I Want to Pamper You With All My Life

The bloody night had come to an end.

The whole world was quiet.

In the room, Edward looked at Jeanne, watching her sleep.

Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and her face was pale.

Edward sat next to her as if he was petrified, quietly watching her sleep.

He could not shift his gaze away.

If he was any later tonight…

If Jeanne was still that frail girl from seven years ago…


Edward clenched his fists tightly.

He did not dare to imagine.

"Fourth Master." A male voice was heard.

Edward's eyes moved slightly.

Some emotions—some cruel emotions—were hidden deep inside his eyes.

He gently covered Jeanne with the blanket and slowly left the room.

At the door, Finn was waiting for him.

Edward gently closed the door and followed Finn out of the bedroom. He did not want anyone to disturb Jeanne's rest.

The two of them walked to the living room on the first floor.