Ms. Lawrence, I Haven’t Had a Woman for a Long Time Either

"Should an 18-year-old high school girl only take action instead of talking?!" Shelly asked Nox with a serious expression.

Nox could not say anything at this moment.

He just stared at Shelly with his eyes wide open.

Shelly looked very indifferent. She turned around and said, "When my figure is better, I'll do it with you."


'When did I f*cking say that I want to do it with you?'

Nox slammed the door shut. He was so angry that he forgot that he had gone out to get water.

He went back to his room and picked up his phone, making a phone call in a huff.

When the call was picked up, the person on the other side immediately scolded him, "Are you crazy? It's so late now. Don't you know that your mom wants her beauty sleep?!"

His dad's angry voice could be heard.

Nox felt very wronged.

He said, "Dad, can you ask Shelly to go back? She has seriously affected my normal life..."