Honeymoon: I Love You, Jeanne

How could Finn have such a bad character?

She said, "Do you know your character makes you very annoying?"

She said it out loud because she could not hold it in or suppress it anymore.

However, Finn did not answer her. 

"I'll have you know that no woman would like someone like you!" Monica said, enunciating each word.

The grip on Finn's fork tightened.

"*sshole!" Monica left after saying that.

She felt like it was a waste of time talking to Finn. 

Why could she not drill it into her mind every time that she should not interact with that man?

Why could she not drill it into her mind every time to stay away from that man?

Was she crazy? Why did she think that she and Finn could still be friends in the future?

Finn's hate for her was deeply rooted in his bones.

What was it about her that made him look down on her so much?