
On the darkest of the night, three shadow flashes through a dense hazy forest.

"Teng Family found us!"

One of the shadowy figures muttered in the hazy, cold air.

"But Brother Zhili, why can't I face them?"

"Ren shaiwang, your strength is not enough. All our strength is not enough. We will die if they catch up to us, adding to the fact that the numbers are greater."

The shadowy figure is Nie Zili and Nie Ren. They were running away from pursuit of the Teng Family because Nie Zili knew why they had to.

Earlier when Nie Ren awakened from her slumber, Nie Zili told her they needed to hide their identity because the girl with them is a person of the Lin Family. This made Nie Ren feel so shocked, but  her feelings didn't change.

Nie Ren wanted to kill and make Li Ren disappear, but Nie Zili stopped her by persuading her that Li Ren saved them both and her brothers. So she 

"How do you know they were coming after us? Also, how did they find us?" 

Said the other girl, Li Ren on the side. She didn't have any idea why this girl Nie Ren changed her outfit and aura, but it's not important to her so she didn't question it.

Nie Ren looks at her with disdain and wariness. She is avoiding looking at Li Ren as she stares downward, annoyed. 

"I tamed a mantis master of electromagnetic ability called Area shock. Because of this ability, I can sense any familiar aura in my surrounding kilometers. I know the Teng Family is coming."

Nie Zili said while thinking of something different.

'This is the reason I'm here. They wanted their family to own that egg of the Supreme category of bug beasts. A bug beast with ten auras, stronger than the sect's legendary beast, than Nie Ren's transformation seabed wolf, and a nine aura bug beast.

'I can feel the vibration of the earth. The egg is reacting to the awakening of Nie Ren's legendary bloodline when she awakened the symbiotic bloodline inside her. 

'The Teng Family don't want others to know about it and they should've awakened it longer, but because of Nie Ren's awakening, my plan became messy.

'Now, we are in this situation. I need to Plan B to get that Supreme to buy beast.'

All of the sudden...


Nie Zili gaze in the left and right direction and thought,

'Damn it! It started so early compared to my previous life. Now, I won't wear it and I don't have a plan on what to do with those chasing us.'

Nie Zili's beautiful brow twitched.

'I can sense that they only have two of them following us right now. They probably split up to find the egg of the supreme bug beast.'

She looked at the two people in front of her and thought, 

'They are with me and someone's chasing us. Despite there being only two chasing us now. If I leave these two girls behind, I'm sure that there's a high probability that they are going to be defeated or even killed. It'll also take time for Nie Ren's pressure ability to weaken them.

'Nie Ren had little life and death experience, and this girl Li Ren might take them on but she is still injured a little. I'm not sure if I should take a risk. 

Let them be? I need that Supreme bug beast with ten aurae. However, those experts are from the Teng Family. I'm sure they found out already about the peculiarity of this forest.

'Eventually, they might find that egg just like in my last life.'

All of the sudden, she flinches.

'Oh, sh*t! We're surrounded.' Nie Zili muttered nervously and kept thinking.

'No! This can't be happening. I didn't sense it. How come they disappeared on my radar!



'It's not that they disappeared. They took a shortcut and those two earlier are just a distraction for them to catch up to us in another direction!'

"Ren, Li Ren.

"Don't move forward. People are waiting for us to get there. We are surrounded."

The face of Li Ren paled, and so is the disdainful Li Ren.

"What happened!?"

Li Ren became a little panicked when she heard this girl 'Zhili' say that. Her state is not ideal to fight a group of high-ranking Pollination establishment experts. 

'My insides are still bleeding, my aura is spent a lot on it. How am I supposed to fight? Is this the only way?' She thought as she was thinking of leaving these two behind, but before she could do so…

"Don't stop me Brother, Let me take care of them." Said Nie Ren, looking at the front. 

'I have become powerful, but brother Zili didn't want me to use it. I am a legendary symbiotic bloodline cultivator and I hailed as a good fighter in my village. 

'But brother don't believe in my strength because I lack in life and death situation. This time, I will prove my brother wrong and brother Nie Zili would finally recognize me.'

"Such a brave little girl. Tell me, now I'm considering killing you or tasting your body first and then... Kill you."

