Elder is coming?

Is love true?

What happens when someone loses their memories? Can their feelings dictate them?

Do they feel it?

What if they don't?


"You lost your memories?"

Young master asked with curiosity as he could see that hatred in Li Ren's eyes.

"What do you mean I lost my memory-!?"

Li Ren was the one who asked who he was. Now she stood erect stunned because she realized she'd never been in this place before.

"What is this? What is happening?"

Too shocked by what he is happening, he couldn't help it.

"Why is this? What is this? Where is this? Did you do this?"

She couldn't recognize the young master of the Lin Family because of the clothes he was wearing. It was a suite and all-black while smoking.

"This young master will never. Such things are trivial. I don't have the time to do it too. My job here is done." 

All of the sudden...

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! 

"Young master!"

About twenty people landed beside him. They were wearing the clothing of the Lin Family.

Li Ren was staring in shock.


"Lin Family"

Horror filled her expression.

"Lin Shou, where is Lin Fushou?" Young master Lin ignored Li Ren and noticed that it was not Lin Fushou anymore who was with him earlier before he went to battle.

Lin Shou bowed slightly with sadness. Lin Shou is Lin Fushou's friend. With a little similar name, they became friends. They are both in the same stage of cultivation of Pollination Establishment.

'Don't tell me?' 

Young master thought about seeing their reaction.

"How did he perish? I already killed the beast that made them into their dream and nightmare state. 

"So how?"

Lin Shou didn't have a choice. With a heavy heart, he opened his mouth while quivering.

"Young Master, the Tyrannosaurus earwig is a master of illusion and nightmare. Lin Fushou had trauma from the war against beast people on another continent. 

"His lover died, which made him convulse his cultivation and if the nightmare was deep. He would perish in which he did."

Young master Lin felt pain when he heard it.

''I see, that's...

"I was too late to save him."

Knowing that he couldn't do anything about it, he asked again.

"What about the others?"

Lin Shou's face became a little comfortable.

"Young Master, you saved them. As expected of the young master, despite the danger, you defeated the beast."

Young Master Lin's ear irks up. He proudly put his two king-size clouds of smoke down and replies.

"Such things were a piece of cake to this young master. If Lin Fushou didn't have a trauma, saving him would be easy." 

"As expected of the young master." Li Shou could only reply.

'It was the time when Teng Feng was still alive, so the curse or fate keeps killing the person close to me. Even Li Ren is afflicted.

'Is my sacrifice and killing enough? I still don't know. I will see once I don't receive any threat anymore. If it does, then I will hunt other young masters to murder for life.'

Not knowing what to say, he could only look at Li Ren in a daze. 

'I can't do anything about this girl anymore, but her family is under us now. It's only a matter of time and she will come back to me, and I don't have to force her. She became a mortal now. I also don't know if she would become a symbiotic cultivator again.

'If she won't become a symbiotic cultivator again, I'm not sure if I could accept her. After all, I'm looking for a woman that will be in use to me. 

'I also learned a lot in novels. I won't act like a despicable young master who will chase a woman. I am a different version of a young master. Women will chase me! Not the other way around.'

"Let's go! Come with me, Li Ren." 

The young master said it's time to leave.

'As long as I took her back to her little town. There'd be a chance that she would be back.'

Li Ren was speechless.

'You didn't introduce yourself properly and now you're taking me with you. How dare you!?'

She kept grumbling. She had to go with them because it sounds like they know her town.

All of the sudden, Lin Shou reaches the young master's ears and whispers.

"Young master, Elder Lin Xuza would come and pick you up."

All of a sudden, young master Lin's expression changed.

'Damn it! 

'Come pick me up!? For what!? I don't that stinky old man!? That old fella is a typical elder! The junior you dare old man! He will probably criticize me if he finds something suspicious.

'I am confident that he will do nothing nor say against me. But if he found...


Young master Lin couldn't help but look at the helpless Li Ren who lost her memory and Lost her cultivation due to that bastard Teng Cheng and Teng Feng.

'I need to do something about her. That old man would definitely do anything to erase her. Lin Xuza, my father, hated him but he is loyal to Lin's Family.

'He would constantly kill women that my father likes as long as the background of that woman is not high. If it's high enough, that old man won't take part in nor care about my father's business.

'Even if my father is a lot stronger than him now, my father is still not eliminating this wishy-washy old man. A person who would do anything for the clan, for the future of the clan.

'Still, I hate that stinky bastard. He is not an approachable bastard that is like a hidden expert that would teach or help the main character. I won't f*cking get close to him. He can hate me forever!'

Young master Lin looked at Li Ren who looked at him back.

"Li Ren, You need to go on your own. Or an elder would kill just because you're a mortal."

Li Ren felt a thing was choking her.


"What about my family?

"Wait, you can't just.




Young master Lin felt a little headache. He pointed at the coffins and said.

"Bring me those coffins!"

Li Ren's eyes bulge with dread.

"What are you going to do ?" She asked, but was too late.

Young master Lin flashes beside her.

"You are too noisy. I'll make you sleep first." 

After he said that, he snapped her neck gently, but it's enough to make her mortal body faint.

"Young master, we found an egg and a dying embryo inside. It looks peculiar. Would you like to look, young master?"

Li Shou and his subordinate clansman came back with two golden coffins and an egg.

'They found the egg? I was supposed to eat it. Perfect, I can leave her with this egg.'

Young master Lin put a Full restore to the bug beast egg. 

'I don't know if that'll work or not. You can tame whatever is inside of this thing. But if it doesn't then, it's your fate if you can come back alive.'

Young master Lin severed the connection of his coffin and put Li Ren's aura to it to become its master so she won't become an undead creature if he put her inside while sleeping.

"Treasure coffin, a valuable weapon.

"Doesn't matter. I have a chat group. I can get better items and weapons. I still have two coffins available so it doesn't matter."

 Young master Lin imbued his arm with natural energy with the pure type of aura. And swiftly, using his hand, he dug a hole not so deep. Slowly, he put the coffin of sleeping Li Ren to it.

"With her mortal body, I'm sure she can get out of this. Li Ren, as you pleased me with your loyalty, I will give you a chance. Meeting again in the future? We will."

Young master covered the coffin with dirt. Then he looked at his subordinates.

"Let's get out of this place, this young master. Don't want that old bastard coming here and sniffing my business."

Done with his preparation, he and Lin Shou suddenly flew away with the servants at their back.


In the shadow.

"They left?" 

Nie Zili revealed herself from the dark. She looked at the coffin and knew Li Ren was inside.

"She didn't need my help."

A little while later, she appeared at the place where the Teng Family corpses were lying down like a wasteland as she thought.

"The young master of Lin Family had a terrible power. Matriarch, can you stop this?"

She asked if they joined and tried to know the matriarch's limit, but the matriarch didn't reply.

1 minute...

2 minute...

3 minute...

5 minute...

10  minute...

20 minute...

"Finally, I'm done."

Nie Zili looks at the distance, direction of young master Lin.

"Since you helped me and doesn't seem like you are the same in my past life.


"I don't care if you become one. I don't want to owe you a favor. You saved my life, I saved yours.

"Now, I need to go home and be prepared for those beings that will come shortly." 

Nie Zili left at a blinding speed after she said that. Her aura recovered, so the travel would be easy.