Are You In Love With Your Wife?

After being let go, Tang Li quickly took a large step back. She patted her chest and grumbled, "If you want me to speak, you don't have to grab me like that. Just tell me! Are you afraid that I'll run away?"

She thought to herself, "I'm still single, and you're so handsome. Aren't you afraid that I might do something to you?"

Qi Yihan pursed his lips tightly and looked at her without saying anything.

Tang Li suppressed her racing heart and continued, "I'm not playing any tricks with you. If I am, I won't be here saving your father. Instead, I'll sit back and watch him die and run away with my share of the inheritance."

Seeing that he was still silent, she thought of something and patted his chest, saying seriously, "Don't worry, I like being your wife. I feel like the title gets me a lot of respect from others."

Qi Yihan continued to stare at Tang Li without saying anything. His dark eyes seemed to be able to see through her heart.