"Hah! She is lively, but we need to go eliminate her immediately."

Two tall individuals walk out of dense grassy areas, obstructing their path, and conversed. The first one is releasing a cruel and ruthless aura, while the other one is a sharp and silent aura, making him mysterious.

"Let's wait for young master Teng Cheng. He's near, and if he found out that we killed these precious flowers, he will be pissed at us."

"They are near."

Said the two individuals. Their eyes were sharp as they watch the three girls in front of them. 

"Brother, let me take care of them." 

Nie Ren clutches her two fists, creating a cracking sound. A normal symbiotic cultivator would look like their body is covered with soft armor, the head and the chest part is still that of a human.

Nie Ren, however, looks different. Her whole body transformed into a humanoid wolf, the face shapes still that of a woman, but both her eyes are long and sharp. The mouth became wide and teeth became sharp like that of a needle. However, the face is covered with fur, unlike symbiotic cultivators.

"What did she say? She's going to kill us?" 

The man said and which the other cultivators. However, before they could react, a sharp punch blasted his face! Throwing his body far away from where he is standing.

And with a right hook, a punch swipe to the other one who didn't have the time to prepare.


What happened to his partner, happened to him too...


"I never thought that they'd be so weak! I'm going to make sure that they are pounded to bits!"

Nie Ren proudly rushed by kicking the tree she was standing on.

However, Nie Zili was shocked speechless at what happened. 

'They are that weak? Could it be because Nie Ren completed three evolutions that's why she became stronger than the two of them?'

Nie Zili pondered what had just happened. It took her a while that she realized something.



'There's no sign of blood! 

'This is bad! 

'This is bad!'

"Your friend is incredible. She is strong despite being brash and high tempered."

Li Ren Commented on Nie Ren's skill, which made Nie Zili snap back to reality. Nie Zili's eyes gleamed with desperation as her entire form changed into a symbiotic cultivator form.


"She's in danger, if fact if we don't hurry and help her now, both of us will be killed or taken too."

Nie Zili sprinted as she made a powerful outburst, destroying countless trees on her path. Leaving the stunned standing Li Ren.

"What happened!?" 

Li Ren said, but seeing them already left, she also transformed into her symbiotic cultivator form and followed them.

The punch was so strong that they traveled a kilometer to reach where the men landed, but when Li Ren and Nie Zili reached the place...



Li Ren and Nie Zili were feeling dread and disaster when they saw Nie Ren's state. In front of Nie Zili, is a familiar person she didn't want to meet right now with her current strength.

He is holding Nie Ren on her neck with an amused smile.

'Teng Cheng!?'

Both ladies thought when they say they recognized the person. He is the older brother of Teng Feng, one who is worse than Teng Feng...




Nie Ren was beaten up as her symbiotic bloodline cultivation form was full of blood and bruises, despite having a strong complete evolutionary form which is completed three times.

'Teng Cheng! So he is with his special group of people. No wonder his subordinates earlier could receive such a punch earlier.'

Nie Ren tried to speak, and with difficulty, she desperately opened her mouth and scream.




"Please... Don't get cau-"

Teng Cheng observed Nie Zili and Li Ren as she closed the mouth of Nie Ren forcefully by his arm. He noticed that the brother she was talking about was a boy. 

'A concealment ability. She is a girl, the lady of luck is kissing this handsome young master... Me!'

"Heh! You couldn't even tell that your brother is not a brother, pathetic!" 

Nie Ren couldn't resist, she is weakened. She didn't understand what was going on as her consciousness faded away.


Nie Zili shouted. Her aura burst forth as she can feel that pain all over the body of her friend Nie Ren. 

'I need to heal her now! Or it would be too late! They are too strong! The guy is in peak cultivation of Pollination establishment and so are his servants.

'I'm I going to use it? I have only five more chances.'

She internally look at her consciousness as there was a shadow of a lady standing inside her consciousness.

'I don't care anymore, please... This time!'

The lady in shadow voice haze through her and says,

'Are you sure? You only have four left and you might not be able to tap in a few years if you use this now.'

The lady pointed her finger at her.

'I see, I hope you protect yourself while this power slumbers.'

The finger shone brightly, flickering on Nie Zili's forehead.