Compared to Jeanne, All of You Are No Different From Trash!

In the Lawrences' hall.

Alexander was so angry that his face turned cold.

The more he thought about it, the more he could not bear it anymore. At this moment, he sat on the sofa and suddenly kicked the coffee table in front of him. The coffee table fell to the ground in an instant.

Everyone in the house, including the servants, was so scared that they did not dare to breathe.

At this moment, Joshua rushed in from outside. When he saw his father throwing a tantrum, he was also scared.

Alexander looked up and saw Joshua. His face darkened. "Where did you go?!"

His voice was scary.

Joshua did not know what happened. He looked at Jenifer.

Jenifer signaled him not to provoke Alexander.

"Speak! Can't you speak?!" Alexander vented his anger on Joshua.

At this moment, he was mad at Joshua.

If Joshua was capable, he would not have let Jeanne turn the house upside down!