Li Ren

In a city not far away from the town that young master Lin Occupied. There was a brothel.



A servant's call was heard from downstairs. A man with long hair and a slightly messy gown surrounded by girls heard it and replies with a little smile,

"What is it?"

The servant reached upstairs and with sweat on his forehead; he looks at the young master Teng Feng and says,

"Young master, we already sent those Mantiraptor beasts to attack her town. And the Repellant tree was taken far away as you told him to."

The young master's eyes brighten. 'All the good news is finally coming to me. Talk about lady luck. Hmmm, there's one more thing,'

"What about that man that you hired?"

The servant hesitated and said, "Young master, he is said to be unmoving in some random cave."

Young master Teng Feng put his hands to his temple and thought, 

'She probably tortured him for days. It's her family,' with a thought of her bouncy massive rack, young master Teng Feng only laughs.

"Did you put something in his mouth?" He asked to make sure.

The servant nodded earnestly and says,

"Yes, yes, young master. All the preparation is done." 

But he swallowed his saliva and thought of something. 'I hope it works. If it doesn't, he will open his mouth and reveal the young master.'

Young master Teng Feng's sharp eyes noticed it.

"What's the problem?"

The servant hesitated and finally opens his mouth and says,

"Young master Lin from the Lin Family is said to be heading to that town."

Young master Teng Feng did not look happy for a moment and remembers, 'The son of a high-level inner disciple of the sect and the second in command of the Lin family Lin Gu,

'His father might be strong, but if he were the one that she will blame, it would look like that it's not my fault. I'm not afraid of Lin Gu. My father is a patriarch, much stronger than the Lin family.

'My father is also a core disciple of the dark peak. I can kill that runt if I want to. My proud Teng Clan. That runt is just a lower-level young master, so it's not a problem even if we kill him.'

He wore an evil smile thinking of all that and says, 

"Isn't it better? He would be the one she will hate, the one to be blamed." 

He laughs as hard while embracing the brothel girls besides.

"Ohh... young master Teng Feng, not there."

"You're so naughty master Teng."

The young master looks at his servant and says,

"Use that treasure. I don't want that town to live. Do it, even if that young master Lin perished."

Shocked, the servant couldn't think of anything and thought, 

'Use that treasure? Isn't that too much? That's akin to killing a Ratibug in a meat grinder.'

"Do you understand?" Young master repeated with a cold tone.

"Yes, young master, this servant will do it with no hesitation for you, young master." The servant bowed.

Young master pinched the girl in the little curvy waist and says, 

"Good, now let me enjoy my alone time." 


At the town.

The guards finally settled down, they didn't gain any powers as the young master did. But they keep forcing the husband and wife to cook for them, till they feel that they have no chance.

"What's wrong with the young master? He didn't get out of the room last night until now."

The guards asked the quiet Bo Zu sitting on the side, 

"He's been reading a novel," 

Bo Zu replied. His eyes were round black two. He couldn't sleep.

"You too?"

The guardian asked.

"Yes, young master Lin was so loud. I couldn't even close my eyes for a moment." 

Bo Zu said. Last night, his young master out of nowhere would scream things like, No! I'm a genius! What is this? I'm like this? Nooo!

Suddenly, the guard's eyes froze, and opens their mouth silently saying to Bo Zu,

"Don't move."

In the corner, there was a shadow,

'Young master Lin?' The shadow thought, 'The lustful young master Lin, he is an extremely spoiled individual. He would beat up those who are weaker than him and even stronger than him using his background. He's just like that guy...

The person in the shadow thought carefully, 'Where's Teng Feng? What is young master Lin doing here? I need to get out and check on my family.' But before the shadow could move and think of a plan,

"You, turn around or I'll slice your neck."

One guard was on the shadow's back, his half body was covered in alloy-like fleshes, Steel Mantis symbiosis transformation.


Another guard appeared. He looked at the person in shadow, the person in shadow sweated,

'How did he get on my back without me noticing? Is this the Lin family's elite guards? High-level elite symbiotic cultivators? The person in the shadows thought.

"Shadow mantis, Reveal yourself or we will kill you."

The shadow suddenly retracted herself symbiosis form, which made Bo Zu and the guards surprised. The shadow is a lady with short hair, blue eyes, and two massive bulging racks. 

'She already tamed a beast? What a talent, but she is soaked with blood. Could it be that she was sent by another clan to kill her young master? I won't do that. I will let the young master himself play with her.'

"What are you doing spying on the young master? Sent by another clan?" 

The lady is wearing an angry expression; she didn't answer and asks,

"What are you doing in this town? Is young master Teng Feng and young master Lin in cahoots?"

The guard still had a serious expression. They were trained in combat, so they never underestimate their opponent. In their eyes, even if they are higher in cultivation, this girl is already a symbiotic cultivator.

"You're not in the position to question us."

All of the sudden, 


The girl was punched in the stomach.' It hurts.'

He caught her and made sure that she won't be able to resist,

"We will take you to the young master. I'm sure he will like you," the guardian of young master Lin punched the girl again in the stomach.


The girl's eyes had the light on them and decided that she couldn't resist. She could only receive the punch that is so hard.

"Hmmm. Bo Zu, drag her down to the young master's room."

Bo Zu hesitated, 

"But the young master?"

The guard shrugged, "Just throw her inside. You know, young master." 

Bo Zu could only comply, 

"I hope the young master doesn't get angry. He is not in the mood right now I believe."

Bo Zu knocked on the door and opened it. He saw young master Lin not even looking at him dragging a girl, busy with the book he is reading. Afraid to disturb the young master, he threw the girl's body inside and closed the door.

Young master didn't even care about the door nor the lady in front of him. Like he didn't even sense them. Currently, he is reading with changing expressions from time to time.

Dread, pride, surprise, but mostly hatred!

'What is this! Not again! No! No!'

Young master Lin still couldn't believe the boom he is reading but all of them are straight attacking his heart.

On the floor, the girl is looking at him madly. 

'Fortunately, I spore awakening to keep me awake or I would've fallen from his hands. I plan to use this to Teng Feng, but I am currently in a dangerous situation to what I imagine. 

'Only the spoiled young master Lin was here instead of Teng Feng, but I need to kidnap him to get out of this alive. I still don't know where my mother, father, and my four sisters are.'

The girl suddenly flips her body and kicks the ground to propel herself toward the unknowing young master.

'First, I'm going to cut all his limbs to make sure that he couldn't move once I made him a hostage.' 

In this Cultivation bug world, one can restore limbs and heal as nothing happened to them. It's a common practice, so she is not constrained.

Her eyes and look became black in mid-air. It's her symbiosis form. When she's about two meters close to the young master...

Her eyes widened because the young master's aura exploded, and he moved so fast!


"Damn it!!!

"Those guardians of mine are noobs. They just let a girl with cultivation higher than me inside while I'm busy reading.

"Could it be that I'm a young master like in those books that even my guards are showing signs of being a blockhead?"

Young master said this while his hand was grabbing the girl in her face, he pulled out the girl and then went behind her back. 

He looked at her beautiful face, and realized he knows her,

"What a surprise, princess Li Ren; the Black shard, you're already a symbiotic cultivator? Very talented and a princess. There's a chance that you would be in his harem. Tell me, have you met Nie Zili?"