Slap Alexander Hard in the Face

In the Lawrences' courtyard.

Jeanne held onto George's hand as they walked into the hall together.

In the hall, it was obvious that Alexander and Jenifer were there as if they were waiting for her on purpose.

The moment Jeanne appeared, Alexander's expression changed slightly, looking very complicated.

Jeanne was not in the mood to deal with his mixed feelings at this moment.

Not to mention Alexander, the impression everyone in Harken had of her was probably going to change drastically.

53 billion dollars.

To be honest, when she had so much money in her account, she was also surprised.

She knew that Kingsley was very rich, but she did not expect him to be outrageously rich.

Of course, at the end of the day, the money belonged to Kingsley.

It did not mean that the money was hers just because they were in her account.

Sooner or later, she would return them to him.