring. Killed the White Witch who couldn't be killed by normal means. Should also be no weaker than real-world lions. Is present in many universes in many forms, including our own.

LOCATION: Silver Sea (The Chronicles Of Narnia)