Took Jeanne Away With Dominance

"Eden, you're really not afraid of death!" A bloodthirsty voice sounded.

Eden was shocked all of a sudden, and his hair stood on end.

He turned his head abruptly, and the moment he turned his head, he saw his fourth uncle.

'Why is he suddenly here?

'Shouldn't he disappear for at least a week?!'

At this moment.

Melody had also returned.

It was obvious that she had been forced back by Eden's fourth uncle.

Edward's aura completely suppressed everyone at this moment. This included Melody, who was supposed to be at her home ground.

Melody seemed to be shocked by Eden's fourth uncle's vicious aura at this moment. She just looked straight at Edward and did not let anyone stop him from entering.

Jeanne was also a little surprised.

She did not think that Fourth Master Swan would appear here. She had always thought that the person who would appear would only be Kingsley.

Jeanne pursed her lips.