Young master's reanimations

"They are dead? Just like that? What happened? What about the bug beast tide?"

Bo Zu was pulling something and young master Lin noticed that the dead body of Bo Zu was zapped out of a natural energy aura.

'This is not poisonous, right?' the young master looked around.

He saw that the husband and wife are there but Li Ren is not, so he thought,

'Where is Li Ren?'

His voice was angry because he was not sure what to do with the dead body and was thinking,

'Bo Zu is not protected by fate? Could it be that anyone could die? Does it mean I could die too and kill the main character?

'No, No.

'I'm still not sure.'

Out of nowhere...

Thud! Thud! Thud!

'This is great timing. I hope the young king dies so I could only use the secret of the Chat Group. But he must praise himself that I get to exchange with him.'

The coffin scared out of the husband and wife but they still didn't dare to speak. 'Young master, Li Ren is.' they thought. But before they could voice out something.

Those coffins that are suspended in the air landed like a struck of thunder producing smoke and an eerie sound.

The young master looked at the Coffins that are made of gold and thought,

'It's beautiful, and it's not bad. Now, how does this one work? I should put the dead bodies inside it, right?'

Young master opened the four coffins he conjured from his spiritual sea of consciousness and then came to stand near the dead bodies of Bo Zu, Lin Pang, and Lin Ha.

Not wanting to touch it, he kicked Lin Pang's body to shoot it straight inside the coffin.


However, one hand of Lin Pang exploded from his normal kicked alone that made it explode and separate from its body.

Young master furrowed his brow and observe the dead bodies seriously. 'What's going on?'

Using his foot, he check the body of Lin Pang by poking it and thought, 'Hmm his body became a normal human, what kind of thing they face?'

Young master breathes out to relax. 'I will know it later.'

He casually lifted one by one the bodies of Bo Zu, Lin Pang, and Lin Hal but carefully, to put it inside the three coffins he conjured. He closed it and waits for it for five minutes.

The husband and wife look like they wanted to say something, but they noticed that the young master's expression and mood were foul.

After five minutes, the lid of the coffin opened.

A human hand wrapped in bandages reached out. Young master didn't care what is it or not. He's not in the mood because he hated being confused about what's happening, like someone's playing his head.

"Young master?"

The man, wrap with a missing arm in bandages spoke. He didn't look like a monstrous-looking creature at all. He still looks like a human, but his aura of death and darkness cannot hide that something is wrong with him.

"Lin Pang?"

Young master asked.

"Yes, it was you young master, but how?"

Young master didn't answer his question and says,

"Wait for the other two."

The two were awakened a little while late and had a similar reaction to Undead Lin Pang. Seeing them complete, the young master opened his mouth and asks.

"I revived the three of you. However, you three are already dead but, you can still serve me. Tell me, What happened to the three of you."

The undead Lin Pang and Lin Hal were surprised especially Bo Zu.

'How did young master have this kind of ability and when? Especially me.' But soon Bo Zu's expression changed, remembering the one who killed him and the two.

Being beside young master for a long time, he is naturally the one who answers most to him,




Their angry howls scared the husband and wife. They are full of animosity and their death and darkness aura was suffocating.

Young master's expression changed into surprise.

'Nie Zili? Fate is truly playing against me this early. Is she the main protagonist? Maybe it's his sister and mistaken him as a girl. plus, I still don't know what kind of the main character he is, and it's too soon.

"Tell me, I'm sure that his cultivation was low compared to the two of you. How did he defeat the two of you?"

'He? young master, she's a girl!'

The two undead seems ashamed to answer, if they told him that Nie Zili is a girl, their young master would flip and berate them. Plus, they don't want to admit that they were killed by a girl in weaker cultivation.

"Young master, that runt wouldn't have beat us if he didn't have a prepared formation and did not sneak attack us."

'I see the formation, huh? In the novels, if there is a formation. Maybe he has someone helping him like he has an old grandpa inside him or people close to him. There's also a chance that he is a time traveler who turned back in time. Or could it be all of them in one?'

Young master tries to analyze the enemy, but he thought of another thing.

"Where's the treasure I gave you?"

The undead Bo Zu was confused. He fainted so fast and was scared it was still in his clothing so he tries to search for it.

"It's with him, young master. He took it from Bo Zu when he kicked him fainted to the ground."

Answered by Lin Pang since he is awake with Lin Hal when Nie Zili took the treasure of their young master.

"I see."

Young master outs his finger on his temple and thinks. All of a sudden, he looks at the husband and wife and asks,

"Where's Li Ren?"

The two bowed and answers, "Answering young master, Li Ren says he wanted to find out what happened to the three."

"She didn't help them? They could have lived." He said with anger.

The two tremble and then answer, "Young master, she said sorry Li Ren couldn't heal them, and it's not her ability. They are losing so much aura and life force at the same time. But she will try to find out what happened to them."

Young master is not convinced and asks,

"She said that?"

The husband and wife nodded and replies,

"Yes, young master, she said that we rely on her message to you. Then she left quietly after that."

Young master didn't respond a moment.

'What is she planning? Investigate? What for? If she's gone to pursue Nie Zili and if he's a protagonist, he could either be alive or dead.

'It depends on what kind of protagonist he is. If he is a system user or has a grandpa, he will let her live. After all, most of them are horny virgins.

'But if he's a time traveler and a thousand-year-old virgin, he would probably kill her. After all, being a virgin for a long time despite all the temptation in the world, would be a person with great determination and purpose.'

Young master turned his attention to the husband and wife and says,

"I see. You two can go now."

He waited for the two to leave so they won't hear him say to his subordinate and look at the three undead.

"Do you know what kind of being are you three now?"

The three suddenly realized something and were curious for a little while now.

"We have the same aura as bug beast's young master."

Young master Lin nodded.

"Do the three of you still want to serve me?"

The three was hesitating because to their death it was so comfortable but being back in the real world, all they want is revenge against Nie Zu,

"You are already dead. Why hesitate to answer? Are you being shy in this young master's presence?"

Seeing his broken arm and remembering someone who killed them, Lin Pang didn't hesitate anymore.

"Young master, I just want to have revenge against that Nie Zili and then I want to have my revenge against him! The humiliation I experienced and being killed by him despite having a lower level of cultivation.



With a low tone, young master Lin can feel the animosity and hatred from it, and Lin Hal voiced out his hatred with a hidden lust behind them.


Bo Zu, when he found out that he has power, he just says,

"Young master, I want to try killing him too before I depart from the living world."

Young master suddenly revealed a smile, "So the three of you will serve me forever?"

The three stopped, looking very confused.

"I'm going to tell you something about why I hate him. He cannot be killed because he may be protected by fate."

The three look like they didn't believe him, so the young master drops the bomb.

"Well, Still, I won't let him leave this one without a repercussion after what he did to this young master. He used formation, right? I want you to find him, and if he's with someone or a group. Target the group first, then you can attack him and see for yourself if he is protected by fate or not.

"Oh... if you confirm that you can't have your revenge, make sure to destroy the treasure I gave to you last time. It would be a sight to behold if you ask me.

"By the way, Bo Zu, I don't want you to take part in their fight. I want you to find Li Ren. If she's still alive or dead, take her back."