The Wedding: Announcing It to the World

The big screen of Fourth Master Swan proposing to Jeanne lasted a whole day and night.

The last time such a scene happened was seven years ago when Monica was courting Finn, and the entire South Hampton City was in an uproar.

Just as everyone was still discussing whether Jeanne would marry Fourth Master, the news media had already announced that Fourth Master Swan and Jeanne's wedding would be on the 16th of that month, which was three days later.

The viral news spread like wildfire across Harken!

Previously, there had been news of Fourth Master Swan and Jeanne having an affair, but nobody thought it was real. Even though they knew that the media would not dare to spread rumors about Fourth Master Swan, it was still... unbelievable, and they thought it was probably just hype.

Yet now, they were about to get married! In that case, they had to believe that Fourth Master Swan was really having an affair with Jeanne!