Young master's wrath!

When people are protecting something truly precious to them. They truly can become…as strong as they need to be!



Young master Lin slammed his coffin with all his might, however...


Contrary to expectation, the rumbling nightmare of blood didn't happen. Young master Lin didn't panic as he scanned the elders around him and found out that Elder Xuza was coughing blood endlessly.

"Are you okay, Xuza?"

One of the elders asked.

"I'm okay. I didn't expect that attack to be so strong.



"I don't know if he could do that again, so stop him if he could



"All of us might die." Elder Xuza answered.

Young master Lin did not move and tried to analyze.

'Elder Xuza!

'The strongest shield cultivator of my Lin family! He put a shield to the ground to avoid me from contacting it. No wonder my echo slam didn't work, but it's useless. I'll do it again!'

He raised his coffin again ready for slamming!





Elder Xuza went alert as he saw that the son of Lin Gu was going at it again, but he was exhausted from receiving that attack earlier, so he had no choice but to warn others.

Elder Taizong's hand spread wide, and space ability was sent.

Elder Nolan formed a flaming fist!

Elder Khaleed slices with his scimitars dune!

Elder Zarbeed Have a penetrating roar!

Elder Bast sends a fast lightning bullet!

Elder Gong sends a beam made of solar energy!







They don't care if it kills the rampaging son of Lin Gu, because earlier they felt dread, and fortunately, Elder Xuzan stopped him in time.

Young master Lin, however, sneered at their attack.

'Space aura ability, flame aura ability, earth aura ability, pure aura ability, thunder aura ability, and forest aura ability?

'It's all useless!'

'As long as there is no pugilist fighting aura ability (Martial art technique), I don't have to worry about anything.'

As expected, everyone was like turning into stone because they couldn't move on to what they were seeing.

"Our attacks!?

"How is this possible!?"

Young master Lin Baal gave them a hearty laugh.

"All your attacks are useless against this young master! Now, you all dare say that you won't go against me!?


"Just stay and watch how this young master makes you all kiss the ground!!"

The elder didn't give up their hope and continued attacking, but young master Lin Baal was already ready to destroy every single one of them.

With horror on their faces!


The ground rumbles and cracks due to the huge impact of the coffin on the young master's hand.

However, the expected rumble and echo didn't appear. The expression of the young master felt confused.


Not moving to his position.

'Could it be that I just forgot!?'

Shaking his head.


"This young master will not believe! I felt that impact earlier, but Elder Xuza defended it!''

Everyone had a sigh of relief! Whatever it was, they were glad that it didn't work.





Young master kept on slamming the ground to convince himself that it was working but all was futile...

While he was wondering if it didn't work, the elders gave a signal!



Beast people are the common enemy of Symbiotic cultivators of all sects from another continent. They are humanoid creatures that don't have bug aura on them, some of them can transform into giant bats, wolves, dragons, etc. But it's a weaker version of themselves.

They have this ability to 'rage' where they won't care if around them were enemies or friends. Akin to a raging wild creature and now they are comparing young master Lin to them.


The younger generation of the Lin Family all formed and became one! They are synchronized! Being against a creature that the elders feared, they need to be serious and forget their differences with each other.


Young master Lin stared at the sky like he was waiting for its embrace.


"This young master gets it!

"I need to wait for a few moments to wait for my echo to slam to work again."

His eyes narrowed down to the younger generations of his Lin Family and his elders.

"Don't worry, soon...

"Your fates will become like that of the Teng Family clan members I massacred earlier. Before this young master, all of you will become an exploding pile of corpses."

Young master lifted his coffin again to his shoulder, ready to fight! When all of the sudden...


Everyone dropped to the ground, covering their ears, even the elders. It was so loud that even some of the weaker younger generations of the Lin Family collapsed.

The young master was protected by a wonder guard from the attack, so he only looked up where it came from.

"High elders?"

Young Master Lin didn't care about the high elders, he only stood there when suddenly, his eyes sharpened and a maniacal smile appeared on his expression.

"I got to thank high elders later. Now all of them are on the ground. Killing them would be akin to me as an adult versus children who couldn't fight!"

Young master Lin walks towards them slowly. His coffin weapon he was dragging along was making an eerie sound on the ground. He had an emotionless eye, but with a maniacal smile.

In the family headquarters.

The high elder woman had a shocked look on her old face.

"Even my sound blaster couldn't affect him? Isn't he guarded by something? My sound blaster can pierce through any kind of barrier! So how is he unaffected!?"

Even the other high elders are in shock. Seeing that brute was about to murder his clansman, they couldn't do anything. Only the woman high elder can project her power to the spy bug beast, but seeing it ineffective, they could only watch his slaughter!

"Grandma! Kill him! Kill him!"

Said the twin sister. They were protected from their grandma's attacks so they can still stand.

Young master Lin keeps moving forward slowly, like a serial killer making the girl's tremble.


An old woman's voice called out to him, however, young master Lin only for a second and moved forward to the suffering Lin Family elders and younger generation.

"Why do you intend to kill them? What is your purpose!?"

Young Master Lin didn't answer and continued strolling.

"Answer me! I am your high elder! Answer me!"

Said the old voice of a woman loudly.

"You are not my father and my mother. I don't care if you're an elder or a high elder or even God itself! Piss off!"

Seeing the determination to murder the old woman gave up.

"What is it you want? We are willing to give you anything, Just don't kill them."

Young master stopped for a second and answered.

"I don't want to lose face!"

The old woman's voice sounds confused.

"How do we do that? What to do to make you not lose your face?"

Young master Lin gave the spy bug a joyful smile.

"Not to lose face? By killing them!"

Inside the headquarters.

The old woman was screaming angrily!


Lin Gu had a serious look on his face. But on the inside, his smile was ominous.

'Out of all my sons, I never expected someone would inherit my ruthlessness.


'He is more ruthless than me!


'You made your father proud! Son! AHAHHAHAHA!'

'No wonder his cultivation is not going up. He is developing these strange techniques under my nose.

'The only thing that is bothering me is why? Why hide it? I knew my son wouldn't hide his power and would flaunt them, so why? I wonder.'

All of the sudden, the high elder woman looked at him.

"Lin Gu! Stop your son right now! I know you're the only one who could stop him! Do it now!"

Lin Gu was taken aback.

'Her voice is a little distraught. She would never act like that.

'Could it be that she had someone as her close relatives there?


'This is my opportunity.

'My Opportunity!'

Lin Gu slightly closed his eyes.

"I know my son. When he is adamant about doing something, I cannot stop him."

The old woman became infuriated.

"Tell me what you want!"

Lin Gu smirked.

"The position of patriarch."

All of the sudden, one of the old high elders stood up.

"How dare you!! That is my son's p-."

The old woman suddenly slams the table and says.

"Don't interfere Lin Fan!"

The old woman with the other high elders.

"We can't let our hidden relatives die there Lin Fan. His son is unstoppable and his talent is on a different level. No matter what it is, having the capacity to fight elders on his own with strange martial techniques is a feat to behold itself."

The high elders gave up and closed them with as a sign of giving up.

Lin Gu finally released himself.


The high elders are there to decide would become the patriarch or not. Right now, the son of the high elder is just acting patriarch. They are still choosing who would become the true patriarch.

'I am here because of the failure of my son! And their execution with their mothers! I never expected my last son to surprise me and even give me this opportunity!

'I, Lin Gu was so proud to have you! I feel so free!'


"Give me the seal of the patriarch!"