Roping in Confidants

"Next, no matter what, you have to think of a way to place a few of your confidants into Jeanne's project team. Once Jeanne has any movements, you'll know. You won't have to be afraid that she'll unknowingly cause trouble." Eden "suggested some strategies" unhurriedly.

"Okay." Joshua quickly nodded.

"Lastly, go and secretly investigate the preferences of West, MUK's person in charge. Rumor has it that Jeanne is West's lover, right? Find a woman to eliminate Jeanne. When that happens, how do you think Jeanne can work with MUK? Men like a novelty."

"I got it!" Joshua appeared to be unusually excited.

At first, he was confused and did not know how to stop Jeanne's development. After hearing what Eden said, he was suddenly full of confidence.

"If you have any problems, look for me. However, let me get straight to the point. If I tell you these things and you reveal them to a third person, don't expect me to help you in the future," Eden threatened.